Question (to which most will pass right on by without considering - TopicsExpress


Question (to which most will pass right on by without considering because the justin beeber news is more important in their lives) Does the NYS Public Education system have a moral or legal duty to make sure taxpaying residents homeschool their children to any certain level? The reason i ask is home school children in the Holland area have been rejected the opportunity to play on sports and choirs and bands in the public school system in their own town. It is policy that homeschooled children are not allowed to participate in all those things and more in the public schools. There are certain allowances for extracurricular things but not those others. So..a home school child wants to swim on the swim team at Holland Schools. Their parents pay school taxes like everyone else. I feel that the swim team has never ever in the history of holland as far as ive been told had too many swimmers on the team. And if the town of Holland doesnt have an AAU opportunity for swimming or a club or any other venue for one of its taxpaying residents to culture their physical education in the form of swimming why is the policy to deny and/or reject that child the opportunity to do so? They chose to not go to public school and thats their fault So because of a familys american right to chose to teach their child themselves they are ostracised from communal participation in things? They ostracised themselves the public school officials didnt no, they chose to teach their kids what they could the way they want..its legal ..and its not like theyre asking to double dip or compete for and eliminate another childs opportunity to play on the team..they simply are asking to give their child an opportunity that homeschooling doesnt offer logistically. Now if their were a swim club in town i might concur with the boe policy but in a number of recent cases their is not. A child recently asked to join the band i believe..the town doesnt have a band to offer so they asked to join the school band. The board again stated those are the rules and although the transparent decision was not given yet i believe the child was firmly rejected. Yrs ago another homeschooled child asked to join the school softball team..again those are the rules and was rejected. In this case i can almost agree with the decision because there are travelling teams and community teams where the child could participate on a team. But heres the rub again. With the exception of soccer i havnt heard of a team limit being exceeded. And how many kids have to sit the bench all the time while the stars get all the play time..but thats another topic. My point is if its possible logistically to afford a child in the district the to participate in such things why is policy so punitive? Homeschooled children and their family pay school taxes. They arent asking for what homeschooling already provides educationally..theyre asking to join the team..the band..the choir. If These things arent offered in the homeschool or in the community isnt it kind of cruel for policy to be you chose so you suffer?
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 10:02:02 +0000

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