Qualities Characteristic of Man: It is our intent to shed - TopicsExpress


Qualities Characteristic of Man: It is our intent to shed some intellectual light on two distinctive qualities characteristic of man, so they can more readily be understood. Firstly, we shall identify by name the individual who is habitually distrustful of the motives of others, who, contrary to a moralistic view of politics, finds it convenient to believe that the legitimate practice of law rests entirely on the threat of coercive force; and who recognizes no principle -governing conduct- over and above his desires and interests, and call him the ego-centric personality. Secondly, we find those who are mainly concerned that a higher constituted authority should exercise control over the pursuit of individual goals and interests; and at the same time protect the individual against directives established by the State, he, we shall call, the naïve personality. Keep in mind that these are not willful or irrational choices, a ploy, a means to gain an end. Inasmuch as acts, thoughts, and ideas that bring about grief and pain are invariably part of the positive declarations of some such moral code; views that stress the importance of self-reliance, and moreover a lack of care or interest for each or all of the people, whether or not the people are the immediate social unit, or the totality of the world of man. The ideal of moral property is invariably a balanced proportion of form or arrangement on the many grades of man’s development. Attachments to a nation can turn out to be morally objectionable when considered in relationship to mankind in general. The naïve personality can therefore be identified as that individual endeavoring to draw concern for its own interests or advantage under the control of principles and rules for governing human conduct which are more universal in their nature and in accord with desires and behavior which are morally positive. In accordance with religious texts, the ego-centric personality is, in its phase of life, more aware of what is going on than the naïve personality. This conclusion agrees exactly with events as they exist today. The ethical conceptions associated with democracy were not established by the ego-centric personality but by the lack of judgment of the naïve personality. The ideals of democracy have been assaulted by the ego-centric personality, who distrustful of the motivation of others, state emphatically that a powerful government does not have to recognize any law over and above its repressive force. The ideals of democracy came near to being decimated by this assault, not that it had come to favor the guiding principles of the ego-centric personality, simply because it had set to low an estimate on the motive force of self-interest, whether as individuals or as members of a group. The ego-centric personality is deliberately void of conscience for they recognize no authority other than personal interest. They show good judgment despite the fact that they are malevolent, for they comprehend the motive force of personal interest. The naïve personality is commendable for they recognize the existence of a higher authority than that which governs their desires. They demonstrate a lack of judgment for they know not the force of self-interest, they set to low an estimate on the dangers of a social structure without law and order, whether in a sovereign state or the world wide arena. The present day democratic establishment is emotionally idealistic instead of habitually distrustful. It is not conscious of the fact that the self same individual, who to all outward appearances is dedicated to the interests of the social unit, would have longings, a desire for success, expectations and anxious concerns which places him in conflict with his fellowman.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:18:46 +0000

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