Press Release 16th September, 2013 PRESS STATEMENT ON - TopicsExpress


Press Release 16th September, 2013 PRESS STATEMENT ON HER EXCELLENCY DR JOYCE BANDA PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MALAWI MEETING WITH PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE KAMUZU PALACE, LILONGWE THURSDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER 2013 Her Excellency Dr Joyce Banda, the President of the Republic of Malawi received in audience Board Members of the Public Affairs Committee at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on Thursday 12th September, 2013 where Public Affairs Committee presented their views. Public Affairs Committee congratulated Her Excellency Dr Joyce Banda on assuming the position of SADC Chairperson and for successfully hosting the SADC Summit.j PAC commended Her Excellency Dr. Joyce Banda for broadening the political space, pursuing an inclusive, consultative and participatory governance agenda. PAC observed that The President has appointed more women in strategic positions more than ever before. PAC applauded Her Excellency the President for taking tough economic reforms like devaluing the currency which has contributed to stabilising the economy and creating a platform for growth. PAC noted that Her Excellency the President has positively responded to and acted upon most of the issues that were raised during the All- Inclusive Stakeholders Conference of October 2012; most notable was the passage of the Tripartite Bill. PAC acknowledged that Her Excellency has made them proud. Following the above observations, PAC had the following questions to raise with Her Excellency the President: Asset Declaration PAC noted that Her Excellency the President had declared her assets to Parliament and requested Her Excellency if this should be made public. PAC also appealed to the President to expedite the tabling of Asset (Amendment) Bill to Parliament to ensure enforcement of the law. HE’s Response Her Excellency the President thanked PAC for raising this matter with her. The President confirmed her declaration of Assets after assuming the Office of the President and that the documents are with Parliament. Her Excellency the President observed that it was important to govern by rule of law which is the position of the Constitution other than by other dictates. At present, the requirement of the law on assets declaration has been met. However, Her Excellency the President further observed that the law is silent on what happens when officials leave office. For example, when former Presidents Bakili Muluzi and the Late Bingu was Mutharika left office, there was no demand on them to declare what has been acquired while in office and how. Furthermore, the public including PAC is focusing only on the President but leaving out other officials including Ministers. Her Excellency is of the view that a wider group of public officers should be added to the list including Principal Secretaries, Chief Executive Officers of Parastatals, etc. Hence, Her Excellency advised for the need to review the law to include the issues which are being raised in the public domain. Her Excellency the President assured PAC that she is committed to the rule of law other than rule of opinions. Her Excellency the President has directed the Attorney General to begin the process of addressing the shortfalls in the Asset Declaration Act. Her Excellency the President is of the view that the Asset Declaration issue is being influenced by Government detractors to divert public attention and debate away from the MK61 billion scandal which has deprived poor Malawians of medicines, classrooms, notebooks and roads. It is ironic that some members of society would divert public attention away from demanding transparency and accountability on how the MK61 billion was acquired to focusing the current leadership. Corruption PAC noted that the perception on prevalence of corruption in Government still persists and appealed for continued fight against corruption. HE’s Response Her Excellency the President shared with PAC her efforts in curbing corruption in Government. The Government has introduced stringent monitoring mechanism of resources in all Government departments. This includes the implementation of the Integrated Finance Management Information System, evaluation and monitoring of procurement and award of tenders and improved Automated Tax Administration. For example, this year alone, Government has saved US $16 million from Fertilizer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP) alone. The President is saving MK45 million every month from not using transport from public institutions, in rallies and political meetings as was the case in the past. Her Excellency has also saved thousands of Kwachas in refusing to change the Presidential Portrait after being awarded the Honorary Doctoral Degree in South Korea against the practice in the past. Through the Ministerial Delivery Meetings a lot of issues bordering on corruption and abuse were exposed and corrected. The President has also appointed the Director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Auditor General in an effort to fight corruption The President assured PAC and the nation that her commitment to clean up the country of corruption, abuse of office, fraud and proliferation is deepening. The President has directed the Auditor General to build capacity in his department by filling up all vacancies with professional staff and to upgrade the information technology in his department to prevent abuse and interference by those officials have been sacked. The Ministry of Finance is overhauling the payment system and tracking and sealing loopholes for fraud and abuse. Frequent Travels PAC observed that Her Excellency the President has made frequent trips during her year in office. They did acknowledge that in the circumstances in which the economy was in, it was a matter of chicken and egg; a catch 22. HE’s Response Her Excellency the President informed PAC that it was a necessity for her to make the trips she made noting that she was aware that the recovery of the economy was directly linked to her foreign policy. She needed to articulate her vision and lobby for support and investment for the country to recover. And indeed she is proud that in the past year, her Government has generated more than US$1 billion in grants and loans; and more than US$820 million of investment projects have been approved by Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC). The official foreign exchange