Psychological test Emotional stability Different people react - TopicsExpress


Psychological test Emotional stability Different people react differently to stressful situations. Naturally, the ability to easily transfer stress and wag their nerves and the people around him on the little things - a very valuable quality. Otherwise, any trifle can turn your life into hell. But, of course, do not go too far and, like unto a stone statue, immovable in the storms. It is better to remain a living person, but do not be a candle in the wind. And how is it you? Try to assess their own emotional stability. 1 Surprisingly, the most interesting place telecast television breaks. What do you do? shove him in anything worse than this still will not - 3; look for the phone number of the studio - 1; try to repair it on their own - 2. 2 Can you name three books that will soon have a plan to read it? yes - 2; No - 3; do not know - 1. There are 3 liters and you have a hobby? Yes - 1; just prefer to relax at home or go somewhere fun - 2; I do not have time for any nonsense - 3. 4 Do you like forays into nature? No, I prefer to contemplate nature in pictures - 3; use every opportunity to get in some nice place, at least in the nearest park - 1; Yes, but only if it would cause undue hardship. Smart in the mountain will not go, smart mountain bypass - 2. 5 You have had a free minute. What is your reaction? enjoy doing nothing amazing - 2; go where long wanted to get out, but things prevented - 1; I can not find a place, I feel a strange discomfort because suddenly there was nothing to do - 3. 6 Output. You can go somewhere. You promised to call, but the call has already been delayed for twenty minutes. What are you doing? forward and at the same time do something to make the time is wasted (for example, clean the apartment) - 1; angry at his fugitive friends - 3; sit down in front of TV, and without waiting for a call, I can spend a few hours the front - 2. 7 is your favorite game? checkers, chess, backgammon, and the like board games - 2; cards, slot machines, sweepstakes, lottery - 3; none of the above strings in my heart does not hurt - 1. 8 Is it a problem for you - you fill your spare time? I have so many different interests, it is difficult to choose what to do right now - 1; I hate nothing. Better still work - 2; its nobodys business. What I want, I do - 3. 9 A stranger (in line, in public transport, and so on. N.) You got nasty. Your reaction? I will answer him (her) in the same style - 3; smolchu, but inside will boil - 2; immediately throw the incident out of my head - 1. 10 In the checkout you cheated by a small amount. What do you do? rinus in battle, defending their interests - 2; politely demand a lead bosses - 3; waving your arms and go. In the end, the cashier is also a person - 1. For calculation of a psychological test manually: From 10 to 14 points: Your nerves are ok. You can successfully control their emotions, random stress do not take you out of balance. Just in case, check yourself in a week. 15 to 25 points: Your opposition stresses are coming from varying degrees of success. You try not to give yourself suffer needlessly because of lifes conflicts, but still from time to time some unfortunate coincidence makes you worry and conflict. Often find an excuse for yourself to relax and change activities. From 26 to 30 points: A Life for you - the battlefield, and the battle are serious. Still, veterans and sometimes rest. The body you may strong, but it is hardly the iron. Well do not you learn how to step back from lifes dramas, do not take them to heart, keeping a sober attitude to reality.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 03:26:21 +0000

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