REGARDING SANCTIONS ON IRAN! First, to complement Iran because - TopicsExpress


REGARDING SANCTIONS ON IRAN! First, to complement Iran because it is more democratic and better than Saudi Arabia and Egypt as asserted by the scholar in this report is not an acceptable assertion to validate the criminal theocratic governments economic and social oppression against Iranians. It is Iranians that are advanced and a modern society; not their occupiers: the criminal theocratic government. Saudi Arabia and Egypt should also be condemned and sanctioned for their human rights abuses also. In my view the free world should NOT empower business relations with Iranian power house (Criminal Theocracy) where we know only the government cronies who abuse Iranians would benefit; and there will be no change for Iranian people or the international community. As human right violations, executions by public hanging, poverty, abuse against women, and cruel conditions get worst for Iranians, granting economic freedoms to the criminal theocracy would only validate their cruel conduct and establishes their power to commit crimes against Iranians and deprive them from social and economic freedom; these horrible conditions will be exacerbated if sanctions are lifted. I believe what will address the international communities concerns regarding Irans military involvements in the region and acts of terror is to insist for Iranian peoples rights to be revived. Empowering and demanding that Iranians have a prosperous society thru free elections and a secular democracy; and not allowing the criminal theocratic government and its cronies to become more established and validated by becoming more wealthy, recognized, approved and validated through lifting of sanctions - is the only right solution for Iran. The criminal theocracy of Iran is illegitimate and not in place by vote of Iranians. It has no support by the majority of Iranians. There have never been free elections in Iran. The criminal theocracy does not allow for change of route through a secular democracy as it is basically raping Iran and Iranians; and is a threat to the world. This situation will not change by lifting the sanctions. I dont believe there are any achievement for Iranian people through these talks; and only for the criminal theocrats. If sanctions are preventing medicine, food and necessities for Iranians from easily being obtained I wish for these sanctions to be lifted. Even if they do, I do not trust that the criminal Theocratic Government and its cronies would make these items easily accessible to people and peoples ability to acquire them would change since the criminal theocracy and cronies who control the market would simply keep prices the same and increase their profits. I insist on not closing the eyes to the horrific situation in Iran and human rights violations and the economic suppression against Iranian people. I insist not to ignore the horrific abuse and economic corruption. The criminal theocracys control of economy with so much poverty and the status of human rights and economic conditions before these sanctions were placed on Iran only concludes that if sanctions are lifted Iranians would not benefit. They wont. We observe daily multi million Dollar mansions and rich cronies showing off their wealth in Iran, but the average laborer still sleeps in the construction sights due to lack of labor laws. We see increase rate of prostitution by young honorable Iranian women due to poverty. The criminal theocracy and its cronies are not interested in being equitably rewarded and serving Iranians. They dont care for Iranian society and people. They abuse them in every way. The jails are filled. Men and women get raped in jails. Anyone that speaks out is faced with barbaric retaliation. To care for Iran there should be more concern about human rights and economic issues pertaining to Iranian people and not lifting economic sanctions that only benefits and establishes the criminal theocratic government and its cronies more with no benefit to Iranian people - so that they are more powerful to continue on the path of abusing Iranians and terrorizing the region. The sanctions against the Central Bank was lifted by England and this did not help the currency value for Iranian people nor have any other benefit for them. I do not believe lifting sanctions will effect Iranians or the international community in any positive way; to the contrary it will empower the criminal theocrats to be more of a concern for both Iranians and the international community in the future. I dont believe lifting the sanctions against Iran will stop women from being attacked with acid. I dont believe there will be change for womens rights, the jailing of folks with torture, the children having to enter the work force because of poverty in the second richest oil reserve in the world as the rich appear on Forbes and Fortune 500 as the wealthiest men on earth. The criminal Theocratic Government with laws that allows a 10 year old girl to be forced into marriage with its primitive constitution is not an acceptable entity, nor it is acceptable to Iranians whose intellectual and social demands are for a secular and modern society is grand. It boggles my mind when the focus is sanctions being lifted and there are no concern for these issues. I was all for reform initially when the Iranian youth took the streets and voted to President Rohani with joy and enthusiasm. But as I discover what is happening since President Rohani took office with no positive changes and only worsen human rights and economic conditions for Iranians, then I began to logically realize that long as the gate keepers are the rapists and hostage keepers of Iranians; there will be no change for Iran and Iranians. The criminal theocracy is like a group of kidnappers occupying families in a small neighborhood who rape and deprive them of their rights; and now this criminal theocracy wants to have access to the local market in town to shop fairly. And the city council is meeting with them and considering it with conditions. In this situation only the hostage keepers and cronies in this neighborhood will benefit, and not the people nor the town. The hostage keepers are about 8 million who most of them are doing it for financial reasons or are plugged in for being uneducated and religiously fanatic with no moral values; and the hostages are 70 million people. Continuing with strong sanctions that hurt the criminal theocracy and not on items that effect the people like food and health care items; and demanding free elections and a secular ethical democracy is the right thing to do by the international community. Again, since President Rohani took office human rights and economic conditions have gotten worst in Iran, contrary to what President Rohani promised with his message of change and reform. If these sanctions are lifted; the criminal theocratic government will get more strong and then it becomes validated due to relations with the US and west; but the conditions of people and their negative influence in the region will worsen in the same way everything has gotten worst for Iranians since President Rohani took office - and then all will have a bigger monster to deal with. Mr. Rohani may not have the authority or may not be sincere in his declarations to change Iran. Please support the united none violent movement for free elections and a secular democracy in Iran. I >3 International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran youtube/attribution_link?a=Xoop9vm8M70&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQAMMOJz1qr0%26feature%3Dshare
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 03:05:34 +0000

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