REPORT OF THE CONGRESS FOR 14th JANUARY,2015 ‘’For the - TopicsExpress


REPORT OF THE CONGRESS FOR 14th JANUARY,2015 ‘’For the people is our concern, the cause endures,the hope lives,the work goes on but our dream shall never die’’ Edwards Kennedy In the progressive sense of a conscious and united union, we commend the tenacious character of the Great Ife students to bringing OAU unionism to the forefront of epoch reckoning and recognition. Without too much grandiloquent , in consonance to the replete and sacred book which guides the activities of the students, a powerful and mother of all congresses was summoned by the President on the advice of the Central Executives Council to take decisions on matters which in the opinion of the central executives council or the students’ representatives council are beyond their powers Article 2section 6(2). This assembly of thinkers was dully called and slated for 14th January,2015 at the foremost Afrikas Amphitheater within the hours of 2-5pm with following serving as road maps of intellectual debate viz *progress report on union activities and project *reinstatement *independence of the union DEBATED ISSUES CEC FINANCIAL EXONERATION The Central Executives’ Council was well vindicated of a purported financial misappropriation by the assembly of Great Ife students. This ill notion of misappropriates was birthed to as result of the 15% subvention of the CEC budget to be allocated to the HEC which was referred to the parliament dated back 12th January, 2015. There, the sacrosanct guided Parliament mandated the CEC within the next 72 hours as at the time of the sitting, to give the available apportioned fund earmarked by the CEC from the second phase of instalment received from the management. This issue was also brought up before the congress on non-expiration of hours mandated by the honourable parliament. The CEC through the offices of the president and financial secretary gave a limpid explanations on the financial transactions of the union since inception of the tenure and germane reason while the HEC subvention was delayed billing to the insufficiency of fund received and need to cater for all the arms of the union in the meagre sum installed by the management. Consequently, the CEC was dully exonerated and advised to act on the order of the parliament. In furtherance, the reason for delay in the apportioned subvention to the HEC, was due to the instalment payment as mode of financial disbursements from the management. THE UNION PROJECTS The President of the union gave a progress report before the congressmen, the activities of the union thus far and the embarked projects on going or completed which can be attested to the generality of the students. The President made it known there are still many projects underway as part of a developmental unionism promised stable of Ibikunle-led administration. Parts of these completed projects thus far include ; *procurement of three (3) buses to facilitate the Students Union campus shuttle *construction of pedestrian bridges linking Faj/Awo halls, Faj/Akintola halls. *procurement of more television sets to the viewing of the students at the Ekelemu TV room *the completion of water works in Angola and Mozambique halls to support the normal supply. *about to be launched Great Ife Students Union website and Great Ife App. *creation and regular supply of newspapers at the Students Union newspapers stand. BETTER WELFARE CONDITIONS As the welfare condition of the students is of most priority to the union,the President made it known that the welfare condition of the students are not negotiable. Through the office of the Welfare Officer of the Students Union, actions had been taken to uplift the welfare state of the students in constant and regular supply of water and electricity, students consumers prices protection and demand to the management to replace old facilities’ with new ones and provision of working standby generators . The president assuringly assured that more actions will be taken to ameliorate the dire welfare condition of the students. CONTINUAL STUGGLE FOR REINSTATEMENT Popularly inferred that an injury to one, is an injury to all. The union as the umbrella body of the students have not rested on her oars in reinstating the some of her finest and progressive comrades unjustly suspended and victimized by the management. The President clearly posited that in the cause of the yuletide and new year celebrations, three (3) out of the OAU9 have been reinstated with letter of reinstatement to continue with their academic pursuits in the persons of comrades Chokomilo,Anchor and Mandela. The President made it known that the fight for the other six(6) is ongoing to reinstate back our comrades brethren with latched with the strokes of injustice.The ASUU chairman in attendance,made it known in his statement that they will give their unflinching supports and solidarity as ever to reinstate back the remaining students on suspension and lift the probatory rustication tag on the entire CEC. CONGRESSIONAL RECRUITMENT -the students Union should take up more assiduous efforts to crave a better welfare state and academic security for the Great Ife students -the Union should swiftly write a letter to the management that the Moremi ladies whose property were engulfed by fire should not be victimized. -the Union should continue vigorously on reinstatement of the other suspended OAU6 -the constitutional review or amendment should be continued under the supervision of the parliament -the Union and her property should be totally independent of the management and defaulting this order,a legal battle is unavoidable. -that Adaora, a student of guidance and counselling under suspension by the management for years and still counting, her swift reinstatement should be taken up by the Union. These were the submissions powerfully submitted and adopted before the assembly of Great Ife students as clear headed way forwards to a better and replete union. Henceforth, the motion for adjournment was moved and seconded which brought a temporal end to the congress. VIVA GREAT IFE! Signed: ------------- IBIKUNLE ISAAC M. PRESIDENT LOUIS,AKOREDE AWODE ASS.SEC.GEN STUDENTS UNION
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 18:09:17 +0000

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