Prophecy fulfilled - TopicsExpress


Prophecy fulfilled ............................................Phyllis Ford July 3rd 2013, The Egyptian government under the rule of Morsi was removed--the Lord spoke this particular situation out very clearly in a previous word. (Word of the Lord December 2012) Then Audrey Boyd also spoke about this several months ago even referring to the word that was posted some time back in December. When I see that a word of prophetic utterance begins to manifest (and it is occurring right before our eyes --I always go back to see what else did God speak during that time. Well, it said allot. All I can say is wow!! When you get a chance read the Word of The Lord for December 2012 and then read the Word of the Lord July 2013--God is warning us and preparing us for serious times ahead--we can wake up, pray fervently and come in before the presence of God or we can hit the snooze button and take another nap. A series of things are occurring before us: shifts in the God economy, then financial collapse, the blessings of God coming down upon his people, then judgment upon the house of the enemy, great uncovering, great awakenings, exalting the low tree, bring low the high tree, the cry of peace and safety--and coming suddenlies. The Word of the Lord for December 2012 by Prophetess Phyllis Ford November 20, 2012 at 1:38pm “I have called upon you this day to witness my power and my glory. I am calling upon you this day to partake in my plan, and to complete my purpose in a world that has grown weary. I say to you today don’t give up because of the ground of great despair and worry. What many look upon as a breeding ground for destruction, anger and frustration—will now become the final birthing place for my army of sons that are rising up and are becoming mighty warriors, for victory and glory.” “Trouble is coming in the midst of the winds of change and will cause a great shifting, even darkness will come upon the earth. But also know that before I return, I will raise up an end time kingdom of priest, with great power and glory. They will be an army of sons and all will know that the systems of greed and avarice will be destroyed. A time of kingdom government will come forth with a new glory of my presence to replace the despair with life and with spiritual strength, Godly integrity and honor. It will take form out of the patterns that I have set before you in my word. I am opening up treasures in the midst of famine, and that which has been lost will be recovered. I will replace what is known now as lack and loss with spiritual grace and mercy, strength and restoration. Too much has been relied upon by men who have not sought me on how to rebuild and replenish. When evil men begin to try to develop their plans based on mindsets that have no Godly vision and no spiritual resolve there is confusion and darkness.” Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death. “There will be a releasing of new life and light for healing in a time of weakness, there will be healing in a time of emptiness, and it will complete you in a time of uncertainty. So open up your eyes and heart as I minister to you inwardly with my mercy and my grace. Cry out for your loved ones. Cry out for this mercy and grace. My light will come to show you the way to go forward, even in times of darkness. In your cry I will speak to you, heal you, reveal you and raise you up. Come forth and allow me to transform you anew. Your cry is significant in this hour for this is what you have been prepared for and it is what I have called you to. So arise and take your place in the earth as my disciples of righteousness.” “Approaching judgments have come as a result of a rebellious people and now the effects have been financial breakdowns, struggles of the nation’s stability, strife within the government, with pride in the leadership on many levels and on all sides. However the church also must bear responsibility for allowing the values of my word to be set aside. As they allowed the pride of man and the world system into the church and it has seriously compromised her and the nation’s values and beliefs followed suit. Men have brought forth a system that was been built like Babel and in the coming days you will see the fall of that kingdom before your eyes.” “The key to seeing change will be from men coming together and praying, repenting, turning and changing their course. You must continue to Pray with power. You can turn the captivity of the people and land through prayer and walking out the apostolic and prophetic mandate of this hour without faltering. It is time to set yourselves over the nations praying, decreeing and declaring over kingdoms to root out, to pull down and to throw down, by destroying the present evil systems, and to build, and to plant everywhere the kingdom of God.” “In my word you will see the importance of how my apostles released and walked out a strategy for kingdom building by planting and establishing sound doctrine, houses of prayer, while ushering in worldwide evangelism and laying the foundation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.” “In my word you will see the importance of how my prophets acted upon my instructions and keys were released to unlock mysteries and destroy the works of darkness and destruction. Know that I have set an appointed time and my timing is sure.” “In my word you will see the enemy will rise up and in order to try to gain more power, they will challenge and fight even within their own ranks. They will fight each other, evil nation against evil nation, and evil kingdoms against evil kingdoms.” Isaiah 19:2 I will set up the Egyptians against the Egyptians and they shall fight everyone with his brother, every one against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. “Search out my word for my answers are there before you. I will open my word and it will speak to you in greater levels and dimensions of understanding than you have ever known. My people are ready and hungry for truth in this hour and I will meet with them in visitations and watching, says the Lord. So seek me and answer my call now as the time is fast approaching and the enemy is looking to usher in a new order but remember this is the hour