Question to parents: Where would you draw the line with your - TopicsExpress


Question to parents: Where would you draw the line with your childs school/teacher? For a little background: It all started when Nate was in his second year of preschool. The teachers pressured me to put Nate on meds, telling me that hes not able to focus and hes not learning and his well-being is threatened, etc. So, we caved in and put him on meds, then the problems with Nate worsened. Hes behaviors have steadily changed and each time we threaten to take him off the meds, the schools have laid in on the pressure to keep him on them stating that his behaviors are only going to get worse if you take him off the meds. Ive sent papers to school detailing things to do when Nate is having a harder time staying in control of himself and refraining from behaviors. They wont use them. Ive sent notebooks to school asking them to write in the notebook when hes having these periods of being out of control (their words, not mine). They wont use that. And Ive even gone to the school to talk about Nate and the behaviors they are seeing when they send him home with a red day. They renege on what they said, stating, its not that big of a deal its really not as bad as it sounds, hes just has moments when he doesnt do as well as others and they are only during times when we suspect he hasnt had his meds. Ive been emailing the teacher back and forth since yesterday and she is refusing to work with what Ive given her to help my son because it is too much work to expect her to do when she has 20 other students to care for. And refuses to elaborate on her notes in the calender because things like Nate was really out of control is supposed to be self-explanatory. Ive asked for an IEP meeting twice now and I have yet to get one. Im at my wits end and I feel like no one is listening to me or even wants to try to understand Nate or reach him on his level. Breaks my heart to see that hes being picked on when the teachers backs are conveniently turned, but when Nate stands up for himself, he gets in trouble for hitting another student. Something has got to give.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 21:45:12 +0000

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