REFUTING MUSLIMS DESPERATE ATTEMPTS TO FORCE MUHAMMAD INTO BIBLICAL PROPHECY by Princess Christian Greetings and God bless! I decided to compile a list of the most common claims that Ive heard Muslims make in their desperate attempts to force Muhammads name into Biblical scripture. I will answer them one by one and I encourage Muslims to simply read the context of the verses that they are quoting. If you Muslims would just READ, you could spare yourself the confusion and the embarrassment of being so quickly and easily refuted. I would also urge you NOT to listen to the popular Muslim apologists who fill you heads with these transparent lies. After all, you know very well that Allah allows Muslims to lie in order to promote and protect Islam. So why would you expect guys like Zakir Naik, Shabir Ally, Osama Abdallah, or even the late Ahmed Deedat to be telling you the TRUTH? ● DESPERATE CLAIM 1: John 14 & John 16 mention Muhammad, who is called The Helper, The Counselor, or The Comforter: FALSE! The Helper (Greek: Paraclete) is the HOLY SPIRIT, as Jesus Himself says in John 14:26 But the Helper, THE HOLY SPIRIT, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. As you can see by reading the context , the Helper (Paraclete) is a SPIRIT (John 14:16) who the world has NEVER SEEN (John 14:17), who is sent by Jesus and will GLORIFY JESUS (John 16:7, 16:14), and who will abide WITH and IN the followers of Christ FOREVER (John 14:16-17). Muhammad doesnt qualify, folks. Not a chance. Moreover, after Jesus ascended the Holy Spirit did descend onto the followers of Christ on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), just as Jesus promised. ● DESPERATE CLAIM 2: Song of Solomon 5:16 mentions Muhammad because the plural of the Hebrew word for lovely (machmadim) sounds like Muhammads name: FALSE! Just because the Hebrew word machmad or machmadim sounds like the Arabic name Muhammad doesnt mean theyre the same. What a silly idea! Song of Solomon is a SONG about the erotic love between Solomon and his BRIDE. It has nothing to do with prophecy. Also, the word machmad/machmadim (Hebrew for lovely) can be found in MANY different verses of the Bible (1 Kings 20:6; 2 Chronicles 36:19; Isaiah 64:11; Lamentations 1:10, 1:11, 2:4; Ezekiel 24:16, 24:21, 24:25; Hosea 9:6, 9:16; and Joel 3:5). Are ALL of these prophecies of Muhammad as well? Of course not. And neither is Song of Solomon 5:16. ● DESPERATE CLAIM 3: Deuteronomy 18:18 refers to the coming of Muhammad: FALSE! First, the context of Deuteronomy18 is that Moses is about to die and God is telling the Israelites that He will replace Moses with a new prophet (the next prophet in line after Moses was JOSHUA, who came IMMEDIATELY after Moses death). The Israelites had an agreement with God that He would speak to them through prophets (Deut 18:16; Exodus 20:18-19). So it was necessary to send a new prophet after Moses, and more prophets after that. The next prophet in line was JOSHUA (Deut 18:15-17) and this passage also foreshadows the eventual coming of CHRIST (Deut 18:18; John 5:46; Acts 3:22-23, Acts 7:37). This is NOT a prophecy of Muhammad. Second, Deut 18:2 defines brethren as ISRAELITES, and Deut 18:15 says that the new prophet will come from the MIDST of the Israelites AND from among their BRETHREN. Arabs, God bless them, need not apply! They are automatically disqualified for this position. The next prophet was to be an ISRAELI. And, again, the next prophet in line after Moses was JOSHUA, who was an ISRAELI. The future prophets also had to be ISRAELI. So, while JESUS qualifies as the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy; Muhammad DOES NOT qualify and is therefore rejected. Third, Deut 18:20-24 also disqualifies Muhammad, since in this passage God tells the Israelites how to recognize a FALSE PROPHET. Here a false prophet is defined as any man who speaks on behalf of a false god--such a man should be PUT TO DEATH (Deut 18:20). Muhammad is therefore COMPLETELY DISQUALIFIED because of the Satanic Verses incident (read the Tafsirs of Al-Jalalayn, Ibn