RISING TO THE TOP AND REMAINING THERE; Key Text: And the Lord - TopicsExpress


RISING TO THE TOP AND REMAINING THERE; Key Text: And the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail; and thou shall be on top only, and thou shall not be beneath; if dat thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I commanded thee this day, to observe and to do them See Deuteronomy28:13. Welcome to todays dynamic teaching in Jesus name. WHO IS AT THE TOP? A Man who God has blessed is the Man who is at the top. WHAT IS BLESSING? Blessing is possession, possession of all kinds See Gen13:2; Blessing is a state of complete health; Blessing means to be fruitful See Gen17:6; The Lord said to Abraham; In blessing i will bless thee and in multiplying i will multiply you. A Man dat is blessed is a Man dat God has given rest in every area of his life See 1kings5:4. Today we are discussing about rising to the top and remaining there, or better still how to sustain your blessing. Have you seen a Man who was once a rich Man pushing wheel biro in the market? Have you seen a Man who have once become very wealthy but suddenly you see him begin for food? Yes i have seen great Men falling; I have seen pple who rise to the top but neva remained there foreva. I have seen a rich Man turned to wreched Man. This is because they could not sustain their blessing properly. Most of them now visit native Doctors and wat eva just to get back to the top but they cant because they have actually forgotten the path to the top. HOW DO I SUSTAIN MY BLESSING? *When you get to the top, you must not forget the source of your blessing; And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply and thy silver and Gold is multiplied, and all dat thou has is multiplied; Then thine heart be lifted up and thou forget the Lord thy God: And thou shall say in thine heart, my power and the might of mine hand has gotten me this wealth; But remember thy Lord: For it is he dat giveth thee power to get wealth See Deut8:13-18 paraphrased! Most pple when they were poor, they served God very well but when they suddenly became wealthy their attitude in the church changed. They no longer count on their pastors. They no longer come to church. They suddenly believe in their connection and certificate. Their heart is lifted up and puffed up. They now believe their wisdom has gotten them this wealth. Take a very good look at rich Men, they dont come to church but they will always ask their wife and children to go to church. If you ask them, they will tell you dat they dont have time. They have suddenly forgotten the God dat gave them the wealth. Such kinds of pple can fall from the top to the ground. But this will not be your portion in Jesus name. *You must always pay your tithe; Will a Man rob God? Yet ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings See Malachi3:8. I dont own a church and am not planning of having one. So dont begin to think dat am trying to raise money for my church. Paying of tithe is very biblical! (1)It protect you from accident. (2)It takes sickness away from you. (3)It makes God to rebuke the devourer for you. (4)It gives you safety to your blessings. (5)It attracts more blessings. See Malachi3:10-11. *You have to be generous; Give and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over, shall Men give into your bosom. For with the same measure dat ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again See Luke6:38. Wat eva you give out is invariably goin to return to you. Remember the more you spend the more your wealth reduces. So the need for you to get more is by being generous. *When you at the top you must avoid pride; Pride goeth before destruction; and an haughty spirit before a fall See Proverb16:18. Most pple after getting to the top, they develop attitude of pride. They abandon their legitimate wife and wants to marry many wives. They no longer respect pple even their parents who gave birth to them. They turn to lion to almost every body around them. They want pple to worship them. Such kind of pple are bound to fall from the top to the zero level! This will not be your portion in Jesus name. *When you get to the top: You must live a life of holiness, righteousness and truthfulness; This is the most important way to sustain your blessings. If your foundation is built on Christ the solid rock, he fights your battles for you including sustaining your property. Today; You are rising up to the top and you will remain there foreva in Jesus name. I will see you at the top soon. God bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 20:38:25 +0000

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