REMEMBER WHY WE NEEDED HEALTH CARE REFORM!! "Before the Affordable Care Act (ACA), America’s healthcare delivery system was a gravy train, making every player RICH and leaving the putative beneficiaries — patients — deeply UNHAPPY. Pre-ACA healthcare delivery was a CASH COW, a gravy train for all the health care providers, including doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and device manufacturers.... Health insurance is a nasty business. Insurance needs to turn a profit, pay attention to federal and state laws, and stand as middleman between sick people and the bad guys: greedy doctors, hospitals, Big Pharma and medical-device manufacturers.... Under the old system of “fee for service,” the incentives were lined up to encourage doctors to perform as many procedures as possible. With few exceptions, the more procedures a doctor performed, the more money they made. But the ACA is based on a “fee for wellness” model. Under that system, doctors and hospitals get paid a certain amount for keeping the patient well.... The Republicans like nothing better than to cater to rich people. So the relationship between the GOP and doctors, hospitals, Big Pharma, and medical-device manufacturers was love at first sight. But The ACA is chock full of good ideas that help patients — the good guys (and slow the gravy train of money into the fat pockets of the rich). No wonder the Republicans have fought against it so desperately." ~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for the words, Joann Cummings!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:00:27 +0000

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