Qnet Qnet Genuine business opportunity will change your - TopicsExpress


Qnet Qnet Genuine business opportunity will change your life This gives you the opportunity to work the field to achieve your ambition and your dreams and set up your own Business and mandate within two to three years can be up to one million dollars earnings only it requires you to work for an hour or two after your daily job or how it offers you this opportunity ............. The answer : Company Qnet.net largest global company in network marketing About the company Quest Net . Quet. Established in 1998 with a capital of $ 100 million in Hong Kong and now after 9 years, became the capital of $ 2.25 billion in the field of marketing Inter Net ( number of marketing associations around the world exceeded 2000000 marketer deployed in more than 110 countries in the world rely on soft marketed to individuals . Dealing with the United Nations and the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA ) and the International Olympiad and the Government of Oman and the Vatican , Bhutan, Ethiopia , Djibouti , Saudi Arabia , Britain and the United States . Financial backer of the company , a group HSBC, Britains second- largest bank in the world and is a firm supporter of technical soft micro world . The number of companies signed an exclusive contract to market their products through the company exceeding 26 Quest is the companies that are racing to win a contract marketing of these are due to the companys style, which is successful in marketing marketers rely on individuals. The company owns the largest manufacturer of metal coins in Europe ( factory Mirment ), which makes the World Cup and medals affiliates. The company owns two satellites for international communications solutions . About the products that are marketed through the company s Quest . There have Swiss watches and jewelry and rare coins and medals Madtah and other valuable products . There have a number of mobile phones and mobile devices connected to Bala gaming industry to reduce international calls . There have systems for tourist trips approved of the largest tourism companies in the world. There has a product named Dynamic disk ( Alba U DSC) product German beneficial in terms of health and has several uses , which is a German invention transmits energy Nanonolga non- oriented and non- harmful which works to increase energy and raise the rate of oxygen in the blood and increase the rate of oxygen in the water and works to re- freshness the nature of the fruits and vegetables stored in the refrigerator. We come at the most important point which is how we get a lot of money to work with this giant edifice Ollalictrona This group ................ In order to take advantage of the physical benefit must go through the following phases ........... 1) you are buying any products of the company noted that the purchase is not only through the introduction of number marketer accredited company Quest and you can get this figure out of my way . 2) When you buy any product you get a membership number of your own so-called number (IR) , a figure your marketing is , of course, after filling your data and take into account the accuracy of the mobilization process data with the ability to be adjusted in the future in the event of a fault , God forbid, and receive the product that you purchase two weeks after the purchase to your home by a courier companies private world (such as FedEx) or ( DHL) or ( Aramex ) or ( UBS ) and other shipping companies own with the possibility to follow up the process of shipping from your office mail your at the site of the company Quest Net -mail and find out the date of delivery and the company is sending an SMS to your mobile phone number the shipment and the name of your mail carrier for your product with the possibility of dispensing with the follow-up by your office mail your payment process is to buy a product in two ways either by ( Visa Aoualemastr card) of you or anyone you know , or (b Alai card) and the latter has a marketers of the company only and Hotrivh buy products that are available with the company to deduct commissions a marketers and science purchases are completely safe and confidential and can not steal any details of the card Allotmanah for the existence of the system of protection against infiltration mail you with an electronic receipt can be printed or sent to E-mail once it has been the procurement process . 3) The marketing for two people in order to do the procurement process , such as what you youre exactly is the use of your membership number in the procurement process and will get every one of them on the membership number particularly where (IR) In this case, you move from the status of a client or customer to position marketer active (activated ) 4) You must cajole and follow the two people you have their attendance and admission to this world and that they are marketers active like you and support them and work with them not only that but you are marketing them and will each and every one of them to bring two people and this means that the two who brought them will bring four people this means that the two took after you are six people in this case you deserve a commission of $ 250 if you distributed to the six who you are you are you marketing to them to find that your commission on each one of them $ 41.67 almost all of what has been marketing by you or by any individual in the network marketing deserves a commission on every new person enters into this network that you have established you are a ( Forty-one dollars and sixty-seven cents) , provided a balance between your right side and the left in the marketing process to be disbursed commissions that are reserved for you until the process the budget is disbursed to you once and Ahdhaly basis ( every three people in a number of your right side and three are met in your left side of your network marketing you get ( two hundred and fifty dollars) regardless of their ranking or their positions under the people in your network marketing ) . 