Presenting the Law and the Sabbath Our Special Message—The Lord - TopicsExpress


Presenting the Law and the Sabbath Our Special Message—The Lord has a special message for His ambassadors to bear. They are to give the people the warning, calling upon them to repair the breach that has been made by the Papacy in the law of God. The Sabbath has been made a nonentity, an unessential requirement, which human authority can set aside. The holy day of the Lord has been changed to a common working day. Men have torn down God’s memorial, placing a false rest day in its stead.—Manuscript 35, 1900. {Ev 225.2} The Last Message to the World—The last message of warning to the world is to lead men to see the importance that God attaches to His law. So plainly is the truth to be presented that no transgressor, hearing it, shall be excusable in failing to discern the importance of obedience to God’s commands. {Ev 225.3} I am instructed to say, Gather from the Scriptures the proofs that God has sanctified the seventh day, and let these proofs be read before the congregation. Let those who have not heard the truth be shown that all who turn aside from a plain “Thus saith the Lord,” must suffer the result of their course. In all ages the Sabbath has been the test of loyalty to God. “It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever,” the Lord declares.—Gospel Workers, 148, 149 (1915). {Ev 226.1} The Deciding Question for Whole World—The light concerning the binding claims of the law of God is to be presented everywhere. This is to be a deciding question. It will test and prove the world.—Special Testimonies, Series A, No. 7, pp. 17, 18. (1874). {Ev 226.2} The Build-up in New Fields—I have had to break off writing to have an interview with Brother _____. He is in some perplexity.... He wished to know how to present the truth in entering new fields, whether the Sabbath should be presented first. {Ev 226.3} I told him that the best and wisest plan would be to dwell upon subjects that would arouse the conscience. He could talk to them upon practical godliness; devotion and piety; and present the self-denial, self-sacrificing life of Jesus as our example until they will see the contrast in their self-indulgent life, and become dissatisfied with their unchristian lives. {Ev 226.4} Then present to them the prophecies; show them the purity and binding claims of the Word of God. Not one jot or tittle of this law is to lose its force, but hold its binding claims on every soul to the end of time. When the law of God is made void; when the Christian world is joined to the Catholic and the worldly, in making of none effect the commandments of God, then God’s chosen people arise to defend the law of Jehovah. {Ev 226.5} This is the guile that Paul used; this is the wisdom of the serpent; the harmlessness of the dove. When we come to a community that is acquainted with our faith, this cautious course need not to be pursued, but in every case special efforts should be made to come close to hearts by personal efforts. Avoid running down the churches; do not let the people receive the idea that your work is to tear down, but to build up, and to present the truth as it is in Jesus. Dwell much upon the necessity of vital godliness.—Letter 2, 1885. {Ev 227.1} Broaching the Sabbath in New Fields—The message of truth is new and startling to the people of this country [Australia]. The Bible doctrines presented are as a new revelation, and they really look upon the sentiments advanced as infidelity. In presenting the Sunday question, or the union of church and state, handle it carefully. It will not answer to present the strong positions that have been and will of necessity be presented in America. {Ev 227.2} These subjects must be broached guardedly. We have not as yet obtained standing place in this country. The enemy of all righteousness has been and still is working by every device he can invent to hinder the work that ought to be done in enlightening and educating the people; his forces are increasing. Delays have been giving Satan advantage of the situation, and these delays have caused the loss of many souls. The Lord is not pleased with the retarding of the work. Every delay renders more difficult the work that must be done, because advantage is given for Satan to preoccupy the field, and prepare for determined resistance. {Ev 227.3} The tardy movements of our people in raising the standard in our large cities are not in harmony with the light given of God. A glimmering of light has been shining in the cities, but just enough to make the false shepherds feel that it is time for them to be actively at work in presenting fables and falsehoods to turn the people away from the message of truth. Some little effort has been made, but men and money are not furnished to do the work. Satan has worked and will work with his lying wonders, and strong delusions will be accepted where the banner of truth should have been uplifted. Now the fact that God’s people that know the truth have failed to do their duty according to the light given in the Word of God, makes it a necessity for us to be more guarded, lest we offend unbelievers before they have heard the reasons of our faith in regard to the Sabbath and Sunday.... {Ev 228.1} There is need now to give to the people patient, kind instruction; the education of a lifetime is not to be readily counteracted; great tact and patient effort are needed by those who shall present the truth in any manner.—Undated Manuscript 79. {Ev 228.2}
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 23:03:11 +0000

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