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REPOST! Since FB does not allow many people to see your posts unless they COMMENT and LIKE! This is an important thing to share around the internet xxxxxx Participating in a wonderful initiative :) I hope you can take the time to read. MY VEGAN STORY I enjoyed eating meat, dairy, eggs, you name it....for 32 years. I LOVED it! I just ate what I always ate from childhood, through my teens, into my 20s and then right into my 30s. I have always loved animals, but had just seen the meat sold in Supermarkets and at the Butcher (that word sends chills down my spine now) as just that, meat. Not the flesh of a living, breathing animal that was once in a paddock, or sadly and more truthfully, in a factory farm. (If you dont know much about this PLEASE google it). I, like so many others, was disconnected from the harsh reality. The truth. I was conditioned. Something remarkable then happened to me approximately a year ago now. I WOKE UP. My conscious and consciousness was awoken. I experienced, what I can only explain as a spiritual awakening. Its as though in a flash the blindfolds were ripped from my eyes and everything just made sense!!! What the hell kind of horror, murder and worse was I supporting and partaking in? I was baffled I could not SEE this my entire life. So many people go Vegetarian and then cut out dairy etc...over time, but that was it for me. I went from BBQ loving, ice cream guzzling, scrambled egg expert, to the person I was meant to be. A person who didnt just follow a belief system that has so deeply been ingrained into us human beings. I think for myself. My mind is now free. I dont just believe something because we are told to. Because thats the way things are. Bullshit! I researched everything I could and was traumatised at what I found! Iv cried so many times. Not only the slaughter of innocent animals that want to live, but the killing of babies, the imprisonment of chickens only seen as egg machines, cows being impregnated again and again and again so they produce milk, and for their babies to be ripped away and killed for us humans to eat. How can this be so? :( This has been the best, most life changing, yet bittersweet, year of my life! I now have a purpose to educate others about the truth and to hopefully get them to see what myself and soooo many other normal people are waking up to. In this year alone Iv had 5 people go vegan or vegetarian at what they now know. The meat and dairy industries are just that. Industries focused on greed. They dont care about the animals. They dont care about you and me. They care just about lining their pockets. We are fed lies through advertising because they can afford it. They brainwash society to believe you need their meat and milk and eggs. You dont. I now run a small, but ever growing successful blog called A Very Small Vegan Kitchen and its already helped other people like you and I to see the truth! To see the things these big industries dont want us, the consumers to see. Because any sane person would not dare support the horrors animals endure in the millions, BILLIONS, every single year. My conscious is clear, I feel happier, stronger, fitter, more at peace and have found my purpose. To be a voice for the animals that have NO choice. Our voiceless friends. Thank you for reading xxxxxx #myveganstory #newyearsresolution
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 11:01:14 +0000

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