5 ) The process of exchange commissions every Wednesday a week and without delay and that the date of the entry of any person in your network marketing duration of two weeks and you can monitor your network marketing and Amolatk weekly through the office mail your provided you company if you join them , which is thus in its website and you can exchange commissions or withdrawn in four ways either by asking for the company and send them from your office mail entered you in your bank account and the process takes five days and deducted the company commission of the bank thirty dollars if the total commission income less than ( five thousands dollars) deposited you in any bank in the world has it for you account as the financial backer of the company is HSBC global . second way is Dravc check sent to you via e-mail your like ( DHL) or ( UBS ) or ( FedEx) or ( Aramex ) The third way bank draft in your name have any bank belonging to the group HSBC global such as SAP in Saudi Arabia or any local bank asking you and be your proof of receipt of the bank transfer your passport your own as an internationally recognized authority on global banking and fourth way is Alai Card which decisively Amolatk the company electronically using coffee Code Profile , which receive regular mail or mail your entry in the personal data in your existing mail in your office with the ability to change any of your personal data and your address and electronic regular coffee by the secret code , which was previously referred to . Financial advantages offered by Quest Net marketing associations ............ 1 ) Work with Quest Net opens the door for you to get the amounts difficult to imagine the condition that there be grandparents work and effort and marketing for the entry of new members to join your team catalog and work and communicate by telephone and electronic to spread wider network marketing .. 2) after one or two years of hard work will be the rate of income between 2000 and $ 4000 per week until you reach the financial freedom which is fifteen thousand dollars a week and then you may not take a commission sales from the company because of the existence of the system multiplier which company relies work by and settle on that amount every week and here lies the role of team leader, marketing a continuity of marketing for sales on both sides of the network marketing quest. In order to know the nature of this work we will talk about the following points: What is the principle of network marketing and the difference between him and the normal marketing ? What are the features and benefits of network marketing ? What is the company Qnet. , And when it started ? The difference between Qnet company and other companies other retinal Goods and products company Qnet First: What is the principle of network marketing ? Question comes to the mind of many people and all that they know , unfortunately you are buying and registering people beneath you , and this is true , but lets talk a little bit about the traditional way of marketing Where any company when you create a product , it does not cost the plant more than 20% , but the customer pays in the product 100% and the rest of the 80 % is distributed to the rest of the participants in the sales process and this short marketing idea Adavi in 1959 emerged the idea in America are summarized briefly in the following question : Does the company can deal directly with customers without intermediaries ? answer Yes it can no need for those marketer marketed goods , without feeling , and you can imagine the number of advertisements free by the individual without charge examples on a daily basis : ( a particular restaurant - not new - T shirt - an hour - Electrical ... etc. ) , and so came the retina and marketing companies adopted this idea so that deal directly with the customer and announced that it would give a percentage of profits totaling 60% is distributed to all shareholders in the company And the company has benefited 20% profit Adafahoha pay for those who just works and strive more and all of diligent more gets a larger amount on this form benefit all participants in the process rather than restrict beneficiaries in 4 or 5 points Vqtaiwimcn summarize the idea in the following words : instead of being marketed the person works for free advertisements inadvertently Fletqsd publicity and thus winning percentage of profits How is the profit ? Different network marketing companies in the subscription amount and the amount of payments to the participants and the number of people who should be brought to the joint in order to win a percentage of the profit , but since we are talking about the company Qnet.net The company adopts the Binary system , a binary system So that each person to share it at least to bring the two people who offered him the idea to convince them to him and therefore recorded one on the right and the other on his left , and all that has increased the number of people who are bottom of the Network Joint greater the income system company Qnet equation of profit in the company very briefly are: left3 + 3 right = 250 $ Not required to have all of the network to bring the joint itself, but it can be in the network subscriber has been brought by those who are beneath him or by who is above him and even gets the joint as much of the profits he has to try as much as possible to balance the cuff between the parties to the left and right so that if increased tip to tip it tries to record people on the other side and so on and to identify the extent of the power of network marketing and the amount of the amount that can be up to him person if each person regulated by the company comes two people only during the month of Total amounts that a person can reach her condition hard work and fatigue is equal to $ 15,000 is equivalent to 57150 SR ! Of course, is not a requirement to get all the people working in this subject on this amount Right 180 +180 = left Clea Amalih $ 15,000 a week But if someone got half that amount , or even a quarter of that amount to increase the salary should not be a blessing Process doubled individuals are not an easy thing as promoted by