RANT ALERT...with a bit of history: I find it disgusting that any - TopicsExpress


RANT ALERT...with a bit of history: I find it disgusting that any of these stores are opening on Thanksgiving but at least some are waiting until the evening...what the hell are some of them thinking opening at 7am? WTF? This is THE only holiday that most everyone no matter their religion or lack thereof is supposed to have the day off, no matter if they spend it with family, friends, or alone eating that Thanksgiving in a can (which looks horribly disgusting) playing video games with their dog. I look forward to Thanksgiving more than any other holiday except for Passover, but for a lot of the same reason...Passover is the only Jewish holiday that the seder is part of the meal, so nobody has to rush off to go to temple, we get to sit around, laugh, drink, and of course eat but thats what I love about Thanksgiving as well. For retailers to take that away from their employees no matter how much theyre paying and from people that are desperate for great deals (whom are usually on a tight budget which is why they are desperate for the deals as to not let down their kids or loved ones on Christmas/Hanukkah/or whatever they celebrate) is not only greedy but just plain wrong. Also it encompasses 4 of the 7 deadly sins (Greed, Gluttony, Envy, &Pride) which Im pretty sure Christianity as a whole frowns upon and isnt encouraged in Judaism or any religion as far as I know either. Im pretty sure this country as a whole no longer has a Christmas or Holiday spirit, it has been lost to good deals and the perfect present. So it shouldnt matter if people wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy ChrismaHannuKwanzikaa or Happy Holidays because the real lesson and spirit of the season has become about presents and only your holiday, even if you have to trample, assault, and or steal from 100 people to obtain that Cabbage Patch doll (or whatever the 2014 equivalent is) and ruin someone elses holiday. Not to mention threatening peoples jobs, livelihood, and their ability to give the perfect present by MAKING them work on Thanksgiving or being complicit in it by shopping at those retailers who are stealing our collective Thanksgiving especially if your going on Thanksgiving! So I guess if this is to be the new normal then employees forced to work should start wishing people Happy Gift or Greed Day and may you have a very Merry Chinese Food and Movie evening as well...thats what Christmas has been boiled down to. But I would like to point out if this happened on Christmas for end of the year blowout sales to boost end of the year and quarter profits there would be riots in the streets, protesters holding signs saying no profit is worth my family time and holiday. So just trying to put that in perspective...a lot of people feel that way about Thanksgiving. An American tradition since the Pilgrims with some controversy and was unofficially celebrated since George Washington. It was made an official national holiday by President Lincoln in 1863 (7 years before Christmas was recognized as a Federal holiday in 1870 just FYI) after giving thanks to the Union troops and their victory at Gettysburg, he decided that our nation should take one day a year and express our collective gratitude and thanks (was meant to be yearly on Nov. 26th). It was observed until it was screwed up by the Depression in 1939 when FDR was trying to boost the economy, but a few years later was set in stone (figuratively) by FDR and Congress in 1941, that without altercation for any reason the 4th Thursday in November would be forever be a National and Federal holiday. So the only other time in our history that Thanksgiving was mucked up was because of money though it was an actual economic need, not just greed and profits...still money...just saying. So can we stop the madness and boycott all stores until Black Friday and continue to boycott the ones that insist on stealing Thanksgiving until they get the message and stop?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:54:29 +0000

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