Questions Alfred addresses on the dimensional ecology of the - TopicsExpress


Questions Alfred addresses on the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse Courtesy of Janet Kira Lessin & Sasha Lessin, PhD 1. Tell us about your new book, “The Dimensional Ecology of the Universe”. 2. What is a multiverse? And omniverse? Our listeners want to know. 3. What is the theory behind your book? 4. 51% of human population believes in a divine presence. That seems low. 49% does not believe in a divine entity and the rest are not sure. Please elaborate or discuss. 5. What is the research showing about the nature of the soul? 6. What research are you following? How can we tell what’s true or false in this research? 7. Is reincarnation real and how can we prove it? 8. Why was reincarnation removed from the Bible? 9. Tell us about censorship in our educational system and what can we do about it? 10. What alternatives do we have to learn about Exopolitics and the paranormal? 11. What happens in the afterlife? 12. Tell us about the Ominverse and its organization. 13. How can we move beyond religions and access quantum information? 14. What happens to the soul? 15. What is the soul? 16. Is there a difference between soul and spirit? 17. What is the purpose of incarnating here on Earth? 18. How does a soul develop? 19. Do souls incarnate on other planets and dimensions? 20. What’s the reality of our situation? How do we incarnate? 21. What kinds of souls are here? 22. Is there a “heaven” and “hell”? 23. Why do we have wars? 24. Why are we here? 25. Can knowledge go with us when we die? Is it carried over lifetime after lifetime? 26. What are our ultimate goal and the purpose of life? 27. Religions warp “the truth”. Can you tell us which religions have gone wrong and in what way and what is the truth? How can we prove “the truth”? 28. Tell us about the past wars, astronomical cataclysms and how knowledge has come and gone. 29. Tell us about the scientific errors in spiritual doctrines and the superstitions that can now be put aside. 30. Who if anyone is studying the human soul and what happens after we die? 31. Are you familiar with the Michael Newton institute and their research and do you agree or disagree with their findings and if so, in what way? 32. What’s new that you’d like to discuss with us for our listeners? 33. Any more findings on life on Mars? 34. Have you heard of Captain Kaye who says he was a part of the secret space program? 35. The White House issued a statement about Mars and Obama. Can you explain what that was about? This is the story that was in the Examiner. This is the story of two witnesses of Obama’s participation in the program. 36. Chemtrails spread nanobots. Please explain. 80% are being exposed. What are they doing? Are they introducing disease? Tracking us? Mind control? What can we do about this? 37. Tell us about HAARP and its electromagnetic frequencies and its effects on life. How does it affect the multi-dimensional thread that connects us to Source and the divine? How does HAARP cut that? 38. How can we become conscious and no longer be susceptible to this mind control and agenda. Is it possible? 39. Do you find any correlations between experiences Contactees have with extraterrestrials and the reports o f interactions with the dead? Whitley Streiber and some others report deceased relatives are seen with extraterrestrials. What are your comments or observations on this? 40. [5/11/14 2:33:00 PM] Janet Lessin: 39. Do you find any correlations between experiences Contactees have with extraterrestrials and the reports o f interactions with the dead? Whitley Streiber and some others report deceased relatives are seen with extraterrestrials. What are your comments or observations on this? 40. Tell us about the false flag operations that have affected humanity the worst and what do you see might be the next event or type of next false flag event we might expect next? 41. Is there an end to all this? Do you see the Beings of Light eventually intervening or assisting us so we don’t blow ourselves up or extinct ourselves? 42. How can we create a new paradigm that respects all consciousness and what’s the first step, in your opinion, to begin implementing these changes? 43. How is Exopolitics different from UFOlogy and what is the message? UFOlogy is the science that deals with UFOs (unidentified flying objects). What about Experiencers? Does that follow under UFOs or Exopolitics or both? 44. UFOlogy is a science that has cover-up built into it. Please explain. 45. What is meant by hyperdimensional? 46. Exopolitics is like anthropology. Please explain. 47. How many intelligent species do you imagine are interacting with humanity/Earth? 48. Are they friendly or not? 49. Who’s behind the current politics where the few control the many? Are they reptilians, greys, Anunnaki, coneheads or someone else (in your opinion). 50. What are the species typologies? How do you know about these typologies? 51. What are the latest disclosures that you are aware of coming from which whistleblowers. 52. On what celestial bodies does the “government” have bases or space programs? How do we know this? 53. Which planets/extraterrestrial species are in contact with humanity? 54. What books/texts have been written by extraterrestrials and interdimensionals have been left for humanity? 55. Who is Jesus in your opinion? What about the other religious leaders? Are they human/extraterrestrial or divine? [5/11/14 2:44:36 PM] Janet Lessin: Sorry heres the update: I think Im going to stop now. We could go on and on. We shall cover two hours and could go more if we wanted. This is fascinating stuff. Thanks for all your hard work. [5/11/14 2:44:42 PM] Janet Lessin: INTERVIEW WITH ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE ~ MAY 11, 2014 1. Tell us about your new book, “The Dimensional Ecology of the Universe”. 2. What is a multiverse? And omniverse? Our listeners want to know. 3. What is the theory behind your book? 4. 51% of human population believes in a divine presence. That seems low. 49% does not believe in a divine entity and the rest are not sure. Please elaborate or discuss. 5. What is the research showing about the nature of the soul? 6. What research are you following? How can we tell what’s true or false in this research? 7. Is reincarnation real and how can we prove it? 8. Why was reincarnation removed from the Bible? 