Purpose! People look for purpose and reason. Why are we here? - TopicsExpress


Purpose! People look for purpose and reason. Why are we here? Some say we evolved, but others created. If there is any purpose or reason, would it not be from the Creator? But to find such a purpose, one must search for that purpose or reason from the One Who created. Could there be any purpose except that for which we were created? To search for such a purpose or reason, one must search for that Creator, because only through Him could the purpose or reason be found. To search means to have faith that He is there and that He will reveal His purpose and reason in His Own way and His Own time. One who finds such purpose or reason must have faith, and in that faith one will find that the only way to serve such purpose or reason would be through love. Would any create without a love for that creation? Would anyone create without desiring that such a creation find that love? Yet people have become lovers of themselves rather than lovers of the Creator, without Whom there would be no purpose or reason. People wish to have “faith” in their own ability to solve their own situations and find their own reasons, yet they build up their own pride and neglect their Creator. Our Creator has revealed His Presence and His desire that we should live in love of Him and of one another, as no one would create without desiring that such creation would be loved. Would anyone wish to create something to be hated or wish that creation to hate the creator or that which the creator created? So our Creator created us with that desire to love us and for us to love Him and to love one another as His creation. Yet we choose to be lovers of our own selves. We seek to take pride in what we can learn and do without the need for our Creator or others. This is why His wrath is on us. This is why we need a Savior. Those who find Him through that faith that He is and that He will respond to those who search for Him may find that love that He wishes us to have. Many see that love as His law in a legal sense that we are to obey because it is so written. Those who truly find Him find that such a written law only works on the external show of ourselves as though we were only actors, acting out our lives on a stage. Those who truly find Him find that this “law of love” is not so much a matter of “that which is written” but that love that is found in the hearts of those who find Him. Such a love is not so easy because it stands against the common conception in this world that drives people in their self-love to think they can find and apply their own ways and their own sense of “self-worth” without any need of a creator. In this self-seeking world people want to supply their own answers and their own conceited purpose and reason. This is why there is malice and wars, because everyone wants everyone else to be what they want them to be, and not find their true selves as the true Creator intended. This is why our Creator came to us as Jesus to teach us the true purpose and reason- that true law of love for Him and one another that can only be found written in the hearts of those who search for Him through faith. Though He came to show us His love, in our own vanity and self-love we abused Him and nailed Him to a cross. Faith is the way to find that love, and that love can only be found through Him Who created us, and He alone can be our purpose and reason. Any who search for their own purpose and reason without finding the true Creator has only found their own vanity. Only the One Who created can know and reveal the purpose and reason for His creation. It is because we seek to find our own purpose and reason that we so wish to hear what our own ears wish to hear. This is why we are so easily led away by false teachers; they tell us what we wish to hear. Would we prefer to give money to people who would tell us the truth, if we did not wish to listen to the truth? Would we not prefer to give money to people who tell us what we wish to hear? This is why people who tell the truth will seldom get rich, because we do not always wish to hear the truth. This is also why people who tell us what we wish to hear will so easily get rich. This is why there are so many false teachers. People seek to please themselves with their own fantasies. This is why people turn to the entertainment industry with sports and fantasies. In this they live vicariously through those we see as strong in sports or battle; or in movies and TV shows where people find happiness in vicariously finding their own hearts desires rather than searching for that desire that the Creator intended. Rather than depending on a Creator to provide that which is necessary, people are greedy and search for all their desires and wishes through their own power of gaining. This leads to the greed that strives to accumulate even if it involves cheating, stealing, or gambling to depend on some ‘magical hand of fate’ or ‘karma’ to obtain their fortune. Only through faith and that pure love for our Creator and others can real purpose and reason be found. Jesus told us that to strive to follow Him in that true purpose and reason would not be easy. He said that we were to count the cost of living for Him and that we were to give our total being to Him. As our Creator, couldn’t He demand that what He created belongs to Him? He told us that if we followed Him that we could expect this world to treat us as it treated Him. Would we dare to live expecting to be abused as He was and that the world would seek to destroy us as it sought to destroy Him? Yet in faith we can know that though this earthly body should be destroyed, there exists that reality of who we are, and that we will live eternally with Him. In faith we know that this earthly body is not the reality that we are to serve but only a shadow of what is to be revealed. Through faith I know that this world is destined to be destroyed in my Creator’s wrath. The nations of this world seek to “serve” other nations in order to manipulate others to achieve selfish ends. Serve is in quotation marks because they are not really serving, but pretending by alliance to be of service while they are truly only seeking their own ends by manipulation. Many people of this world look for their answers in politicians, rather than to depend on our Creator for the true answers. Many people depend on military might to protect them from their own perceived ‘evils’ of this world without realizing that we ourselves are evil in our own pursuits for our own desires and our own vanities. The only true protection can come from our Creator, Who alone can deliver us from our own vanities. This world is covered with vanities, wars, violence, and pestilence; and my Creator’s wrath is soon to be poured out on this planet with His Own prepared pestilences, swords, burning fires, and destruction. He alone can deliver the ones He chooses. These earthly, fleshly bodies will not survive, but will be subjected to many sufferings and torments. These earthly, fleshly bodies will be destroyed; then will come that judgment where our Creator will offer a pure judgment on the reality of our eternal souls. We all stand guilty of violating His way of pure love. Our only deliverance can be in searching for His mercy and loving kindness. In this search by faith we can know Him and have His love planted in our hearts. That is the pure law that cannot be fully described in earthly writings. Those who have truly found Him through that faith can enjoy eternal life in His kingdom. Those who do not will only find eternal torments in knowing eternal separation from Him and His pure love. This is why the psalmist cried, the New Testament echoes, and the Christian understands the prayer- “Oh, death, where is thy sting? Oh, grave, where is thy victory?” This life is only a temporary shadow of the realities that are eternal. Only by choosing to seek our true Creator can we expect to find Him and His mercy and a life with Him for eternity. Eternity without Him would be a tormented soul forever.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:02:28 +0000

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