RATIONAL DISCUSSION WITHOUT ARGUMENTS ABOUT HEALING Can anyone help me with better understanding healing of real healing gifts I wrote about yesterday. I just was prayer and I do not know if it was imagination or not, but I felt the presence of Christ flowing the Spirit of Yah, though me in a frequency that started out like tinitiis, but left my ears as too high, and shifted to where I could see a bright a bright lavender pinkish color in my head, and tasted a sweet perfume I could taste and smell, and feel, and sense energy of healing starting within me and flowing out the front part of my skull, then down to center of back and forth of my brain, into my spine and through my nerves like flowing water and light of spiritual beauty and love flow from the Christ, From Abba. I felt it warm my arms, warm her, and I could feel like I and her were one in this music of life breath with each breath we breathed in, and the buzz feeling all over. This was one of he most extraordinary experiences of my life, and I never had so profound of an experience with such energy or imaginations or spiritual juice of love flow, or heart and breath of YHWH that creates life and heals, I think it was a combination of all of it, but is this anything others can relate to, or just sound like an over active imagination, and the healing is actually pschosomatic. I want to know scientific, metaphysical and psychiatric (physical, soul and spiritual) opinions on this,
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 17:45:43 +0000

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