Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; whom shall I - TopicsExpress


Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Defense of my life; whom shall I dread? I have this fascination with nite lites and Im not ashamed to admit that I need them placed throughout our home, especially in our bedroom. I have never been a big fan of complete darkness, therefore those great little plug in nite lites are amazing. They provide just enough light without being overwhelming, and in our home that is shared with three dogs, two college students, and a 4 year old boy who thinks the floor is his toy box, these nite lites are crucial to your feet (have you ever stepped on a lego or an Iron Man action figure with bare feet in the middle of the night?). You probably have similar nite lites in your home, you know, the kind that plug into an electrical outlet that have the sensor to come on when it is gets dark and to go off when it is light. The whole technology behind these little marvels is intriguing, but the light that they provide each night is really what I am more interested in. Recently, however, I have been awakened in the middle of the night by the flickering on and off of our bedroom nite lite. Ive checked it and it seems to work just fine, except that occasionally it will flicker in the night. Last night I was awoken from sleep again by this flickering on and off from the nite lite. My first thought was that light was coming into the room from somewhere or someone or something was walking in front of the nite lite. Nope, no source of light coming into the room that I could see, the dogs all asleep so it wasnt being bumped, and the house was quiet. As I lay there perplexed, half in and half out of consciousness, I wondered what could be causing this. Then my mind started wandering to the various things happening in our church communitys life. A lot of hurt, pain, and spiritual battling taking place in recent months, and even intensified for some in the community of faith in recent days. Almost unaware of myself I found myself talking with God about the folks Id been honored to journey with in recent days, their very real struggles, and the hurts they were feeling and the burdens they were carrying. I wondered if the enemy of darkness was present and confronting us in our sleep? Seemed like a logical thought in the middle of the night, considering the journeys I tried to walk with loved ones in the faith community. But then the presence of God moved in on me and the Holy Spirit gently started bringing some clarity, reminding me of the simple truth about nite lites. Light, not darkness, triggers the sensor and makes the nite lite automatically turn off. The enemy of our soul can disguise himself as light but in truth radiates no light. Only Gods Presence resonates light. Then an overwhelming sense of peace came over me as I felt the Presence of the Holy Spirit speak to me, I have walked by your home this night, protecting you... Jesus said in John 8:12, I am the Light of the world, he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life. Thank you Savior for being my nite Lite, my Salvation, my Defense. I have nothing to fear or dread. Thank you that even man-made technology in the form of a nite lite sensor can detect the presence of the Light of the world... the Light of Life. Im anxious for the nite lite to flicker again this evening. Jesus, may Your Presence continue to watch over my home. I pray that the Holy Spirit covers you in a waterfall of grace and may your nite lites ever flicker in the night as He watches over you, His child.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 23:14:20 +0000

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