Proverb of the Day ( SEEKING WISDOM ) Commentary Proverbs 12 ( - TopicsExpress


Proverb of the Day ( SEEKING WISDOM ) Commentary Proverbs 12 ( BLESSING ) Verse 1 This proverb literally says , Whoever loves discipline ( Heb. musar , discipline, correction ) , loves knowledge , and he who hates reproof ( Heb. thokhájat , reproach, reproof ) ( a ) gross . You can translate reversing the terms of the sentence : He who loves knowledge loves discipline , and that hates reproof is brutish . The idea does not change that, since the meaning is always the following : Whoever wants to know , want to be instructed and corrected , while he who hates reproof is proving to be a person in which the animal instincts prevail over spiritual elements . Verse 2 Our Heavenly Father judges especially their children for the way they behave with their brothers ( cf. 1 Jn . 4:20 ), therefore , a good man, merciful , charitable, benevolent , draws upon himself the favor of Yahweh , but Yahweh condemn it as unworthy of a place in his kingdom, that devises wicked plots against his neighbor . Verse 3 Although the poor come to prosper through their sinful arts , they can make , hold, take root , through wickedness. Although come to be placed in high places , truly, I will by slides (Ps. 73:18 ) . The righteous , however , by little they have in this world, will remain firm , as have good roots. Verse 4 He who is blessed with a good wife can feel as happy as if you were sitting on a throne , as she serves as crown. The Hebrew word for virtuous (better , industrious ) is the same as 31:10 and understands the qualities of moral virtue and healthy mental capacity . These qualities are described in detail in 31:11 ff. She is a pious , prudent, active for good, conscious of their duty , which can withstand adversity without decomposing , faithful to her husband and teacher , by example and word , his children and servants. Conversely , a bad wife can not be described with better success than as rottenness in the bones of her husband, an incurable disease, it is stupid , lazy , wasteful , capricious and bad language , thus ruining the prestige and welfare of her husband. Verse 5 It is wrong to imagine that thought is free from any standard of morality , for sin originates in the heart ( V. Mt 15:19) and God sees and judges the heart . A good man may be tempted to think badly , but does not consent to evil. You can slip out a word or act out of place, out of time, out of order and purpose, but only the evil thoughts and craftily , with full intent to do wrong . Verse 6 In the preceding verse , comparing the thoughts of the righteous and the wicked. In it, they compare their words. Certainly are bad those whose words are lying in wait to shed blood, his tongue is like a sword directed against those who cross his path , good to those who hate and persecute them (see eg . Lk . 20:20-21 ) . In particular ( and this seems to be the precise meaning of the proverb ) , the wicked are ready to give false testimony to the conviction of the innocent , while just tell the truth at trial and , thus , we are safe. Verse 7 Disrupting ( lit. ) the wicked and (and ) are not ( lit. ) ( comp. 10:25). The idea is that , once disturbed , no more , no longer able to recover. They are in this slide , that the slightest blow of adversity collapse. Instead, the house of the righteous shall stand . Although death take them away, their families remain in the house , that is, will be preserved . Verse 8 The most reputable is the one that is acquired virtue and prudent behavior : The man is praised , not according to their wealth or social position , but according to his wisdom. On the other hand , the worst is contempt it deserves with evil , which diverts man through devious ways . Verse 9 There are some so foolish to boast of what they are not , to alternate with high position , with what they spend on unnecessary things they would need to use to live. They dress well with peacock feathers when they fail or roosters, always exposed to be plucked in the street , because , usually , contract large debts . Instead, there are others that seem low condition , they were dismissed as a needy and yet are supplied not only necessary, but also how convenient , not only eat well , but they have grown up . - Yet - translators note , Hebrew ebed can translate better, as required by the parallelism , it serves itself , in other words , performs the menial tasks that are entrusted to the servants. Verse 10 A truly good man is compassionate and cares for the sustenance of their animals , not only because they are at your service , but because they are creatures of God , of which God himself cares (Ps. 104:14 , 27) . They must be, therefore, enough food , rest and good treatment. Balaam was reprimanded for beating his ass . The law was also dealing with the proper treatment be given to the cattle (Deut. 25:4 ) . Instead , the evil shows its cruelty even to animals , as entirely without compassion. Verse 11 It is typical of the wise and prudent even without great knowledge , find a job that is appropriate to their qualifications and thus , with the blessing of God , earn daily bread . Being busy in honest trade is the best way to be healthy in body and mind. Keep your shop and your shop will keep you , says an adage English. Instead, it is a sign of foolishness nothings going to hunt , spend time on nonsense that produce nothing , which many people, still young and strong enough , they become parasites on society , then steal the bread from the mouth of others. Verse 12 The most likely translation of the first letter is the following : The wicked covets the fortress of evil . Ryrie says tersely : The evil greed the fort from the other evil , in order to strengthen his own position . Cohen also considered probable version . So while the righteous bear good fruit for the benefit of others and the glory of God ( Rom. 14:6 ), the wicked desires evil of others, even those who are as bad as him. Verse 13 Many people have paid dearly in this world for saying what they should not , finally being entangled for failing to rein on his tongue (Ps. 64:8 ) . Instead, the righteous speaketh necessary and true , so that , because of the wisdom of his lips , is finally vindicated , the truth eventually comes their way and God also helps him. Verse 14 Even the good words produce its fruit . With his wise advice and uplifting