READY TO RELEASE SOME STUCK ENERGY? It’s Mercury Retrograde - TopicsExpress


READY TO RELEASE SOME STUCK ENERGY? It’s Mercury Retrograde which in part means that how we communicate is up for review. Because these days most of us communicate with our technology, it’s important to clear out the old and make way for the new. This is especially exciting if your work depends on it! So let me ask, are you someone who spends the first ten minutes of your morning deleting 50 emails—without even opening them? Emails that you receive from a plethora of online stores and various Web sites? THIS is wasted energy—and how you do your Inbox says something about your inward, spiritual energy. Are you wasting your spiritual mojo on stuff that no longer serves you? Well one way to clean up your act is to clean up your Inbox! Seriously. 1. Commit yourself to unsubscribing to any and all emails that you no longer open. 2. Delete all emails that you no longer need, whether in your Inbox or Sent box or wherever. 3. Organize your emails into files. 4. Set the intention that as you clear out your Inbox, you are clearing out any old, stuck energy within. As you get clear on your incoming and outgoing communication, then the more clear you will be in what you message to the world—and to yourself! You will stop attracting old stories and old relationships that no longer serve you, and you will create all sorts of space to usher in the New! And if you’re someone who is wanting to expand your clientele via your email, then definitely DO THIS! Enjoy and feel lighter, clearer and freer as a result!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:43:27 +0000

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