Proverbs 14:10 The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a - TopicsExpress


Proverbs 14:10 The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy. We can only see our flaws and bitterness and struggles at times unless our God stands tall and greater than all things. In this scripture the wisdom is our hearts see and know our fight and flaws we have (and God see 1 Samuel 16:7) but the scripture goes on to say that the joy we gain no one can partake or understand it. I think about a women who has cancer and no one can understand or know the bitterness of her heart (unless you yourself have cancer) but I also believe God can heal so when God miraculously heals no one can understand her Joy nor can they fully rejoice the way her heart rejoices before God. The encouragement today is that no one truly knows what we are going through deep down because we sometimes think people wont understand and in some cases this is true. But God Almighty knows and sees all things, and He sees farther than what we can see. And what ever break through you need its on the way and when it comes it will be amazing. Your worship will be amazing, your prayers will be amazing, Love will pour out of you amazingly so. Brethren do not lose heart and nor feel condemned if you cant worship or pray in that manner now. Can I remind you that Israel was in bondage (bitterness,struggle, fears, routines) for 400 years. But when God delivered them and parted the Sea through Moses they danced and sung songs like never before. Psalm 18:30 says God ways is perfect and His word is tried. The word tried means to prove. God wants to prove Himself to us as crazy as that sounds its true. So know that we serve a God that brings a joy unspeakably great to our hearts. Do not grow weary on doing good. And if someone comes to your heart or you know someone who may be going through the trail of life send this to them and allow this song to minister and sing over you about our Amazing God. Prayer: Lord forgive us if we our selves dont forgive our short comings when you Gracefully do. I pray that today we would declare your Amazing Grace, Amazing Power, Amazing Joy in our lives and the lives of others. Send the break through because you are Lord of the break through. Change our perception and our out look to see how you see and prove to us again who you are that our trust will not waver nor stand faulty before your Holiness. God touch the brethren today and those around them and show this world that you are the God who does Amazing and Wondrous things innumerable filled with Power, Glory, and Mercy. Allow faith to rise today and repentance to be granted in Jesus mighty name Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:47:01 +0000

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