Kathir and Al Wahidi on Q22.52-53, Hadith of Ibn Abbas, or Sirah of Ibn Ishaq p65-66. They all explain why Allah sent down Q22.52-53 and why Q53.19-20 had to be changed. Here is the link to Islamic Tafsir: altafsir/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=0&tTafsirNo=74&tSoraNo=22&tAyahNo=52&tDisplay=yes&UserProfile=0&LanguageId=2). Thus, rather than accept Muhammad as a true prophet, Moses would have had Muhammad STONED TO DEATH as a FALSE PROPHET, according to Gods law, because Muhammad spoke the Satanic verses, seeking intercession from the goddesses al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat. ● DESPERATE CLAIM 4: Genesis 21:21 mentions that Ishmael ended up in the Wilderness of Paran, which is in Arabia, and therefore this verse foreshadows the establishment of the Islamic religion. FALSE! The Wilderness of Paran is mentioned in several Bible verses (Numbers 10:12, 12:16, 13:3, 13:26, and 1 Sam 25:1). It is located in EGYPT (not Arabia!) and is in the same general area where the Israelites wandered (after they left Egypt) before they entered the promised land (Israel). Mount Sinai is also located near the Wilderness of Paran on any ancient map of Egypt. Furthermore, in Deut 33:2 Moses blesses the Israelites and reminds them of how God gave them the law on MOUNT SINAI in the WILDERNESS OF PARAN, which was in EGYPT on the Sinai Peninsula. ● DESPERATE CLAIM 5: Psalm 84:6 mentions a city called Baca, which is an early name for Mecca. FALSE! First of all, read the verse: Passing through the valley of Baca they make it a spring; the early rain also covers it with blessings. How is a place that is covered with RAIN going to be located in the Arabian DESERT? Second, this verse is describing a peoples journey through the valley of Baca. It has nothing to do with prophecy about a future religion. Third, Baca was actually located in ANCIENT ISRAEL, near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (here is the link to the map: bible-history/geography/ancient-israel/baca.html). It has NOTHING TO DO WITH MECCA. And finally, notice the desperation of Muslims! Just because Baca rhymes with Mecca (sort of), they must be the same city? Come on, guys! Be serious. ● DESPERATE CLAIM 6: Isaiah 21:7 predicts the coming of Jesus and Muhammad, the one on a donkey and the other on a camel. FALSE! Guys, all you have to do is READ THE CONTEXT. This passage (Isaiah 21:1-10) is predicting fall of Babylon (verse 9), which was eventually destroyed by the Persians (Elam & Media, verse 2). This is not a prophecy of Jesus and it CERTAINLY is NOT a prophecy of Muhammad. ● DESPERATE CLAIM 7: Isaiah 29:11-12 predicts the coming of Muhammad because it mentions a messenger who will not be able to read. FALSE! Again, all you have to do is read the CONTEXT. Starting at verse 1 we can clearly see that God is warning the Israelites of the SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS that will fall upon them if they turn against Him. Apart from God the Israelites will not be able to discern truth and will be like blind men, drunkards, or the illiterate: 9 Be delayed and wait, blind yourselves and be blind; they become drunk, but not with wine, they stagger, but not with strong drink. 10 For the Lord has poured over you a spirit of deep sleep, he has shut your eyes, the prophets; and He has covered your heads, the seers. 11 The entire vision will be to you like the words of a sealed book, which when they give it to the one who is literate, saying, “Please read this,” he will say, “I cannot, for it is sealed.” 12 Then the book will be given to the one who is illiterate, saying, “Please read this.” And he will say, “I cannot read.” Altafsir - The Tafsirs - التفاسير altafsir Altafsir - The Tafsirs - التفاسير altafsir Altafsir - The Tafsirs - التفاسير altafsir Altafsir - The Tafsirs - التفاسير altafsir Altafsir - The Tafsirs - التفاسير altafsir Altafsir - The Tafsirs - التفاسير ALTAFSIR.COM
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 19:00:17 +0000

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