RANT OF THE DAY: I occasionally engage in heated debates over - TopicsExpress


RANT OF THE DAY: I occasionally engage in heated debates over alternative material of a less-than-credible nature posted on certain Facebook pages. Why do I invest the effort and energy? Because Im genuinely desirous for the advancement of alternative studies. There can be real value in these subjects. But every one of these fields is cluttered by so much nonsense and garbage that it makes a serious study of them almost impossible, and to the serious mainstream researchers who can actually make a difference, virtually untouchable. The nonsense--the woo woo--does not persist because of the continuing efforts of its perpetrators, but by the continuous allegiance of its believers. Followers exist and persist completely on their own with full autonomy, merit and worth. On the other hand, leaders cannot survive without followers. Its like shepherds and sheep. If the shepherd believes he or she is of a greater value and prominence than the sheep, than that shepherd is deluded. The only purpose for the existence of the shepherd is the preciousness of the sheep. Without the sheep, the shepherd is meaningless, while the sheep are still of the same value with or without the shepherd. Duh. My point is not to compare people with sheep, I myself am a follower of a few worthy individuals. Einstein, for example. The integrity of both the man and his work makes him worthy of following. But it is not a blind following. I follow because the integrity of his work has been challenged and tested repeatedly by mainstream authorities in the field and has been found to be of real merit. But to blindly drink in whatever kool-aid is served up by the woo-mongers is another thing altogether. To me, the expense of sacrificing my intellect and common sense for the nebulous satisfaction of rebellion against the establishment is too great a price to pay. Thats because Im aware of my own value in these things. Those who are not give these treasures within themselves away too freely. Its not worth it. If you are someone who feels being a rebel in these subjects gives you a sense of elevated value and autonomy, its not worth it--instead, you need to seek the meaning of the great value you already have. While performing a certain biological duty, if one is given the choice between using toilet paper and a $100 bill, the choice is obvious, since the bill has too great a value to be used in that way. Trouble is, there are some of us who do not recognize they are the $100 bill. Neither are they aware that there are those masqueraders among us who will perpetrate almost any intellectual trickery to obtain for themselves a portion of that wealth. How can I speak in such a manner while being a player in these alternate fields? Its because Im part of that new generation of researchers I mentioned during my presentation at PS2014. My work is solidly anchored in validated scientific findings, and my arguments in sound scientifically relevant reasoning. I welcome all challenges to my work because through their refutation the value of my work in the eyes of others grows stronger and stronger. However, there are others in these fields who cannot so critique each others work because their own is corrupt with the same kinds of weaknesses and inconsistencies. Its like the old adage that those who live in glass houses cannot throw stones. I carefully built my house of brick over several decades before unveiling it. I can throw such stones for the benefit of us all. It is my duty and responsibility. If there are seven men in a foxhole, and the enemy tosses in a hand grenade but only one of the soldiers sees it, that lone soldier suddenly becomes responsible for the lives of all his fellows. I see the grenade. Others do too. I believe in the principles of Intrepid Paradigm, to build meaningful and substantive bridges between mainstream and alternative (some see me as the poster child for this, but there are others among us, as was plainly visible at this years event). We shall never accomplish this by continuing to blindly drink the kool-aid of wild speculation, faulty reasoning, fabricated evidence and the denial of established facts. We shall always remain in our own little box, surrounded by the four walls of denial, ignorance, fantasy and misguided faith. And we will continue to be viewed as kooks, shunned by not only academia, but more significantly, by our fellow citizens at large. How are we to change the world if we persist in behaving so? So, you want to be a rebel? Heres my suggestion. Rebel against the woo-mongers. Turn on them by doing your own research, trying to confirm each fact they present, seek the opinion of skeptics, and when you find the sham, speak out. Lets clean up our own house before we start criticizing the mess in others. Make these aspiring leaders earn your trust. There is a core of merit in all these alternative studies, but well never get to it while we are mired in all this nonsense and intellectual filth. Without followers, the charlatans and hoaxers, however cleverly they weave their web, will fade away, and a new generation of researchers of a greater integrity will rise to take their place. You will not only bring to fruition your own value in these fields for all sincere truth seekers to appreciate, but will also be joining your voice to the emerging, heralding din of a new era for the real advancement of civilization, and to the benefit of all humanity. Join me in the quest for the future.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:11:57 +0000

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