Progressives: Its time to stop being duped by people who just say - TopicsExpress


Progressives: Its time to stop being duped by people who just say all the right things -- but have not acted consistently (and often inconsistently) with progressive values, both before you voted for them and afterward. You keep voting for people who lie to you and who act contrary to your values because you perceive them to the the lesser of two evils -- and so our choices are basically between two war-mongers and sell-outs to Wall Street, who seem to care nothing about human or civil rights, let alone economic and environmental justice. Beware: We will see a continuation of the disastrous Bush/Obama years with Hillary Clinton as President. What is it progressives dont understand about: (1) HRCs bribes from Wall Street. (For example, she received an estimated $400,000 for two speeches to Goldman Sachs last October. If you want the banks that are too-big-to-fail to be broken up, you must understand that HRC will never do it (and has never even advocated it!)). (2) HRCs opposition to marriage equality (recall she supported the clearly unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act?! -- and spoke like Pat Robertson about marriage being between one man and one woman since the beginning of time?!) until the polls showed she needed to change her position; (3) HRCs vote to give GW Bush the power to take our country to war against Iraq, without even reading the National Intelligence Estimate (which called into question the Bush lies HRC naively relied upon); (4) HRCs many lies over the years, including the whopper that she and Chelsea faced sniper fire and had to run to their car with their heads down upon arriving in Bosnia (a lie documented by video and a national correspondents eye-witness account); and (5) HRCs war-mongering hawkishness, including a desire to ramp up the death and destruction in Syria by arming the insurgents (who are almost certain to be doing the job for al Qaeda-affiliated organizations seeking to control Syria) and a desire for adding more troops in Afghanistan than even the Secretary of Defense sought. If you want a Wall Street sell-out, a consolidation of the power of too-big-to-fail banks, more drone attacks, an expansion of the growing hatred toward the U.S. in the Middle East, and slavishness toward Israel and contempt toward Palestinians, HRC is your candidate. But if you seek to protect human and civil rights and advocate peace and a more compassionate, constructive foreign policy, you MUST make certain HRC is not the Democratic candidate for President of the United States. Draw you line NOW -- and make it clear that, under no circumstances will you vote for HRC for President of the U.S. Does anyone really want a woman as president whose brother (Hugh Rodham) received $200,000 from each of two criminals, one of whom (Almon Glenn Braswell, a fraudster) was pardoned and the other of whom (Carlos Vignali (a cocaine trafficker)) had his sentence commuted, by her husband on the last day he was in office? How incredibly arrogant. What astounding abuses of power. What will it take for there to be any accountability for the sleaze and immorality -- and for people to see through the myth of Hillary Clinton offering progressives a positive choice?!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 04:40:35 +0000

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