of the birthing for my army of sons.” Isaiah 23:11 He stretched out his hands over the sea, He shook the kingdoms, the Lord has given a command against the merchant city, to destroy it’s strongholds. “It is also a time to understand that not only must you come into a new mindset of embracing my heavenly kingdom—but you also must come out of the thinking of the systems of this world in order to receive that which can only be acquired by my own hand. You must “come out from her” (the Babylonian system) and no longer rely on these things as your source for what you need. For even as my word says, that the kingdoms of this world will fall and will become the kingdoms of our God. These are the things which I have spoken to you about, so understand that you cannot cry for help from the effects of the worldly system while also allowing mammon to be your god. You must place your trust in me and the kingdom of God to provide for you and I will disperse from my hand that which you need.” Matthew 6:24 No man serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. “And I shall even provide for you by taking the wealth of wicked systems and I will release it into the hands of the just. It is essential you understand these things because your provision that you truly seek comes from the endless resources of my riches in glory. The right to access has always been in my presence. There will be those who must change their thinking because their spiritual inheritance has always come from heaven and not from the world. The heavenly economy is far greater and has a never ending value to it. Embrace it now so that you may receive answers, open new resources, and you will be able to see beyond what the world has to offer which is short-lived. Many have been entangled by trying to hold on to something that they never really owned. Those things carry with them the faulty reasoning of having possessions no matter what the cost, which could cost you to a greater degree in the end. Know that I am your exceeding great reward and I am as a spring of living water in a dry place that will provide drink even in the darkest hours, says the Lord.” Prophetic Intercession Two major concerns are the visions that I have seen concerning infighting in our nation of the US. This is not just an imagined possibility but could become a very strong reality. It is very important that we cover this possibility with a canopy of prayer and the blood of Jesus. Israel is a grave concern as well—we must be stable, strong and leveled headed if we are going to be a strong help to Israel. One’s destiny is as vital as the other. But if there is envy and strife there in our nation our effectiveness to protect Israel becomes compromised and we will see confusion and every evil work. It could hinder our ability to lend strength and affects the fervency of our prayers at a very important time. The enemy’s strategy is keep us off course and we must be sharper than this in our reactions to things that have happened. We must stand in the gap for her (Israel). Earthquakes have been very active at this time. Storms will continue come and go as we wind down to the end of this year—continue to store up and gather important necessities during this time. Lately I have been troubled about the water systems—so pray around possible sabotage around water systems. The prophetic alert around the major cities are still in place—Texas is still on the watch list along with the other cities mentioned in November’s list. I also look to hear some major feedback from the regions of Russia, North Korea, Iran and China to the United States that will be a flexing of muscles with major strength and challenges. I will be in before the Lord for the rest of the year I have had a strong feeling that 2013 will begin with serious trouble. Be in prayer with us as we stay before His presence in this hour. Please go to this link on you tube to listen to an vital message for this hour. It is on a scripture that the Lord gave me back in August. youtube/watch?v=MDo8hBZiRtA The Word of the Lord for July and beyond by Prophetess Phyllis Ford June 28, 2013 at 3:50am “You have now entered into a time where abiding in my presence is vitally important. I am drawing a line of demarcation. I am measuring and accessing all things, and I am reclaiming that which is my own. More and more will be uncovered during this time and all that I previously spoke to you would be revealed. For the ways of men and their actions are being weighed and as a result of these actions; they will be determined good or bad.” “There is a confusion sent by the enemy to delay, distract and discourage those who are walking out their faith, and to further discourage those who have abandoned their faith. The wisdom is not to waver in your trust concerning the covenant that I have set before you, hold on to the promises. They will not fall to the ground neither are they forgotten. Some will have to retrace their steps so that they can discover where they got off course, but as they repent I will lead them out. Others should just wait, because they are standing at the door and it is about to open before them.” “Look into the realm of the Spirit, some of you are waiting for me to initiate things for you that I have already provided. Search my word and you will see what I have given you, power to do and overcome so move forward according to my covenant, with the life, the light and the strength that I have placed upon you as sons.” John 1:12-13 “But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” “You are still being purged and refined, it is a necessary process, understand that even the fullness of refinement is walked out in the place of elevation, which is to come. The most important thing that you need to know is how to operate in my strength and not your own. You will then see the results you are looking for and you will advance with the victory that I have purchased. Do not allow the various things that are going on around you to veer you off course. Many things will occur now and you must be single-minded and focused so that you may walk along the path that I have prepared. This is a serious time for seeking me and walking in a close place with me. There are instructions and key direction