Question for all u nutrition nuts out there... Ive decided about a - TopicsExpress


Question for all u nutrition nuts out there... Ive decided about a week ago to go on a diet that consists of mostly Veggies. I drink about 2 Shakes a day that have a half a cucumber, lettuce, 2-3 carrots, a mango or an apple and a banana. For those that know me and my love for Coca Cola, I have dramatically cut down on it. Im still eating meat but only grilled or baked chicken with little to no salt and instead of white rice Im eating brown rice. 2 glasses of water when I awake at 7am and 1-2 glasses if water right b4 bed. 1-2 glasses if water mid day or early evening. I read that from eating healthier I would be more energized but I also read that cuz of the veggie intake I can also get sick at first cuz of it pushing all of the toxins and waste out of my body. Al though I am not sick, I been waking up everyday with the feeling of just going back to bed. 4 days in a row I got up to mix some songs and I been finding myself doing the head nod at the desk and even falling a sleep for 10-15 min at a time. My question is... Is this normal? Is it cuz of the heavy veggie intake? Is it caffeine withdrawals from the lack of coca cola? Lack of sodium? Please let me know cuz this lack of energy is kind of discouraging!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:18:51 +0000

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