Psalm 91: 7 Thousands may fall around you, but you will not be - TopicsExpress


Psalm 91: 7 Thousands may fall around you, but you will not be harmed. To all my precious Family and Friends all over the world. Love and blessings from heaven and Prophetic Voice Ministry Renjith & Jessie. Greetings to all anointed Churches and Ministries all over the world. I pray the message below will be a blessing to all and may it bare fruits in Jesus name. Let me start: Psalm 91:7 (WEB) Translation says: A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. The promise of the Lord to you all today says: Thousands may fall around you, but will not be harmed. Psalm 92 is a powerful declaration of the safety and shelter that you and I can live in knowing that we are living under the constant care of Almighty God. In todays promise, the psalmist tells us that we can live in a state of safety in even the most stressful of circumstances . Can you imagine living in such a place of security and protection that you could feel safe from harm though thousands were falling around you? I personally struggle at the thought of what it would feel like to be surrounded by such distress but yet feel completely protected. However, the psalmist tells us that those who live under the shadow of the Almighty can expect such safety. While this illustration might be a little extreme for daily life as we know it, try to imagine how this might apply to your everyday life situation. Maybe you work in the middle of a busy office filled with loads of anxiety and stress-filled people? Though others are not coping around you, could you see yourself as being completely and absolutely insulted from the fear and anxiety that others are experiencing simply because you have made God your dwelling place? My prayer for each one of us today is that the answer is ….YES! Though the world around us may be coming unglued at the seams, may it not come close to us because we have the safety and security of being absolutely convinced that we are loved and protected by the One who created the heavens and the earth. Love and blessings to all Jessie Abdulnour (Prophetic Voice Ministry)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:52:44 +0000

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