9. Tell us about censorship in our educational system and what can we do about it? 10. What alternatives do we have to learn about Exopolitics and the paranormal? 11. What happens in the afterlife? 12. Tell us about the Ominverse and its organization. 13. How can we move beyond religions and access quantum information? 14. What happens to the soul? 15. What is the soul? 16. Is there a difference between soul and spirit? 17. What is the purpose of incarnating here on Earth? 18. How does a soul develop? 19. Do souls incarnate on other planets and dimensions? 20. What’s the reality of our situation? How do we incarnate? 21. What kinds of souls are here? 22. Is there a “heaven” and “hell”? 23. Why do we have wars? 24. Why are we here? 25. Can knowledge go with us when we die? Is it carried over lifetime after lifetime? 26. What are our ultimate goal and the purpose of life? 27. Religions warp “the truth”. Can you tell us which religions have gone wrong and in what way and what is the truth? How can we prove “the truth”? 28. Tell us about the past wars, astronomical cataclysms and how knowledge has come and gone. 29. Tell us about the scientific errors in spiritual doctrines and the superstitions that can now be put aside. 30. Who if anyone is studying the human soul and what happens after we die? 31. Are you familiar with the Michael Newton institute and their research and do you agree or disagree with their findings and if so, in what way? 32. What’s new that you’d like to discuss with us for our listeners? 33. Any more findings on life on Mars? 34. Have you heard of Captain Kaye who says he was a part of the secret space program? 35. The White House issued a statement about Mars and Obama. Can you explain what that was about? This is the story that was in the Examiner. This is the story of two witnesses of Obama’s participation in the program. 36. Chemtrails spread nanobots. Please explain. 80% are being exposed. What are they doing? Are they introducing disease? Tracking us? Mind control? What can we do about this? 37. Tell us about HAARP and its electromagnetic frequencies and its effects on life. How does it affect the multi-dimensional thread that connects us to Source and the divine? How does HAARP cut that? 38. How can we become conscious and no longer be susceptible to this mind control and agenda. Is it possible? 39. Do you find any correlations between experiences Contactees have with extraterrestrials and the reports o f interactions with the dead? Whitley Streiber and some others report deceased relatives are seen with extraterrestrials. What are your comments or observations on this? 40. Tell us about the false flag operations that have affected humanity the worst and what do you see might be the next event or type of next false flag event we might expect next? 41. Is there an end to all this? Do you see the Beings of Light eventually intervening or assisting us so we don’t blow ourselves up or extinct ourselves? 42. How can we create a new paradigm that respects all consciousness and what’s the first step, in your opinion, to begin implementing these changes? 43. How is Exopolitics different from UFOlogy and what is the message? UFOlogy is the science that deals with UFOs (unidentified flying objects). What about Experiencers? Does that follow under UFOs or Exopolitics or both? 44. UFOlogy is a science that has cover-up built into it. Please explain. 45. What is meant by hyperdimensional? 46. Exopolitics is like anthropology. Please explain. 47. How many intelligent species do you imagine are interacting with humanity/Earth? 48. Are they friendly or not? 49. Who’s behind the current politics where the few control the many? Are they reptilians, greys, Anunnaki, coneheads or someone else (in your opinion). 50. What are the species typologies? How do you know about these typologies? 51. What are the latest disclosures that you are aware of coming from which whistleblowers. 52. On what celestial bodies does the “government” have bases or space programs? How do we know this? 53. Which planets/extraterrestrial species are in contact with humanity? 54. What books/texts have been written by extraterrestrials and interdimensionals have been left for humanity? 55. Who is Jesus in your opinion? What about the other religious leaders? Are they human/extraterrestrial or divine? 56. Please explain how the UFO phenomenon has been used as a mass “cuing” device slowly awakening humanity. 57. Will we soon be invited to join the Federation and in your research, is there an organizing force for the entire Universe or Omiverse or are we dealing with beings from our galaxy or many galaxies? 58. How is science and spirituality coming together? Explain. 59. Briefly explain the scientific method of uniform protocols and replicable results which will allow us to prove these things. 60. Explain how we can now prove the nature of the human soul, life after death and the nature of God. 61. Explain how the questions of religion have now become the questions of science. 62. Explain how we know we live in a multiverse (which is composed by many universes). 63. How did they come up with the number of multiverses (which is a humongous number)? 64. What is the interlife and what is it like? 65. What is god? What have you discovered in your research? From Sasha: 1. What do the scientific studies in SPIRITUAL TRANCENDANCE tell us of existences and what we may now integrate into our awareness? 2. What do the scientific studies in PARAPSYCHOLOGY tell us of existences and what we may now integrate into our awareness? 3. What do the scientific studies in REMOTE VIEWING tell us of existences and what we may now integrate into our awareness? 4. What do the scientific studies in ENTHEOGENIC EXPLORATION tell us of existences and what we may now integrate into our awareness? 5. What do the scientific studies in HOLOGRAPHIC RESONANCE tell us of existences and what we may now intergrate into our awareness? 6. What do the scientific studies in pastlife, PARALLEL LIFE AND MULTIVERSIC EXISTENCE tell us of existences and what we may now integrate into our awareness? Questions Alfred addresses on the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse exopolitics.blogs/dimensional_ecology/2014/05/questions-alfred-addresses-on-the-dimensional-ecology-of-the-omniverse.html
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 23:50:44 +0000

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