Proverbs 18:6 A fool’s lips lead to strife, and his mouth - TopicsExpress


Proverbs 18:6 A fool’s lips lead to strife, and his mouth provokes a beating. Remember the fights we had on the playground when we were kids? Guys and girls would come running from everywhere just to watch, screaming the whole time, going crazy. And when things got really out of hand and threatened to spill over into an after-school brawl, I remember the whispered announcements that spread like wildfire the rest of the day, how these same two guys were scheduled to settle things behind the building at 4:00. Be there! We laugh about it now—all the shoving and punching, the bloody noses, the torn clothing. It’s so foolish. So childish So dumb and some of us got beat a second time because we lost the fight and then we had to go back and fight again until we were the winner how mundane. After all, we don’t fight anymore, do we? Some of us certainly do most of the time now was with paper and pen and Facebook is putting us in timeout if it is too harsh and full of violence spoken words it is the same thing some of our responsible parents would do but it is a timeout to keep down harsh spoken words against you and me so Well, maybe not the way we fought as kids. But what does it take to set you off? What conditions can come together to cause you to say something ugly at the end of your fingertips things come bursting out of through your Dragon NaturallySpeaking it is an outburst of violence hard speaking words yes we fight today but in a different way some of rule some are passed on in a joking manner but these words are meant to shake the foundation of your soul, to flare up with a smart remark, to strike a low blow that may be subtle in tone but violent by design? Yes Facebook and other social networks had to put a leash on our fingertips and on those speaking devices or we would have rattled everything and stirred up people’s angry souls. I’ve come up with three levels of offense to help you think through this. If you get to level 10, you’re doing a little better than most. Level 1: Do you get angry when you’re ignored? If someone is walking down the hallway and doesn’t speak to you, does that make you think, “Hey, they saw me standing right there, and they didn’t say a word to me.” Or maybe, “I did something special for them and nobody even said thanks.” Are you ready to come out of your chair at somebody when that happens? Do you get upset when somebody speaks out against your best friend? Did you get upset when people say things about you that are untrue? Do you get upset when Facebook polls a question in you respond and then people jump on you for your opinion and you lash out back at them with a fury from hell? Do you get upset when something you shared with a friend and now you’re reading it on Facebook? Do you get upset when people make remarks about the president of the United States? Proverbs 20:3 It is honorable for a man to resolve a dispute, but any fool can get himself into a quarrel. Level 2: Do you get angry when you’re insulted? You say, “If somebody ignores me, I just ignore them. But if somebody insults me, that’s when we’re going to have a problem I dare them to take fingertips and microphones against me their words was sharper than any two edged blade I’m going to show them I’m nobody to play with is this you? How dare they say that to me! Don’t they know who they’re talking to?” I will beat them like a Hebrew slave just let them begin to speak against my opinion and they will surely see that fighting spirit that’s inside of me. Level 3: Do you get angry when someone inflicts pain? Do you say, “I can take being ignored when I only asked a simple question that needed to be answered? If someone insults me, I just let it roll off my back. But if someone inflicts me, if someone causes me physical, financial, or emotional pain, that’s when I find it hardest not to retaliate.” If this is you tell me now what would you really do? Now, while you’re measuring what level of offense it takes before you fight back, take a moment to consider the number one characteristic Yahushua the Messiah displayed that looked like the spitting image of Father Yah’uah can you see that image in your mind’s eye today? Can you imagine the scene that led up to the ordeal that happen on that fatal Friday? When the soldiers can and took Yahushua the Messiah away. Can you imagine the scene can you see it in your mind. When they spat on him or when they pressed a crown of thorns upon his head. Groups of people came forward to falsely accuse him. They made up things about him. They lied about him. And what did both Herod and Pilate observe above everything else about him? His Silence. He said nothing. They would look at him and shake their heads, half taunting, half begging, “Aren’t you going to say anything?” But Yahushua stood silently before them all. Yahushua did not offered not one word of retaliation. Now let’s clarify one thing. Yahushua was not silent because he didn’t have a defense; Yahushua was silent to fulfill prophecy (Isaiah 53:7, Acts 8:32). In 1 Peter 2:23, we get some inside information about what was going on inside of Yahushua’ silent demeanor: “When he was reviled, Yahushua did not revile in return; when Yahushua suffered, Yahushua did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to Father Yah’uah who judges justly.” Should we do less? I myself and learning from this lesson today I need to change my evil ways Quick fists. Sharp comebacks. Sensitive reflexes. These are the marks of a fool, the very things that often keep us from looking like the children of Father Yah’uah who we claim to be and who we say we serve. I hope this has been an enlightening word for you as it has been for me today you see yesterday I and my Dragon NaturallySpeaking began a foolish combat of words I was fighting but not with this in hand but words that I knew would strike back at foolish that I read on Facebook yes my blood was boiling and my flesh and my voice came out and unpleasant words because my flesh was in charge of the situation and not my Father Yah’uah so in this study I repent to all those I offended in my remarks concerning my president of the United States sometime I forget he’s Father Yah’uah’s choice in who Father Yah’uah chooses he will be sent I once read a story in the Bible were Father Yah’uah wanted to be a king for his people but they did not want him they wanted Saul as they king in most of the time they were not happy with the things they king did but Father Yah’uah allowed him to be King of the people because they with their voice rejected Father Yah’uah as their King. Wisdom Talking Think of the last time you were insulted, offended, or hurt. How was your response like or unlike Father Yah’uah and Yahushua the Messiah’ model yourself in the likeness of them. So those of you that I hurt feelings yesterday please forgive me Father Yah’uah is still working with me on this flesh
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:58:44 +0000

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