((REPOST RP)) ((OPEN RP OPEN RP OPEN RP)) ((OPEN MAGIC SCHOOL/ FANTASY/ ROMANCE/ A LITTLE ACTION RP!)) ((I need a crush some students, student government, student council, and a teacher please be literate no one liners and no mod modding) Name: Rengo misaki Age: 16 Likes: Fire, spicy food, friends, the girl he has his crush on. Dislikes: water, friends getting hurt, people burning, sour foods, his weak demon control. Power: Fire/ weak demon transformation Bio: Rengo misaki is not a popular kid in school hes more of a kid that got made fun of. In 1-8 grade he was made fun of a lot until one incident happened in middle school he was getting made fun of getting angry a set one of the kids ablaze he keeps remembering that day as the day the he couldnt stay there he was transferred to a magic school setotaki Magic school / high school. he is now a student there learning how to tame his fire but also a demon that was sealed inside him at birth if he builds enough rage the demon will come out and Rengo will start to form into it when hes cooled down he will transform back. He keeps looking at this girl to get his mind off of anything to either cool his rage down or just get his hopes up. In class Rengo is nice but not the most intelligent loving to burn his paper for excitement and getting yelled at for doing it but is a good note taker School description: setotaki magic highschool is a big school theres dorms where boys and girls can live together in nice teachers good clubs theres cheerleading and sports of course but theres a training ground for anyone into combat magic and then theres the girls meeting and boys meeting where once every semester all the boys from any grades meet up and all the girls meetup they talk about their power and how it works and talk a little about themselves girls of course love to talk about the boys a lot and who they have a crush on, boys dont really do much except talk about their power and how it works and that is all ran by the student government which is not the best one but its fine they plan out all of the events and how they work like dances and festivals theyre cool but not the best. Starter: Rengo walking into the class waiting for the one he has a crush on smiles as he grabs his pencil and paper writing anything on the board thats already there he waits patiently for her
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 18:44:02 +0000

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