ROBOCOP (Review, without spoilers) Despite what critics might - TopicsExpress


ROBOCOP (Review, without spoilers) Despite what critics might say, I liked it. The original Robocop was too cheesy for my tastes, but this one had the right kind of cheesy (Samuel L. Jackson) and alot of gunfire and explosions, but what I liked about it was the reference to the social fears we have of a government/corporation ran militarized police force, that is dehumanized so that only the bottom line takes priority. This has been done to death, of course. But this time, I think they got the formula right, in the trauma that would be inflicted to the psyche when you realize you just a head with a couple organic parts. I was sorry for his tissue and the soul that remained, I also cant believe how mature Gary Oldman has become! (or how old we became!) Obviously, its gonna be an action show, and OBVIOUSLY its a remake, but I like the updated version far better than the original, some of it was predictable, but how can it not be, I mean, the formulas for the villains, the partner, wife, other cops, big corporations... etc, exactly how could it be anything but predictable. Its a re rendering of a concept. How many times has the last supper been re-rendered? Or the last house on the left? or The texas chainsaw massacre, we know the story line, its the delivery that counts! So when people complain that it was predictable... way to be captain obvious. I liked it. Will it be a crucial classic in a decade, probably not, but its good for a night out. You cant really post a spoiler for a remake.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 05:07:31 +0000

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