Protein, bro! Lift harder, bro! If youre a guy, Im sure youve - TopicsExpress


Protein, bro! Lift harder, bro! If youre a guy, Im sure youve heard this muscle-building advice before. But the quest for lean muscle isnt a mens-only goal, nor is it an easy one. Most people struggle to build mass. Lady or dude, if youve been working and working for more muscle but havent seen any gains, youre probably making one of these mistakes. YOU DONT TRAIN INTENSELY ENOUGH If you dont train with intensity, your muscles wont get bigger or stronger. I see many people going too light in the gym. If you think curling those 5-pound dumbbells will tone your arms, think again. Lift with purpose and power; dont just go through the motions. YOU ARENT TRAINING TO BUILD MASS To build muscle, you must lift weights. But it goes beyond that. You also have to consistently add resistance so your muscles adapt to the heavier weight. If you dont create a workload that challenges your body, it wont respond. There are many theories about how many reps and sets it takes to get bigger. But most would agree that 3-4 sets of an 8-12 rep range is the best for hypertrophy. Lifting as heavy as possible is for powerlifters and Olympic-style weightlifters. If its your goal or your sport to bench as much as you can, then lift for that goal. However, if your goal is physique-based, concentrate on feeling that squeeze and varying your lifts to hit your muscles from every angle. YOU ARENT SUPPLEMENTING CORRECTLY I left supplements for last because theyre the last thing you should worry about. Only when you perfect the above should you concern yourself with them. When you do implement them, be sure to balance them with your nutrition, rest, and training. You cant rely on protein powder to make your gains for you. Start with a multivitamin to ensure you get all the nutrients you may not get from food. Then go for fish oil, which may help reduce inflammation and could help your heart, brain, and joints to function optimally. Third, grab some whey protein powder. Youll get good nutrients and a broad spectrum of amino acids to help you repair and rebuild muscle. If you struggle to consume enough calories, try a weight-gainer. You might also add creatine monohydrate to aid in strength and lean mass gains. Any questions on training and supplementation? MESSAGE US! #DYNAMOPERFORMANCE
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:00:00 +0000

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