President Sirleaf scores Big Having read sufficiently about the - TopicsExpress


President Sirleaf scores Big Having read sufficiently about the history of African Politics and Politicians, I can conclude that our greatest problems have been the peaceful holding of free, fair and transparent election and the realistic turning over of power after elections. These negative perspectives have often pushed African Nations into huge post-election violence. Political Institutions and Politicians actions have resulted into the loss of lives, properties and forceful migrations. Most often, opposition political institutions throughout the study of African politics have rushed to discredit and dismiss elections results and insight violence for the purpose of having a power sharing government. The unprofessional handlings of elections have led to the fall of many African countries democracy. However, in Liberia today, the case is very different. Truly speaking, this is my first time in Liberia to see opposition political parties rushing and standing in long lines to indicate the free, fair and transparent nature of an election. For me, President Sirleaf scores big. Moreover, this indicates how the president and the entire government truly believe in the principles of democracy. What was more democratic about the just ended senatorial elections was to see the president playing a conspicuous independent role when even her biological son contested. Until someone can prove me wrong, I never saw the president campaigning for her son as she openly did for other candidates. Wow!!! A strange and positive phenomenon exhibited by a sitting president in Africa. Interestingly, she has accepted all the results unconditionally. For this, President Sirleaf scores big. Throughout the reading of African Politics, one will come across situations and processes where sitting presidents have struggled to bring to powers their sons, daughters and other relatives through the use of state resources. These leaders forced supporters and followers to support their sons, daughters or relatives. Some even sacked government employees that openly refused to support individuals of their wishes. Interestingly, this president was cleared not to openly pledge support for her son, which could have given him undue advantage or run the state into pandemonium. She rather sat, watched and accepted all the results presented by the National Elections Commission of Liberia. Definitely, this shows how this president respects the views of the Liberian people. I consider such decision and principle from the president as a noble prize winning decision and principle. Throughout the landscape of Liberia today, citizens are expressing that the just ended senatorial election was free, fair and transparent. To me, these are signs and symptoms of good governance and pure democracy. For this, president Sirleaf scores big. It is without doubt that Liberia is experiencing a political transformation. The attitude exhibited by president Sirleaf in the just ended senatorial elections shows how well Liberians and Liberia have developed in terms of politics. This action on the part of the president specifically and the government in general indicates the level of political tolerance and good governance been practiced in Liberia. Additionally, this shows how the president and government have transformed the thinking of a state that grossly experienced 14 years civil conflict recently. This is a signal of the peace and security we are enjoying today under the dynamic and responsible leadership of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. This president has increased the level of political tolerance in our society evidenced by her unconditional acceptance of freedom of speech. To admit, some Liberians have grossly misused and misinterpreted the true meaning of this freedom of speech. Some speak with huge arrogance, ignorance and rudeness all in the name of freedom of speech. However, being a president that believes in the spirit of democracy and a true mother, she has played down those many violations of her rights. Again for me, president Sirleaf scores big. Finally, as we have shown so must trust in the government through the National Elections Commission for conducting free, fair and transparent elections, it is my hope that we will continue to develop and maintain this trust in future elections. We must all struggle to maintain this democratic space that we all enjoying today. Liberia is all we have, and this president has shown that no one is above the law or more Liberian than the other. This is a show of mature and experience leadership. We all have our individual role to play in the maintenance of this peace we are all enjoying today folks. Today, we have achieved as a nation and people, we and signing praises to the government for producing a peaceful elections. Again, hope we can continue on this trajectory as a nation and people. We can be an example for other nations to follow. This I strongly believe we can achieve together. The management of the Liberia state since 2005 is a signal of experience leadership. For this, President Sirleaf scores big. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to madam president, the government and to all Liberians in and out of Liberia.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 08:40:50 +0000

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