RAH! I scared yall aye? Baha *ahem* Since yall werent satisfied - TopicsExpress


RAH! I scared yall aye? Baha *ahem* Since yall werent satisfied with the ending to the last story here yall go *shakes head* #Jahr THANK YOU FOR THE BROKEN HEART Closing Chapter Part 2 GOSPELS P.O.V I stood there stunned. Could it be? If so how did he know to come to the airport? One look at Freedoms face confirmed he was responsible for this. Dev slowly turned around.. What happened to his face? Who ever tattooed his face did a poor job of it and if it were me Id be suing. I took a closer look at Dev and the wet trails down his face was a sign hed been crying.. He reached for me, but before he could even touch me I swung my hand back and brought it full force till it met with the side of his cheek HOW DARE YOU BREAK MY HEART AND THEN COME HERE THINKING IT WOULD FIX THINGS! Freedom had his mouth open Dammit Gospel! I came to get you back. Passport forgotten I lay into him with punches and kicks. The scene from lastnight still raw in my brain, it was like I was reliving it all over again and my heart broke every time I replayed his tongue down that she hulks throat. The nerve of him.. Dev waited till I was done before he finally spoke Im an idiot, a jerk and a coward. As much as I wana tell you I didnt wana hurt you, deep down I feel maybe I did. I wanted to pay you back for the way Id been treated in the past, not by you but by someone I gave my heart to. Last night I was heartless, but I wana change that... I didnt know if I wanted to believe him. A part of me really wanted to, but another part of me had withdrawn into a protective shell of its own. Last night I told you I loved you. You showed me you cared by telling me it had been nothing but a game, guess the real joke was me. I fought for you, because I wanted to prove to you that what ever barriers came our way, Id always be there. I thought my love for you was more than enough for the both of us and I was willing to wait however long for you to love me back. What I didnt expect was you throwing it back in my face ten times worse than you denying me the night before that. Devs eyes teared up again as he stepped forward. Freedom and Saraia stood there quietly. Saraias eyes begging me to listen. Gospel please.. Ill do anything to fix this. All I ask is that you give me one more chance to prove to you that all your efforts werent in vain. Whatever you want Ill do.. Just dont give up on me... As much as I longed to take him in and tell him everything was going to be alright, truth was.. It wasnt. Hed hurt me not once, but twice.. His betrayal was an arrow through my heart and I wasnt in the right frame of mind at the moment to do anything. I had to get away for awhile.. I needed to escape and figure what I wanted to do next. I stepped away from Devs arms. His face and body language already aware of my decision. Picking up my passport I turned to him, my eyes displaying every emotion I felt I love you Dev. I always have, but I need some space....Gospel please....Youve been through so much, and Im not what you need right now.....You are..Just....What you need is time on your own. You need to fully heal from the past before you move on with your future. You have baggage that only you can get rid of, and Im just going to distract you from it till the next time you get drunk. I want you to be sure Im what you want and when you do Ill be waiting... However long I have to.. Because to me youre still worth it and Im not giving up on you.... Dev tried grabbing me again but I put my hands up to stop him.. I know what youre gonna say. But if you love me.. Youll respect my wishes. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips softly. Then he took my palm in his grip and pressed it up against his heart This is how I feel about you. Feel my heart? Everytime Im with you my heart skips a beat and more. You make me wana be a better person, and when Im not with you my heart longs for you. When I see you with other guys Im jealous, when I hear you laugh the sound of your voice makes me happy. And when I open up to you about things Im struggling with its like youre carrying half that load for me and I feel so much lighter afterwards. Youre the only person who can make me angry and happy at the same time, and when you smile I know its a smile you reserve only for me... There are times when you insult me intentionally, and then give me this attitude that infuriates me but thats ok because thats how I know I love you. I always will. Ill give you your space, but know this.. You are mine, just as I am yours. Ill give you two weeks, and then Ill be coming after you. When I do be prepared, because I intend to make this relationship full time. No more running Gospel, because I know you do that when youre afraid. Theres nothing left to be afraid of. Ive found my match in you, and this is going to be for life..... I stood there shocked. My stomach flipped in a good way and I smiled through my tears... Just then my flight was called a final time. I love you Niggz. and was just about to pull away when Dev pulled me back in for a kiss I love you Gospel. Remember.. Two weeks. Thats all youve got.. I nodded at him said another good bye to both Saraia and Freedom before walking through the terminal yet again not sure what the future held, but determined to make it a future worth living for.!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:25:56 +0000

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