REPLY Night Breaker says: Comment ID: 2961198 March 9, 2014 at - TopicsExpress


REPLY Night Breaker says: Comment ID: 2961198 March 9, 2014 at 10:10 am This scenario FP , Small tactical man portable demolition device ( 15 KT ) placed on a aircraft . Aircraft commandeered mid air and flown to a remote region of Pakistan , paint scheme repainted to resemble a popular European air carrier . Jet takes off stops in the Sudan than travels to Libya.. On the Tarmac a Lufthansa flight scheduled from Frankfort to Regan international taxis down the runway , an unruly passenger gets out of his seat and tries to storm the cockpit , the fight is delayed by one hour as police arrest and detain the passenger. The plane departs 1 hour later. The doppleganger aircraft is in the air at this time and on the schedule of the delayed aircraft schedule squawking the identify of the delayed aircraft obtained from a european airtraffic controller who has a gambling debt. , air traffic is confused by by now both aircraft are airborne and using HF for communications due to the recent solar activity communications are spotty and to the confusion no attempt has been made to contact US ATC . It is now lunch time in Germany and it can wait til after lunch. 35,000 feet above the atlantic Lufthansa flight 156 explodes when the semtex concealed in a condom and excreted from a body cavity detonates in the lavatory as the digital watch timer counts down to zero, the catastrophic falure of the aircraft happens so rapidly no distress becon is activated. After lunch air traffic control re- establishes contact via HF to the faux aircraft and crew. Everthing seems normal. faux Lufthansa flight 156 contacts the Washington ATC Tracon and requests flight following The controller notes that the depart times do not match he calles his supervisor to consult on the time anomaly . At this point the flight has entered us airspace and is proceeding up the Chesapeake River approach corridor F-15 eagles are now ordered to intercept the flight something does not feel right . The flight turns 90 degrees to the left to line up with the ATC localizer for approach. At 5000 feet above ground level about 2 miles from the mall at 10:00 am the sky is suddenly lit by the light of a thousand suns the fireball reaches the ground in 2 milliseconds Everthing with 2 miles of ground zero is instantly vaporized . The entire US government has been decapitated in the nuclear Pearl Harbor scenario. The average citizen is unaware for at least 30 minutes what has Transpired except that the Internet and power is out , the south westerly wind drifts the now expanding mushroom cloud with its deadly fallout in a Northeast direction toward the major population centers of Philadelphia and New York city. Aircraft in the air 150 miles away report the flash and growing cloud. Vela and Russian launch detection satellites detect the distinctive double flash of a nuclear detonation , the US strategic command activates it’s emergency protocalls. Flash messages are sent to us naval nuclear forces. The world is now on alert . 2 days later the NRC determines from the nuclear fuel fallout particles indicate the material was refined and produced in Belarus and had been part of the Ukrainian Nuclear Stock Pile that was to be disposed of under the Start 3 treaty. The material unknown to the officials was sold on the international arms black market to Pakistan in the aftermath of the collapse of the soviet union. The Caliphate dances in the streets as the two largest super powers on the planet prepare to engage in conflict. Over 5 million casualties occur on the us east coast due to the INITAL blast and resulting fallout There was no shelter for the population due to the unpreparedness of the government , those that could be evacuated were relocated to tent citys set up by FEMA in the Pocono and Catskills region west of the path of the predicted fallout . A state of emergency is declared , martial law is now in effect , all communications and commerce halts as the world holds it’s breath. This Scenario is fiction depicting a possible scenario of an unimaginable event , we are extremely vulnerable with our open borders and a lack of vigilance as our intelligence agencies are turned more inward rather that outword. The opposition only has to be lucky once we have to be lucky all the time. OBSERVE ORIENT DECIDE ACT PREPARE Semper Fi 8541
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 21:54:17 +0000

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