****RAAAAAGING****** I dont know anyone who is experienced with - TopicsExpress


****RAAAAAGING****** I dont know anyone who is experienced with applying for Katie Beckett (Deeming Wavier Medicaid) but let me tell if you are approved and established CONGRATULATIONS if you were able to get it done in a sane frame of mind!!!!! I applied September 10 and finally got a call around the end of September just for them to say we are now mailing you the paperwork that must be completed and SHE proceeds to give me instructions about freaking paperwork that i have ABSOLUTELY no clue as to what she is talking about. Oh and by the way these papers have to be filled out by the Dr and you have to do your part and they expect it back w/in 14 days. WHO THE HELL CAN GET PAPERS BACK FROM THE DR IN 2 OR 3 DAYS????? But no problem I will complete my couple of pages in the mean time oh but wait I have a question....hmmmmm so I call. Well, I get a voice mail that says leave a message and I WILL CONTACT YOU BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS BY THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY. LIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS. I left several for the caseworker, 2 for the supervisor and 1 with the front desk....my need by date was 10/14/14 so I call again, this time because I need an extension....NO RETURN CALL.....BUT I did get the exact paperwork in the mail,10-23-14, with an extension until 11-2-14. Oh and she dates her notice date 10-20-14....but never called me. So now go to Drs office because they -didnt know how to fill out the papers exactly and we went over them to the best of our knowledge....plus keep in mind the papers are required to be completed by the dr office per Katie Beckett. The very next day I call and leave another FRIGGIN (for the underage) message and then 2 days later i left another.....oh wow DUUUUUUUH there is an email address on the papers so I email her on 10-29-14 with a POLITE Good morning Mrs XXXXXX, I have left several messages and have not received a return phone call as of today. I did received the paperwork you sent again. Can you please give me a call at your earliest convenience so that I may ask a couple of questions? Thanks, Micheale Palardy Now so far I dont think I am asking for too much but apparently I am!!! Out of all the paperwork NO WHERE does it say to return the required info to this particular address! So being I didnt know the address and wasnt getting a return call I scanned all the paperwork in and emailed it on 10-31-14 with a very polite message to contact me. Well HALLELUJAH i finally got the return phone call on NOVEMBER 4, 2014! Well that was a wasted call since I had mailed the paperwork out to an address I found on the paperwork, not knowing if it was correct. Bored with my story? Well, heres where it gets really really pissy for me.... SHE calls me today 11-5-14 at 4:07p and tells me the papers were not filled out correctly ( by the Dr ) and that because she has not medical background she doesnt see anything to warrant approving my paperwork to go to the medical dept for review. WHAT THE HELL do you mean you cant approve it. she proceeds to tell me~~ well i told you this form DMA 285 and this form blah blah blah blah is suppose to be blah blah. So I asked who the hell filled out the papers.....oh the DOCTOR. oh so you saying the DOCTOR is stupid and because you dont know what it means then you deny it with your NO MEDICAL BACKGROUND!! She says maam I dont know what POMPE is or how it affects your child AND what the hell does that have to do with anything.....THE DOCTOR filled out the friggin frackin paperwork YOU HAVE NO MEDICAL BACKGROUND but you are in a position to reject my papers. what now, why cant i fix what is wrong.....because they dont work like that so i have to start over with the application process and wait for a caseworker to call me before they send me the new (but exactly the same) paper work. UNGLUED.....UN -FRIGGIN-GLUED.....I CAN NOT EXPRESS the HATRED SEEPING THROUGH MY PORES....THIS is for my CHILD WHO IS FREAKING DISABLED with a disease called INFANTILE POMPE WITH HEART COMPLICATIONS look it the freak up. Doing me a favor in her SAME NASTY from the start attitude says I am going to highlight what is wrong and you have 12 days, let me repeat that TWELVE DAYS, to have it back to me or I am denying you application and then ended her call with BYE! FREAKIN welfare recipients dont have to go through the shit to collect a check, insurance and FREAKING food stamps.......WHAT THE F**** IS WRONG WITH THIS SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STILL RAAAAAAAAAGIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGGG!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:52:41 +0000

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