conversation , the good man , and the satisfaction of accomplishment , you get many other goods even in this world . Also good words are good works, which have their reward (Rev. 14:13). Verse 15 The fool thinks he is right in everything he says and does and , therefore , does not seek or receive good advice. Instead, you want to be prudent and correct advice , as distrust of himself and is interested in learning . The biggest flaw of many who have , and are regarded by scholars is that they persist in their views and refuse to listen to the arguments of others thereby deprive themselves of the best way to learn more and more . Verse 16 Passion is crazy , so many men gained prestige it lost in a moment of not knowing restrain his anger, while a wise and fair man ignores the insult and avoid quarrels and worse evils . It is a peacemaker (Mt. 5:9 ) , worthy to be called son of God , delDios peace ( Phil. 4:9 ) . Theres no one as sir as one who knows master himself . The Talmud says : Blessed is he who hears and does the deaf ; hundred evils he will ignore . Verse 17 The breathing ( lit. ) truth ( comp. Acts . 9:1 ) declares what is right , is called to testify before a court (in this sense the Hebrew verb used in 6:19, 14 4, 25 , 19:5 , 9) , always tells the truth , because the breathes both in court as in ordinary conversations . The opposite of declaring what is false , thus showing to have a lying spirit . Verse 18 The language is death or life , poison or medicine, depending on the use . The slander hurt , like a sword , the reputations of those against whom they speak. With a whisper or a bad suggestion (up to calculated silences ) are divide and cut the bonds of love and friendship , and separate those who have been close friends or close relatives . Instead , there are words that heal , even physically (hence , Prof. Lain Entralgo emphasized the effectiveness of logotherapy ) , in any case , can heal the wounds that have caused poisonous tongue and thus restore peace , persuading enmity to reconcile. Verse 19 The lip of truth part of the truth of God and , therefore, remains forever. What is true , always has been, is and will be true , can you trust it. Instead , a lying tongue can only be sustained for a moment, because, not having consistency in itself , just to be discovered . In fact, a lie needs many other for support , and this is very difficult because of their lack of cohesion leads to contradictory statements , so it is said that before there is scope to a liar than a lame . Verse 20 Deceit (literally ) in the hearts of those who plot evil , that is, those who plot evil have a heart full of deception and , as Cohen notes , where there is poor quality , there is no peace of mind , which is one essential constituent of personal happiness . On the other hand , the counselors of peace ( lit. ) enjoy joy, for there is no greater joy for lovers of peace than see it achieved. Recall again 5:9 Mt . Verse 21 The man really just may reach a misery , not a disgrace , a real bad (v. 9 Ps. 1:10). God , by His providence and grace , will keep them so as not to succumb under temptation or be overwhelmed by adversity , for all things work together for good to them ( Rom. 8:28). Instead, the wicked shall be filled with evil ( cf. Ps 32:10 ) , for those who delight in evil, good is that bad quench . Verse 22 The idea of this verse is repeated elsewhere ( especially V. 11; 20 ) . Once again we see that God delights in the truth , sincerity , while abhor falsehood. Lying is not only an abomination to God , but also a destructive element of society. Verse 23 This verse is , at first glance, a praise of cautious and reckless disqualification , but is best understood in light of 11:13 and 20:19 . It is, therefore , to cover up or hide , not knowing but what it can do harm, even if they are facts. Instead, he discovers his own folly fool proclaiming from the rooftops what he has seen or heard , without realizing the damage it can cause . Verse 24 The hard work is the legitimate means to achieve promotion. Jeroboam Solomon promoted because he saw that it was working man (1 Kings 11:28) , ie laborious. Those who are diligent in his youth may be able to get the ability to rule others . Instead , neglect is the road to poverty and slavery. And the more important it is for the common good the office , the more reprehensible is negligence in it. Verse 25 Cause and effect , melancholy is the anxious heart , is like a weight that burdens , overwhelming, bows and sinks How to cure this disease ? With a kind word , ie , kind, caring , encouraging. The word of God, especially in the gospel , is a source of joy to the hearts distressed and fatigued (see Mt 11:28). Verse 26 The first part of this verse is difficult to translate. The most likely is : Let the righteous investigate [ his way looking (better than , consulting )] to your neighbor , while the way of the wicked leads them astray . Ryrie says : research is necessary , because the way of the wicked leads to error . It seems to him that is good way but unfortunately wrong . Verse 27 This is another difficult verse to translate , in part because the verb translated by roasting is the only time that appears in the Bible. The most likely is offered by the New International Version : The lazy man does not roast his game, but the diligent estimated their possessions . The meaning is as follows: The lazy, but get to hunt a piece, is too lazy to get a roast , it is even possible to arrive before another pick , but instead puts the diligent interest in what he has , because he is as a treasure ; sees this hand and the blessing of God, and it takes advantage for himself and his family. Verse 28 The correct version of this verse is as follows: In the way of righteousness is life , and the path of that path is not death. Rabbi Cohen himself admits that this can only be an allusion to immortality following the end of a righteous life in this world . However, many Hebrew MSS score differently to the Hebrew adverb , not making them read , which completely changes the meaning and, indeed , translators note - more in line with the rest of the verse. The 2nd . part is read with no grammatical or sense disorder as follows : And there is a path ( the error ) that is a path towards death.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:36:30 +0000

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