Psalm 118:24 24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will - TopicsExpress


Psalm 118:24 24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. This is what came to my mind today, when I spent a full hour with my husband, sitting in his neurochair, squeezing my hands for the first time since the fire!!! I think everyone on the burn unit heard me clapping and praising God. I was getting nurses to come look and hollering out the door. (I had to make sure that they didn’t think I was making it up.) He did it for them too! Basically, I looked at him in that chair, and I told him that it was time to wake up and start working. And for once he listened to me! That’s even a bigger praise!! We did all kinds of arm exercises and I snuck in a few kisses. I asked him if he wanted me to massage his back, and he leaned forward in his chair. It was so wonderful! Everyday with him, whether good or bad, is a blessing for our family. If it weren’t for those brave rescue firefighters, not giving up on Captain Dowling, I would not have gotten the opportunity to be where I am right now. This is where God wants us to be! Psalm 138:8 The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. God will be glorified many times over, and many people will come to know him and trust in him because of this tragedy. The other bright side to this is that Bill will most likely not remember any of it. The pain, the episodes, the surgeries…….he’s sleeping through it all. I am forever grateful to all the firefighters who played a role in saving his life. Lastly, I did go home today. There was so much going on that it really wasn’t an issue. We had to evacuate our wonderful, private room at Herman today to allow the patients the opportunity to use their rehab/game room the way it was intended. With the help of some of Bill’s fellow firefighters, we packed up my truck and I drug all the stuff, we had accumulated, back to the house. I was too busy unloading to even be sad. Plus, I was still flying high after the morning rendezvous with my man. Today was Bill’s best day at Herman. We’ve soaked it all in, and pray for more days like today. We are rejoicing and are glad!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 06:03:29 +0000

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