ROTD#12 (Reflection of the Day) (1/12/13) IT IS HALF - TopicsExpress


ROTD#12 (Reflection of the Day) (1/12/13) IT IS HALF FULL! In a party there were teo sets of glasses, one set were glasses that are full and the other half filled. It was noticeable tha people preferred to take the glasses that are half full. Then after the party it is noted that the glasses they use were left with water still more than half. There are two ways to view this glass: half full or half empty. This is the way we may see our lives, and the many things in it. We see problems simply as problems when in fact it offers opportunities. We may regard ourselves for our weakness when in fact we are endowed with remarkable strengths. We look for what is wrong as if there is nothing right. We find what is lacking when we dont appreciate what is there. Consider happiness! Do you know that what makes you happy is already WITH you? We just neglect to notice. In the time perspectives, we are most of the time too worried about the future and too attached to the past that we neither live in the past nor the future, and in the process miss the value of the most important time- the present. The present which is the gift! It is always a matter of perspective. We dislike people because of what we see in them as wrong or weak or lacking; When we can search for what is right and good in them. We look at the mirror to see what is wrong on our faces when there is always something beautiful in it. The secret is finding what is good and making it as the seed of greater appreciation and as the beginning of something bigger than life. In business start up, many reluctant entrepreneur-wannabes are afraid or have given up because of what they see as what they lack, instead of capitalizing on what is already there. They wait for the glass to be half full which is not necessary and probably will never come. This makes them quit before they even start. It makes them develop a paralyzing scenario infecting their own beings and everything they do. Just like the case in the beginning of this reflection, There are two ways to look at this glass! Certainly we dont need the glass to be full so we take in a volume of water to quench our thirst. And even as we take that which is full, fact remain that what is half full is good enough. I dont advocate settling for less. What this reflection communicates is that appreciation goes to even the small blessings. In the end, IT IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING AT THAT MATTERS, IT IS WHAT YOU SEE... PS, in the spirit of the Popes coming in two days: There is a magic in TWO: two eyes closed, with two knees bent and two hands together with two beings communicating...YOU and GOD. (ROTD is my 2015 advocacy to post thoughts that will challenge mindsets as inspired by my day experience. Feel free to comment provided that we respect ideas and free exchanges. Reminder, this is still my wall and this is my right)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:14:41 +0000

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