Purged Patriots: We learned that the lawless lout in the white - TopicsExpress


Purged Patriots: We learned that the lawless lout in the white house has taken a dim view of those who think that their oath of loyalty is to the Constitution and the Rule of Law rather than to himself. We warned of the purge before the public had come to realize its reality. Since that time more than a year has passed and patriots are falling one by one. As usual in States where the lawless rule, excuses galore have been found to rid the elites of their critics and thorns in the side. These are always moral in nature, as if the narcissist in chief has any notion of what morals, mores, values or ethics mean. The military must be purged first because they have guns, esprit de corp and loyalties based in the old notion of a band of brothers, who we might add, leave no man behind. Although it is certainly lamentable that we are losing our loyal military leaders, and we can see that media personalities who have been outspoken in the past are now having conflicts with their sponsors and must find new work. The notion of neighborhood policing and its community loyalties are being replaced by military muscle and the thug mentality of those surrounding the fraud in the oval office. But there is hope dear ones, those purged patriots are still patriots, though not in the positions of trust that they held in the past. Where does a patriot who has been purged go? Having been loosened from the constraints of obedience to a master, he or she is free to serve the nation in a new way, recognizing that the fight against a domestic enemy takes on the aspects of a guerrilla war, whether physically or intellectually ascribed. Take heart folks, we are not abandoned and alone, but rather we welcome old patriots back to the ranks of We The People, skilled, determined, and fearless against those that would do us harm. - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 14:57:19 +0000

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