Press-Register Editorial "Sam Jones is loyal to a fault. Who wants - TopicsExpress


Press-Register Editorial "Sam Jones is loyal to a fault. Who wants another four years of Police Chief Micheal Williams NOT leveling with the media -- and therefore the public -- about crimes in our city? Williams loves to strut in front of the cameras whenever there is a perp walk, but otherwise his law enforcement agency is by far the least cooperative with news outlets in south Alabama. And who wants four more years of Public Works Director John Bell sticking with the same engineering contractor while armadas of garbage float down the lazy river after every rain shower? Jones and his campaign consultant developed the slogan "too busy to be divided" but both declined to condemn a race-baiting flier attacking Stimpson and both have exploited racial division with alacrity. "One Mobile is really Old Mobile" is a contemptuous cheap shot that does not "stick with the issues," as Jones has pledged to do. In his most recent TV commercial Jones proclaims that "We will have no tar sands in the city of Mobile." But the city has already allowed construction of a project to pump tar sands oil under the Mobile River into giant storage tanks on Blakeley Island. Over 100 railroad tanker cars loaded with tar sands oil will soon be rumbling through our fair city every day."
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:31:59 +0000

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