some , but that it takes patience and follow-up and imagine yourself as if you , my dear brother director in a corporate , if your department did not pursue what will happen to him? You have the answer What are the advantages of network marketing any project you want to play you need to 1 - capital 2 - workplace 3 - staff 4 - agents 5 - Advertising 6 - Zakat fees or financial 7 - Insurance 8 - mayor The list is too long marketing network do not need these things, nor to the transactions and government departments and taxes You work the traditional subordinate you committed attendance ( time and place ) you threatened dismissal or discount of the salary to improve your income is working overtime company Qnet You are your own boss you determine the time and place of work you control your effort by upgrading all your income improved all that was less ăĚĺćĎß Thus, a person who works in network marketing does not require a lot of time to work Vtkvah an hour or two at the latest estimate , then there was no official over his head , asking him to work up like normal functions , and the summit of Justice achieved in this type of marketing , so that the person industrious gets Zombie money and the person who does not work does not get any material reward , and advice from heart to heart , dear reader, if you want to make you work and fatigue because there is no room for the centerpiece in this type of company ...... Ordinary people, our lives are divided into four categories Officer Freelancers Businessman Mstmr If you are an employee and you want to convert your business to the Freelancers need to place any capital and must work the job for 10 years limited your income from a job in order to move to entrepreneurship , at least If you are an employer and want to expand your business and turn out to be a businessman to have more than one project must have great balance and this will take you to work for at least 10 years If you want to eventually become Mstmr must have a very large balance of this work takes you to own your projects for 10 years , at least Ie if you are an employee aged 30 years old and you want to become an investor This takes you to the effort and the work is painstaking for 30 years any have become the age of 60 years, why annihilate your life in order to provide for more comfort you can entertain yourself and be one of the investors in 3 years only! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! How ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Solution Company Qnet What is the company Qnet and when it started ? Quest real company , based in Hong Kong , this company started its activities in 1998 , and what began was a capital of 10 million dollars and reached the companys profits in eight years to a billion dollars ( record time ) ( while the big companies other did not make Lhz twice the amount in this period ) Microsoft Corporation as an example it took 13 years to reach one billion dollars, while our company this needed for 8 years only, reason and logic says if there is a company able to access the amount of one billion in a period less than the period needed by Microsoft if Fasthil be unsuccessful . Companys vision is : to e-marketing company to be the worlds first global Message the company is very wonderful and beautiful : summed up in five letters RYTHM R) aise (Y) ourself (T) o (H) elp (M) ankind) ( ( Stand up for yourself to help human ) ) Or ( ( Okad was promoted yourself to others ) ) We all loved the good and wants to help people poor , but for lack of money and insufficient salary man can not donate to help them , or that he put pressure on the old in order to donate them , maybe some of the best and well-being in general; You , dear reader, accessing the world of network marketing can help they explained the idea to them and after their conviction and registration , they can benefit them in the process, and when it becomes to man the amount of money an extra can lend a helping hand to others , and so on , that the project project symbiotic than it is a physical . Applying the message the company has contributed with the United Nations in many from Almcharaaa charities all over the world , where she participated in the oil for food in Africa , and also contributed to the relief of tsunami victims and other charitable works the other . , as the company s contribution in many of the events held by the Alvivaoukd the company sponsored the Brazil Cup 2006 World The companys values : honesty - to provide service to the needy - the courage and boldness in the right The companys more than 160 branches throughout the world title and number to contact your companys main Head Office Hong Kong Phone: +852 2827 1889 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +852 2827 1889 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Fax: +852 2827 1833 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +852 2827 1833 end_of_the_skype_highlighting The companys other branches in Hong Kong , the Philippines, Brazil , Taiwan, Thailand , Singapore, Indonesia , India and Sharjah . This is the companys website in Arabic for those who wanted to make sure for himself and the company can take the titles and offices around the world Qnet. Qnet.net the difference between the company and other companies other retinal The idea of network marketing idea is very old , started in 1959 in America and many are those companies , including, for example : the company escaped Live, Inc. Bezness - company Gold Quest - Company gift of the island ... etc. Many companies had ended and that for several reasons , including the For example They fake companies , Like Bezness company , or companies they are money laundering , or because of the bad reputation that has spread from those of the company Quest distinct from those companies , among other things First: where goods have real value and not like Bezness which was air conditioned or sell things really are useless Second, the company and its real headquarters is recognized and its branches as I mentioned in the previous paragraph Third, the company has existed for more than 