Prince George Marries A Nice Jewish Girl! by Teréza - TopicsExpress


Prince George Marries A Nice Jewish Girl! by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™) The following is – at least to date – a royal fable … perhaps, we will see what the REAL future holds, shall we? Royal Jew daughter blog essayA unique East Coast, America family decides to add a daughter to twin sons who themselves were birthed in later years of the new millennium’s first decade via expensive and time consuming fertility treatments. This precious addition – the only daughter of a loving and successful Jewish Mother and Christian Father, is raised in the Jewish faith as are her two brothers. So much of her hereditary biography is quite special … to start, her very accomplished feminist Father legally took her Mother’s family last name and agreed that their children do the same. The inherited exceptionalism does not stop there – oh no, indeed it is long suspected that her brilliant learned genealogist Father’s Paternal Grandmother is a descendant of Polish royalty. No other Paternal family, except for a few distant cousins, exist [all legally disowned and disinherited by her parents]. On her Jewish side, the highest and most royal tribe is her lineage and probably the oddest fact here is her Maternal Grandmother is thought to be a distant relative of Albanian Muslim royalty. Yes indeed a rare and unique biography for this girl child born 2015 to an accomplished and quite well known couple. So it is that Morgan Rose comes into the world just two years after third in line to the British throne, first son of Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, Prince George Alexander Louis. Morgan Rose is a trust fund baby and as such wants for nothing – still there is nothing taken for granted – not by her nor her older brothers. It seems the devoted parents of these three much adored children believe life lessons equally valuable to give their children, as are the private school educations, world travel and lovely multiple homes that they have been able to provide as parents. In this and some other distinct manners, Morgan is raised very much similar to Prince William, the late Princess Diana’s son and as he and his wife are raising their son, George. Yet another commonality is the public persona both Morgan and George’s parents and subsequently they have needed to deal with – secure in their own REAL truths, these children grow strong, happy and confident – determined, as were their parents, to be productive members of society. Now of course, both also enjoy the perks and luxuries afforded them by their families exalted stations in life – nothing wrong with that as long as good and balanced attitude maintained. So it is these two people grow up healthy and happy – then meet and fall deeply and forever in love. You ask how - well is was actually a rather easy happenstance that brought them together. Education always an important part of a Jewish upbringing, Morgan and her brothers are all headed to the the oldest university in the English speaking world, Oxford and unlike both his parents that met at Saint Andrews, Prince George being a very studious and scholarly young fellow choice is also University of Oxford. There it is – the meeting of a privileged American Jewish young woman and the British heir to the throne – he two years older being the more seasoned of the two and thus the more sophisticated in all things romantic pursues Morgan Rose with elegance and determination.The year is 2033 and his Father, King Charles has been on the throne for nearly thirteen years now – so young Prince George is currently second in line to ruling Great Britain and is mostly nonchalant at age twenty about that prospect considering the longevity that runs in the Windsor family. Never considering the historical or political difficulties their union would present, George and Morgan decide to marry after a four year courtship – announcing it a few short weeks after the young lady graduates with honors. Oy veh moment for sure – but is works out quite well and I will explain exactly how. You see my dear readers the Act of Settlement of 1701 ONLY prohibits the monarch from marrying a Catholic – as Morgan Rose is 100% Jewish in faith and upbringing, even through her beloved Father is Catholic, there is no REAL legal obstacle to this marriage. Now of course their children being Jewish and not members of the Church of England is of great concern to Monarch and Parliament alike but liberalism rules the day here too – it is decided that a decree will be established allowing for any children born to Prince George and the now Princess Morgan Rose to sit on England’s exalted throne. After all, Jewish royalty goes back to King David and the great King Solomon – as such there has always been Jewish blood in the castle! P.S. Now all of you my darling readers and followers must surely realize the template for this tale is a wee bit autobiographical in details of children and our family REAL history and circumstances. Do I hope and husband and I planning to add a daughter to our family ? The REAL answer is yes we would love and are attempting to have a daughter if G-d so blesses us and would I wish her the first Jewish Queen of England? That too is an affirmative answer of yes but only if she REALLY loves the King and would be willing to go through trial and tribulation and he for her – as my husband and I were for each other. In my year (2013) end memoir HeiressMommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! and recently decided Summer 2014 Life Journey of Heiress Mommy! Real detail of all both of subtle insinuation and pointed fact here will be included. Until then, Cheerio Good People – at least until my next blog essay that is! heiressmommy.wordpress/2013/07/28/prince-george-marries-a-nice-jewish-girl/
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 13:05:28 +0000

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