reserves now stand at 2.5 months against 1 month in June 2012. The banking system as a whole now boasts of 3.7 months of foreign exchange reserves against 1.9 months last year. My Government has cleared all import arrears. Industrial production has increased from 30 percent last year to 75 percent this year. These are no mean achievements. Her Excellency also highlighted that most of these trips were self financing and therefore less demanding on the country’s budget. Her Excellency the President further observed that she does not have the luxury that other Presidents had where they had five years to implement their programmes and thereafter face the elections. She noted that she only had 24 months to recover the economy, demonstrate visible achievements to Malawians and lay a foundation for growth; thereafter face an election. These cannot be done by a hands folded and a desk chained President. The President also observed that as Head of State, she had a duty to explain her policies and programmes to the people in the rural areas, appreciate their conditions and share in their pain and assure them of the hope as the economy was going through reform. Bad Laws PAC observed that there were a number of bad laws that were enacted during the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Government and in 2012 they had urged the new administration to repeal most of these laws. They noted that some laws have been repealed while others are still with the Law Commissioner. HE’s Response Her Excellency the President acknowledged that indeed there were a number of “bad laws” passed by the DPP Government. The President highlighted a number of laws that have already been repealed and also some which are being reviewed by the Law Commission. section 46 of the Penal Code (Cap7:01); the Civil Procedure (Suits by or Against the Government and Public Officers) (Amendment Act, 2011); the local Courts Act, 2011; and Section 35 of the Police Act, 2010. The President further reminded PAC of a number of laws that have either been amended or enacted not only in political governance but also in improving doing business. These laws include: Business Licensing Act, Business Registration Act and Companies Act (Amendment) and Investment and Export Promotion Act. Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) PAC observed that the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation is being monopolised by the ruling party and asked for the need to open up. HE’s Response Her Excellency the President reminded PAC of her directive in her State of the Nation Address to Parliament on 18th May 2012 and subsequent statements she has made on the freedom of MBC. The President observed that neither the Government nor the Peoples Party had interfered with the operation of MBC since she came to power. She noted that what she heard from MBC officials is that Opposition Political Parties are shying away from utilising the MBC. To many of them it is a hangover of the past because they used to refuse Opposition Parties and they feel they will be treated likewise. The President highlighted reports where some MBC reporters are harassed by Opposition Parties when they go to cover their functions. Her Excellency the President indicated that it was up to the institutions to be proactive to be covered. Arrest of DPP Officials and Other Government Officials PAC acknowledged the due process of law being followed in the case involving DPP Officials and some Government Officials following the release of the Commission of Inquiry Report into the Death of Late President Bingu wa Mutharika. However, PAC indicated that there are rumours that Government plans to push these cases when we are close to the elections. HE’s Response Her Excellency the President observed that indeed she has insisted that the due process of Law be followed and she has ensured that neither herself nor her Government interferes in the case. As the public is aware, the case is in the hands of the Judiciary and the calendar of the case is determined by the Judicial Programme, the Executive arm of Government does not control the pace of the case. The President reminded PAC that the issues of the Inquiry were of public demand and of her calls on the Judiciary to accord Malawians of speedy and fair justice. Her Excellency the President reminded PAC that matters of this case are in the hands of the Judiciary and it would be wrong for her to interfere. Transformative Leadership PAC briefed Her Excellency on their advocacy programme surrounding issues like: Permanent National Planning Commission; Constitutional Review Report of 2007; Reduced Cabinet size; Presidential Running mates for Political Parties and Section 65. PAC informed the President of their intention to lobby with candidates for the 2014 Tripartite Elections of the need to carry issue based campaigns. HE’s Response Her Excellency the President advised PAC that she had already called for a process to develop a National Master Plan for 2014-2064 during the Economics Association of Malawi conference in Mangochi earlier this month. The process will evaluate and review Vision 2020, Malawi Growth and Development Strategy and Economic Recovery Plan. The National Master Plan will involve all stakeholders. The President also observed that she had already reduced her Cabinet to affordable levels and she received a lot of applause across the country. The President reiterated the need to govern by rule of law and not rule by desire. Hence, she is also waiting for the courts to determine of Section 65. In closing Her Excellency the President appealed to PAC to recognise that she had only one year to do all these things and she needed to prioritise based on urgency of matters, impact of the economy and building foundation for sustainable economic growth. The President said that she is proud of the achievements so far because this time last year, this country was in a position of uncertainty, anger and gripped with fear of the unknown. But now, the country is experiencing both political and economic freedoms; the prospects of private sector growth are very high and international confidence in the Government and the Country has grown unprecedentedly. The President is once again assuring all Malawians that she is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability in Government; continue with policies that ensure equity and building a respected nationhood. #sk1
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:33:11 +0000

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