Psalm 75:1 We give thanks to you, O God; We give thanks, for - TopicsExpress


Psalm 75:1 We give thanks to you, O God; We give thanks, for Your name is near. We recount Your wondrous deeds. It was not a perfect year for both of us. We had a share of painful but precious lessons through the circumstances the Lord allowed us to go through. However, we also had wonderful moments perfectly orchestrated by our loving Father- victories shared through my masters study, answered prayers, and pleasant surprises. I also thank God for the many lessons we shared through our 1st year as couple. I have seen that: ..relationship is not all about romance. It’s more of struggling and helping each other to be better persons. It’s about being an instrument of God’s outworking in each others lives. ..relationship is exclusive for mature people. It’s not for boys and girls who just want to pursue their selfish desires. It’s for those who have understood the responsibilities attached to it and fulfilling those even beyond one’s own comfort. ..relationship is impossible to work without God. It is God’s instrument of sanctifying us both. We have seen how the sin of pride and selfishness tries to ruin this precious gift from the Lord. It is only His mercy that we are learning to love each other, be patient with each other and serve each other. Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for enabling us to love each other through the love that we are receiving from Him. ..relationship is a precious opportunity to know the Lord more. We are both a witness on how high and how wide and how great God’s love towards us is. We have seen it through His loving corrections, His forgiveness, and His amazing acts of kindness. We see how patient the Lord is and how remains faithful in spite of us. We have also seen the abundance of His grace and power through our answered prayers. ..relationship is a wonderful blessing to grow together in our relationship with the Lord. God is wise in all His ways. He knows that you and me are the best persons that can help each other to grow in our relationship with Him. He prepared us for each other by perfectly arranging our past experiences, perfectly molding our personalities and perfectly orchestrating our background to help and complement each other. We and our relationship are truly God’s workmanship! We can’t thank the Lord enough for all His tender mercies and loving graces He bestowed the past year. I believe God is not yet finished and will be the one to accomplish what concerns us. May the Lord continue to grow and sanctify my love for you. Still, I believe what the song says, ONLY GOD CAN LOVE YOU MORE, FOR HE GAVE ME THIS LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU. Looking forward to celebrate the next anniversary moments with you by my side. Happy 1st Anniversary! iLoveyouHoney- Ms. Rovelyn Elcano December 2, 2013
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 04:49:37 +0000

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