Proof, as if you needed it, of the Tories’ mission to phase out - TopicsExpress


Proof, as if you needed it, of the Tories’ mission to phase out the poor, weak, sick and vulnerable from society. The introduction today of the ‘benefit cap’ just about, er, puts the cap on it. The British Conservative Party are now no longer bothering to hide their disgust for anyone less fortunate than themselves. Remember that the Conservatives did not win an outright majority at the May 2010 General Election? Remember that they were forced to ask the Liberal Democrat Party to sell their political souls in order to have a small sniff of power? The Conservatives received NO MANDATE from the British public to push through their ideology. None. Still, that didn’t matter to them. Because, having not voted them in, Britain as a nation decided to lapse into a coma for the next five years. No significant voices heard, no peaceful uprisings, no protests, nothing. (I am not counting the student riots of 2011, that was not a protest.) I feel compelled to remind you that politics in Britain is hanging by a thread. Tony Blair signalled the death of the Labour Party when they foolishly elected him as their leader in 1994. He believed (and this is what has destroyed modern British politics) that it was more important to mould a party that would win the most votes in ‘Middle England’ (i.e., the large portion of the country that could vote either way depending on which way the wind was blowing) than it was to stick to a series of long-held values and principles. Worse, he struck a deal with Gordon Brown that ensured the latter would be Prime Minister one day. This was the basis upon which thirteen years of our Government was formed! So, when the Tories were ‘elected’ (remember – they weren’t), they must have felt that all of their Christmases had come at once. Why? Because the financial collapse of 2008, aided and abetted by the ‘Labour’ policy of sucking up to the wealthy City of London, happened under Gordon Brown’s watch and not only could they introduce their own twist on ‘Middle England politics,’ but they had a scapegoat to boot! It was all Labour’s fault! The essence of Conservative policy is this: look at them! They’re different! They’re POOR, they’re foreign, they need to be got rid of. Again, in a deal very similar to the Blair/Brown scenario, David Cameron chose George Osborne as his Chancellor. A man with NO FINANCIAL QUALIFICATIONS WHATSOEVER. Here are some Conservative highlights, in no particular order: • In December 2012 it emerged that Mr Osborne had bought a large parcel of land in 2000, the year before he became an MP. This was farm land in Cheshire, nowhere near Westminster, yet once elected Osborne was able to ‘flip’ properties to make it his ‘second’ home, i.e. the one he was supposed to discharge his parliamentary duties in. Having done this, he then claimed almost £100,000 in expenses to cover interest payments on the mortgage – the total cost of the house and land was £455,000. In 2011, when already Chancellor, he sold the property at £1 million and pocketed the profit. The only reason this came to light was because parliamentarians now had to declare their expenses in the wake of the 2010 scandal. • A year earlier, it was discovered that Mr Cameron himself had participated in a £137,000 land deal with LORD CHADLINGTON, a lobbyist and a personal friend of the PM. Here’s what happened (and this was published in the Daily Mail!): Lord Chadlington purposely bought a house over the road from Cameron’s Oxfordshire home ‘apparently so the Camerons could buy a chunk of its land later.’ This helped to boost the value of Cameron’s property by almost a quarter of a million pounds upon its 2001 sale price. There is nothing illegal in the deal itself (immoral, perhaps, but not illegal), except that Cameron chose to keep this quiet. Oh, and the fact that Cameron deliberately paid over the odds for the land - £62,000 over, to be exact – which coincidentally happens to be just over the exact amount that Lord Chadlington paid the Conservative Party in donations, effectively meaning that the money was a loan that Cameron repaid personally. Cameron was so desperate to buy this land that he took part in a ‘you scratch my back’ deal with a so-called personal ‘friend.’ The Prime Minister was not, his aides argued, compelled to declare the deal. Maybe not, but does that make it RIGHT? • Conservative peer Lord Nash is in his current position as Schools Minister thanks to a series of significant donations which amount to over £300,000 to the party, and an additional £21,000 to Andrew Lansley in 2009. Nash is a former chairman of CARE UK, one of the major contractors involved with the sell-off of the NHS – more of that later. For the last 30 years, Nash has been involved, even up to managing director level, with a series of private equity and venture capital firms. In January 2013, Michael Gove wanted to make John Nash a Schools Minister but he couldn’t because Nash was not elected by anyone. Oh, no problem, says Gove, we’ll just make you a LIFE PEER instead. A fine example of the open ABUSE OF THE HONOURS SYSTEM by self-interested greedy politicians in order to provide favours for wealthy friends. This man, unelected, now has the power to affect change that profits himself via his charity FUTURE, though he ‘promised’ faithfully not to take part in any decisions that would benefit them. As my wife would say – yeah, right. • I don’t even know where to begin with the NHS. This is being sold off, piece by piece, RIGHT UNDER OUR VERY NOSES and no-one seems to be giving a shit because, well, it doesn’t affect me, does it? As long as the ‘customer’ still gets a free service at the point of entry, what does it matter? It does matter. What will happen, as it did with public transport, when a private company that buys up a particular service or branch of a service suddenly find that they are not making any profit? That’s right – they’ll CLOSE IT DOWN. People who like to belittle this argument will state that it’s old news – agreed, but that makes it worse! As is the lie that the Tories put into their 2010 manifesto that there would be no ‘top-down reorganisation of the NHS.’ • IAIN DUNCAN SMITH’s assault on the poor and the vulnerable is the stuff of legend. Starting with ATOS – a private firm profiting from forcing every single disability benefit claimant to be reassessed – and continuing with today’s rollout of the Benefit Cap, every single policy decision has been from an ideological disgust of those on benefits who cannot work for a variety of reasons. And the portion of those who DO fiddle the benefits system is not sufficient justification for the amount of time, effort and – most importantly – money that has been put into these so-called welfare reforms. This Government’s austerity programme is ideological. They want the public sector to suffer, so they have sacked hundreds of thousands of workers and replaced them with private, corporate friends to do the work much less efficiently and at a greater profit which they can then keep. Those redundant workers then join the ranks of the benefit claimants, who are then targeted with reassessments and benefit caps. The Government made a big song and dance that we are ‘all in this together,’ but that is patently NOT THE CASE. The poor suffer, and the rich profit from it. And the fact is that we know that’s what they’re doing, and they know we know that’s what they’re doing, but they still do it because they can get away with it because the British public just lets them. Conspiracy theorists have argued that there is lithium in our water supply. I’ll leave that one for you to decide. But it’s a bit like the Clark Kent / Superman thing. We know Clark Kent is Superman, and we know that all the other characters know Clark Kent is Superman, but no-one actually makes the connection (well, Lois Lane did in Superman 2 but she couldn’t do anything about it either). Our Government promotes fear; they allow those who should know better to give in to their basic fear of the different. People who are different either because of culture, disability, belief. It’s been said already that the next election will be fought on welfare and immigration, hence the rise of UKIP. What the next election should be fought on is FAIRNESS. Absolute and total fairness for everyone. Here’s what I would do if I had sufficient financial resources to put a candidate in for every seat in Britain: nationalise the banks, transport, education, minerals, energy and health. Arrest everyone in the City of London responsible for the 2008 crash. Arrest George Osborne and THROW HIM IN JAIL. Give every single individual in the United Kingdom the equal right to the services that would go back into public hands. Abolish the Royal Family and strip them of their property (but I would pay them their benefits). Make everyone in the country learn the words to George Harrison’s ‘Something’ which is quite simply a beautiful song. x
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 15:42:08 +0000

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