President Obama reportedly penned a secret letter to Irans Supreme - TopicsExpress


President Obama reportedly penned a secret letter to Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last month.....Obama wrote to Khamenei in the middle of last month and stressed that any cooperation on dealing with the Islamic State, or ISIS, was tied to Iran striking a deal over its nuclear program. In other words, saying, and giving Irans supreme leader, a message from our Sunni born, and bred president, that if you scratch my Muslim back, Ill scratch yours. Here you see, and bear witness to a President being completely blind of protecting our national interest, and that of our allies, has he perpetuates, and builds on the interests of radical, Mid East nations, their religious war on the west. Completely skipping, and negating any congressional, intelligence input on writing, and sending this letter, whats known about any details that Obama, and his administrative staff, wrote in this letter? This action by Obama, actually throws a monkee wrench into any securities, and negotiations previously made, while at the same time, giving Iran greater confidence of having an upper hand, has an ally fighting Isis. A fight against Muslim radicals, who too are intent, and driven to accomplish an Islamic state, just has Iran is, and the U.S., our allies, are expected to trust our enemies, fighting enemies, who are both on the same mission, calipate? One, Iran, that we already know, has been developing nuclear capabilities, n the other, Isis, we too know procured arms from Libya, and Syria, their Iraq missions, that too have implications of being assisted through Obamas state department, its Benghazi connections. It appears to me that this administration is running its own covert war, with its trusted Mid East partners, while unifying Muslim radicals, and dividing the U.S., our allies. foxnews/politics/2014/11/06/source-says-reported-letter-from-obama-to-ayatollah-fs-up-everything/
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 18:26:28 +0000

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