REVIEW: THE WIZARD OF OZ… (BETTER LATE THAN NEVER) Baseball has double-headers… The history of American cinema is riddled with double-features… Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger once played twins… so why hasn’t theater gotten the message?! I say “let’s play two!” Or see two plays, as the case may be… And with that in mind, last Friday I ventured back to venerable Coach B. Memorial Gymnasium stage at hallowed Raynor Country Day School to consume a smorgasbord of culture – a tasty aperitif: Jenny Bracovic and Doreen Abbott’s “Wizard of Oz,” followed by a double scoop of dessert-like decadence, Suzanne Kissane Lewis’ interpretation of “Aladdin.” I arrived at 6:07 for a 6:30 opening curtain, only to find standing room only! No reserved seating for press?! Perhaps this was payback for a harsh review plays ago? Or perhaps Raynor is above pandering for four stars?! I tried not to take it personally… my pregnant wife, however, was outraged. Apparently, she married me solely for the reserved seating?... But I digress…I fetched two chairs from the art room and settled in for what was sure to be a double-dose of Brando with a side order of Olivier… From the opening march of munchkins, “The Wizard of Oz” did not disappoint… I only wish I had a brain capable of putting this performance into words… if only I possessed a heart able to process the raw emotion that brought the house down, not just on the Wicked Witch, but on all of us!… At least I had the courage to stand and clap, demanding an encore… If a tornado were to swoop down and take me away, I want to land in a place where this show runs forever, and Jenny, Doreen and the entire Pee-Wee Theater Troupe take their rightful place as mighty munchkins of the industry. Completely spent, I held onto my pen and steadied myself for “Aladdin”… Had I three wishes, this night would last forever. Alas, it was not to be. Perhaps it was the combination of the art room chairs, the electricity in the air and a low-sodium diet, but cramping set in… My pregnant wife also wasn’t feeling well. Sadly, I was forced to pass my pen and paper to a protégé, who -- after absorbing every nuance of Aladdin – called me, voice shaking with emotion and whispered the following: “Lewis’ Aladdin was what Disney aspired to and failed… comparatively, Walt Disney is a hack.” Strong words -- but having seen the acting and directing talent at Raynor first hand, I’m inclined to rub the lamp and wish for next theater season to arrive quickly!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 12:47:55 +0000

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