RITUAL SACRIFICE in Modern Day Films. - also Elliot Rodger - TopicsExpress


RITUAL SACRIFICE in Modern Day Films. - also Elliot Rodger Killings, The California Shooter Just as I was writing the title of this post, Stanley Kubrick Films appeared as a Facebook link. Talk about synchronicity considering he was one of the ritualistic sacrifices I was about to mention in this post. The Elite have a stronghold on the film industry and the media, and their worship of ancient deities is becoming more and more obvious as more and more films are tied to killings, shootings, and deaths. This post comes as a direct response to yet another killing spree presented in the news over the weekend. Elliot Roger, the accused killer, was the son of Peter Rodger, a unit director of the film, Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is a dystopian film, presenting teenagers as sacrificial offerings towards a continued peace among national regions around the globe. The film itself is based along the lines of other dystopian works such as 1984 by George Orwell (Yet more synchronicity). I have been lead over and over again to George Orwell for a week now. Yesterday, I claimed it was all a hoax, considering a director and his son were involved in the incident. But if the ritualistic undertones in this incident apply; which I clearly think they do, then I may have been premature in assessing the incident as fake - at least in terms of actual deaths. The reference to The Hunger Games is a big red-flag. Yesterday I posted the Facebook page of the accused killer. His book likes were a clear read into the Elitist nature of his mindset and focus. In other words, it is clear Elliot Roger was part of an Elitist family. I had been wanting to write about the nature of Elitist families, but the research is lengthy and has many ties to several other topics such as this one, ritualistic sacrifice in relation to films. Also, what is behind the motives of these Elitists and how their religious rituals play into all this. Specifically, the New World Order and the rise of the Supreme Leader. I take this incident in direct relation to previous incidents such as that which allegedly occurred at Sandy Hook. One very nice little piece of information - Suzanne Collins, the author of Hunger Games, resides at Sandy Hook. Coincidence? Only if you are extremely gullible. According to the news reports, not all of the victims were shot. Three male victims were allegedly stabbed to death by Elliot Roger at his residence. You must ask yourself, how could a young man of Elliot Rogers build, be able to kill at knife-point, 3 males? The most likely answer is that Elliot Roger did not work alone. The 3 males could have well been blood sacrifice victims from a previous affair. In other words, Elliot Rogers could have been acting as the fall-guy for an Elitist organization involved in ritualistic murders. To my belief, this has been the case with previous ritualistic mass murders. A single person acting as the fall-guy for an organized incident. Here pops-up a victims father with a direct blame against the NRA just hours after his supposed sons death. A detailed video manifesto of the Elliot Roger appears. Again, another nice coincidence. Lets not even mention previous movies like ARGO which specifically portray the makings of a false-flag event. Argo is stated to have been based on actual events. Get it now? Here is a small list of some possible ritualistic killings in relation to modern films: Eyes Wide Shut - Stanley Kubrick dies - Depicts Elitist Rituals & Affairs. The Hunger Games (2nd Film) - Philip Seymour Hoffman - Overdose The Hunger Games (2nd Film) - Elliot Roger - Current Incident The Dark Knight - Heath Ledger dies in unintentional overdose The Dark Knight Rises - Mass shooting at Colorado theater A quick note about The Dark Knight Rises film. James Eagan Holmes identified himself as The Joker to the police. Yes, a direct reference to Heath Ledger (after he died). And three name killers have always been a clue that the Elite have been behind the murder. Lincoln, JFK, both had 3 name killers. Each and every one of these films deserves a post in their own right. The details and/or topics in relation to these films has much to say about the Elitist agenda, the NWO, and the future of humanity. Its a lot of information which takes time and research to develop. But the discoveries are so worth it.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 11:49:01 +0000

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