RNR THREE STEP EATING PROGRAM Created By Neil Ranasinghe - TopicsExpress


RNR THREE STEP EATING PROGRAM Created By Neil Ranasinghe 09/08/2011 Introduction Like many others before me and I am sure many others after me, people will continue to struggle with their endless battle to lose weight. In my attempts to lose weight, on recollection I think I have tried just about every single diet out there and quick fix to help me lose weight. I must admit some of them actually did work and I did lose weight but what they all had in common was me gaining back the weight and in some instances putting on even more weight. I found that on these diets I feared certain foods and even feared going to places to eat and even shied away from socialising as it would mean I had to eat, you know the scenario, friends ask you to go out for dinner but the diet you are on doesn’t allow you to eat at that time and so you either don’t go or go and sit there, watch everyone eat or have a glass of water or worse still eat a little then think oh well I have broken the diet anyway and might as well do it properly and eat like a pig! I am sure there are hundred more scenarios I can go into and a hundred more you can all tell me but these life experiences really got me thinking and I thought there has to be a better way a smarter way around this problem, to lose weight without thinking about it! I experimented with lots of different ideas some failed and I put on weight and some worked but I really couldn’t see me doing it for the rest of my life! Through my experimentation I did find the key ingredients for the perfect solution to weight loss, which are: A non repetitive routine ( so you don’t get bored or tired of it ) No restrictions on the time you eat, what you eat or the places you eat. A life realistic routine that doesn’t mean having to make drastic changes to your life to adhere to; one that can also fit into your day to day life and work life, as well as being able to maintain it for the rest of your life. No need for special preparation of food that you have to carry around with you, calorie count, weigh food or keep food diaries. If we break it down to the bare basics as human beings we need the following to sustain life and fuel our bodies: Water, protein, carbohydrates and exercise to ensure we have good mobility. Our descendants who were hunter gathers inadvertently gave us the blue print to staying in shape (tell me have you ever seen a picture of a fat caveman or cavewoman?), they would forage for fruits or berries, track and hunt animals all day (that would be their exercise) and eat whatever they could find as they could find it (so small meals through the day and that skinny friend we all have who can eat anything but doesn’t put on weight, have you ever stopped to notices they are eating small bits all the time ? well now you know their secret they have brought out that inner caveman and cavewoman in them). So it is time to bring the caveman or cavewoman in you out and start learning that genetically we all have the ability to lose weight and sustain it as it was handed down to us from our caveman and cavewoman ancestors. The three step RNR eating program Eat every three and a half hours from the time you get up till 3 hours before you sleep Each meal should consist of a portion of protein and a portion of carbohydrates ( a portion being the size of the palm of your hand potato) and a pint of water(salad a palm size portion with all your meals if you so choose) Exercise for twenty minutes each day (can be brisk walking or walking for one minute jogging for one minute) Yes it’s that simple! Examples of carbohydrates and proteins Protein = chicken, steak, shrimp, chickpeas, dhal, egg whites. Carbohydrates = potato, banana, pasta, orange, apple, fat free yogurt, Rice, bread Some life scenarios Scenario 1 You feel like going to McDonalds , not a problem, we can still fit our eating program in, have a burger , say a quarter pounder with no cheese and a dash of ketch up with extra onions or gherkins .The burger itself which is your protein and the bun which is your carbohydrates and if you don’t feel like having a pint of water then you can have a diet coke or diet Pepsi as long as it’s a diet drink(but make sure that your morning meal has water and then two of the other meals does too), and guess what in three and a half hours if you feel like eating McDonalds again you can come back and try a Big Mac doing the same thing! You can apply the same rule to any restaurant at all, just make sure it’s not fried and the sky is the limit. Fancy a kebab or sharwarma well simple, the meat is your protein, the warp or naan is your carbohydrate, just go very light on the sauce and add as much vegetable as you want! I am sure you are getting the hang of it now, so just apply it to any scenario, so going for that dinner with friends is no barrier at all! Scenario 2 Say you have a craving for chocolate, now I don’t know about you but the old me would buy a slab of chocolate and eat the whole 100g bar in one sitting, so how about this, get a jar and break the bar of chocolate into individual pieces and put them in the jar, make sure it’s a small jar, all of a sudden you have a whole jar of chocolate you can have, now try to have say two pieces a day with two of your meals as a treat; all of a sudden you are now still having your chocolate bar but over a whole week ! Say you want ice cream, now I know the old me would pile a bowl like mountain and eat it, so here is a smarter way to handle that scenario, buy small one scoop cups and small spoons and eat say two scoops after two of your meals, all of a sudden the smaller cup makes you look like you have a lot of ice cream and the small spoon will make you take longer to eat it! I have purposely not given you all the proteins and carbohydrates as I want you to become food experts and gain knowledge as I did by discovering for yourselves what proteins and carbohydrates are out there (I found the internet to be a great tool in my discovery process, simply type in the name of the food and ask if it is a protein or carbohydrate. I have given you the foundation and frame work, now you must build your castle as I did. Good luck! Coach Neil —————————————————————————————————————————
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 09:31:09 +0000

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