that will be provided for you in the secret place. I am removing that which has hindered you and bringing in more of me that you will need to follow in the journey that is before you. Very serious things will happen quickly and without warning and you must be able to position yourself in a place of abiding with me. Pray without ceasing it will keep you alert spiritually and wear prayer like a garment so that as you walk out my will in that moment. In a matter of minutes you will be able to change your course to avoid coming trouble.” “This will lead you as well to upcoming provision, ways of escape and doors of opportunity that will stand before you. Timing is everything and you must make sure that you go through the places I have prepared at the right time. What will open and work for you, will work for you. Timing, answers, directions, set yourself to know what I am showing you and revealing to you about you, and the course I have designed for you. The principles in my word do not change, but the timing and instructions for you are determined by where you are and what you have committed to do. You must pray, listen and walk in a serious disciplined life now. Don’t run after words of prophecy, run after me. Because there are specifics that you need now in order to move forward. If you don’t heed then you will find yourself distracted and not focused upon the most important details you will need down the way. The economy, the crisis of famine, civil unrest, as well as the mounting frustrations will come to a complete unraveling in these coming months. You will need to know how to shift into a complete watch mode carrying the necessary wisdom of what to do in a moment’s notice.” “Walking in a dependency upon me, will keep you protected, as I guide you and lead the way for your deliverance. “There is much “emotional stirrings” going on and you must know the mind of the Spirit in this hour, says the Lord. These are words to stir up fear, anger, and emotions. They don’t carry my heart but are used to justify the reactions of men. They are the works of the flesh. ( Galatians 5:16-22). Pray, Study and Know my word—it will speak to you when you need it the most. I am setting much in order and some things must be completely torn down before the coming of the new and that which is ordained to emerge. I know that you hear the ranting and the accusations of the enemy but do not allow this to disturb you. Rein in your emotions and begin to resolve personal issues in your heart, your mind and your spirit. You will hear clearer and it will not operate as a mixture of the things of the world and the things of God. Avoid that kind of preconceived mindset that could keep you going in circles, for I am releasing to you keys to overcome and move over situations. That anointing to overcoming will carry the conviction of your faith. You are more than conquerors and it is important to read and study my word for will iron out the wrinkles of confusion and inconsistencies. Set your standards high and your discipline even higher. My power which is being released to you in my love, will remove doubt. It will impart to you a sense of oneness with me and will bring peace even in midst of coming storms.” “In this time it is essential to understand my dominion. Keep your heart and mind in a peace through the cleansing of my word, your worship and prayer will deliver you from things that will come to trouble you. Stay away from the What if’s and begin to pray and ask me to show you the wisdom to overcome. For every “what if” the enemy will present to you, I have given you an, “I will overcome.” You must be able to filter out what you see in the media and the reports from those who will prey upon your fears, and cause you to see things through the world system. Follow me, for there are hidden motives behind many things that are being played out in the media. Come into my presence and allow me to reveal to you, my truth and I will uncover the enemies of the day.” “I am ready to sound the trump and I am soon to roar. Many new things are coming forth now, I have ordered them and I am ushering them in and the enemies of this day can’t hinder nor stop what I am about to do. I am bringing forth a new you and a new discipline, and a new strength that will come forth out of your weakness. A new determination and even my plans which are not new, but are new compared to the present order of things will be revealed. I breathe new life upon you for a new time, a new hour. Put on the new. Put on the garments and wear them for I have prepared them for you in this hour. They are garments of light and liberty. (I saw in a vision of garments that were shining bright white and full of light.) That which needs to be rebuilt and restored will take on this great light, so that the kingdom can be enlarged and come forth in great measure. Many shall arise, says the Lord of hosts. MANY SHALL ARISE.” Revelations 3:4-5 “Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels.” Ephesians 4:22-24 “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Isaiah 52: 1-2 “Awake, awake; put on your strength, O Zion; put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for from now on there shall no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean. Shake yourself from the dust; arise, and sit our down, O Jerusalem: loose yourself from the bands of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion.” Special Note: Pray for Israel for the enemy has tried to set her off course but I have preserve some things, even held back some things, so that they may come right in the time appointed. Cover her with the words of my covenant, and lift up your voice and sing songs of Zion and victory. There is much evil around her, plans to strike her without warning. Cover her intercessors, cover her watchmen!! (The Lord showed me an enemy was in the camp. I saw that this man was with those who work around P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu. (We must pray for Mr. Netanyahu and pray that this enemy is uncovered). Prophetic Intercession—Please lets continue to pray over the watch list for last month.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:03:13 +0000

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