10 years , unlike Bezness which did not last more than two years and where they are now? No one knows Fourth: The company offers the amounts and pay a week every week is added to each according to commission the number of people associate any way for Equation left3 + 3 right = $ 250 The company also offers points at each stage up to it any increase in the number of people present in the network are buying a product these points and these products have a very high value Fifth: The company has a global contributions and assistance , and evaluate a lot of courses and conferences , was the last conference of the company conference took place in Jakarta in 2007 3 years ago Sixth: The service of the company is very fast and highly credible and relies on an electronic system in a very precise and safety and no one can modify any data or process of transferring money or buy , but the same person as the means of safety is very large in this system Wi- step be notified by e-mail These things are the most important characteristic of Quest on other companies that rely idea of network marketing Goods and products company Qnet Note: All the products the company is available markets, only if you want to buy any product you buy from the companys Web site and you can not buy any product without the introduction of the name ( number ) agent who sharers on the company this profile Products nutshell For more information, please visit the companys website at Web . Qnet. First : Watches and Jewellery Kues produces high-value products from jewelry and watches, these products Garmugodh in Alosoaqoeetm manufactured in a special factory in the city of Munich , Germany, this plant manufactures products Orders only a limited and rare , and here comes the value of these products Secondly - Coins and Medallions Quest began production line and one which is Quest for Gold specializes in producing coins of high value of the precious metals gold costume , silver and platinum are manufactured in the factory (BH) in the city of Munich, Germany and the age of the plant 136 years old , established in 1871 is the same as the factory of the products earlier and here is Ptsnaaamlat memorabilia for international events and government and places of archaeological , historical, and this commemorative coins Awalamlat Bandartha have value and worth significantly greater than the material value of these gold medals and commemorative medal to the memory of Princess Diana s departure Third : Technology The company owns a satellite in Britain and produces highly sophisticated machines in the field of communication helps in reducing international calls like device (INVOICE) Some features of the device INVOICE Do not touch wired up to 3 floors and scope of 180 square meters IDD discounted up to 90% International connection between two devices anywhere in the world for free Connection via the Internet reduced the value of Fourthly - Wellness This section is dedicated to medical products and the most important product is the BioDisc What is the bio disc? Is a tool that energy-producing natural .. Where lead this energy in particular to renew the molecular structure in liquids .. This makes any more liquid hydration .. Tastes better .. A vital and lasting longer. This could be similar to the molecular structures of renewable those in healthy natural spring water . Such as fruits and vegetables and the body loses too and gradually molecular structures vital with age .. and can use the bio disc revived to a molecular level to produce energy . The dynamic nature of the water Alamaheh beneficial to health .. And vital water leads to improved blood oxygenation , and improve the work of the liver , and improves the entry of nutrients by the body . When the disk is placed under the bed , the natural energy to help him sleep . When carrying in the bag , improves the positive energy of the body. Homentg and his magical many features in the organization of molecules and ions of the body and regulate energy yin and yang Fifth : Holiday Membership The company owns resorts and tourist hotels in Thailand , Malaysia Rental idea of the time and place for the purpose of tourism and recreation Where the company provides tours to places very spectacular and all hotels and resorts are the property of the company Join stages and join the company 1 - You must receive an invitation from one of the companys subscribers and gives you a number of which can register and become a number you can call two or more this number 2 - company registration fee of $ 10 must enter your name, address , phone number and e-mail and all your data and accurately 3 - You have the latter to purchase a product from the company and the value of at least about $ 600 and the product benefit from a balance of you (using the figure HZ934170) Note When you purchase a product from the company became a member and delegate company and you commission depending on the number Aloskhas users of your way any of this have got on the job and yours revenue and income permanent Imagine you are a year later it has doubled the number of people to 50 or 90 people they are seeking , such as what you are you seeking onset which you are sitting at home and comfortable and your income doubles , Rabbi means become Business man latter I personally recorded six months ago has became my balance of $ 5,500 so far , and I hope for all of the interest here raised this topic And these are some of the explanations in detail on YouTube youtube/watch?v=oeoMB...eature=related youtube/watch?v=UVzNH...eature=related youtube/watch?v=5_gUQ...eature=related youtube/watch?v=IVExu...eature=related Showing videos and after watching you start racing at work ... And on-site registration from here : qnet.net / join Independent Representative ID reference my *: hg856635 And follow the steps ... And will soon explain how on-site registration video for those who could not get the registration process ... And Im ready for all inquiries and Saalatkm 01002420057
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 21:41:27 +0000

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