Psalm 34:19 says, Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but - TopicsExpress


Psalm 34:19 says, Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. I know that this is not popular theology. Most of us would not like to hear such things. Many are the afflictions of the righteous does not sound like what most well-known preachers are teaching. Rather, they teach that if you live for God you will have the very best of everything and enjoy health and wealth and the acceptance of the greater part of society. But Gods Word is true yesterday, today, and forever. There are many afflictions that come to those of us who have chosen to take up our cross daily and follow Christ. It is not for me to say what affliction may come your way. I have my own. Each of us has afflictions. The righteous have some afflictions that come BECAUSE we are seeking to live a righteous life. Some of them are internal, because we realize that we fall short so often and afflict our own souls over our failures. Others are afflictions that are due to our failure that come from without, because as the righteous ones of God we are being disciplined. Still other afflictions are external to us altogether, due to our efforts to walk with Christ in the midst of a darkened world that hates our Lord and hates anyone who lives for Him. The point is, there are many afflictions. Some of you are enduring those times at this very moment. It may seem that the affliction is going to overtake you. Your grief for sin may have sunk you in a deep pit of despair. Your weariness at discipline may have left you in doubt, especially as the Evil One speaks doubtful words in your ear. Your struggle to live for Christ may not have brought you the prosperity so many preachers promise, in fact it is likely that it has brought the exact opposite. Hear the final word of this verse: But the LORD delivereth him out of them all. Do not misunderstand, that deliverance may not come in immediate relief from your circumstances. For some of us, the affliction will continue for many days, even years. But we have this assurance: our Lord will deliver us out of it. Under the deep weight of conviction, there is relief in confession when we believe the Lords Word, that He will forgive and restore. Under the heavy burden of discipline, there is relief in knowing that whom the Lord loves He chastens, and that His chastening is meant for our growing and not our downfall. Under the tiresome load of persecution, there is relief in knowing that they so persecuted our Lord and His faithful servants, and that He will help us to bear it up. Lord, help me to remember these truths, and give each reader Thy strength to endure their own personal afflictions this day, and every day, as we walk with Thee. Amen. BC
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 16:00:15 +0000

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