RULES OF THE GAME 1. GAME RULES A. The Court B. The - TopicsExpress


RULES OF THE GAME 1. GAME RULES A. The Court B. The Ball C. The Team D. Uniform E. The Time F. Substitution G. Violations H. Fouls I. Penalty J. Referee K. Score L. Official M. Spectators PLAYING COURT The playing court shall have a flat, hard / soft surface free from obstructions with dimensions of thirty (30) meter in length and twenty (20) meter in width measured from the inner edge of the boundary line. LENGTH OF THE COURT – 30mt. WIDTH OF THE COURT - 20mt END LINE TO ATTACK LINE DISTANCE – 10mt ATTACK LINE TO MIDDLE LINE DISTANCE- 5mt HEIGHT OF THE POLE - 2.50mt DIAMETAR OF THE RING - 55cm TOTAL HEIGHT POLE WITH RING- 3.05mt END LINE TO PENELTY LINE DISTANCE – 7.50mt LINES All lines shall be drawn in white color, five (5) cm in width and clearly. BOUNDARY LINE The playing court shall be limited by the boundary line, consisting of the end lines and the sidelines. These lines are not part of the playing court. Any obstruction including seated team bench personnel shall be at least two (2) meter from the playing court. TEAM BENCH AREAS: • The team bench areas shall be marked outside the playing court limited by two (2) lines. • There must be fourteen (14) seats available in the team bench area for the team bench personnel which consist of the coaches, the assistant coaches, the substitutes, the excluded players and the team followers. Any other persons shall be at least five (5) meter behind the team bench. THE COURT The court is 30 m x 20 m in size and is divided into two (2) sections (15 m x 20 m). The four goalposts are situated. Each goalpost has a steel ring of 25.3 mm & 55 cm in diameter attached at the top, exactly 3.05 m from the ground. The penalty line is away 7.50m from the end line. Exactly in the middle of the centre section, a circle of 1 m. The court must have an even surface. Hard, soil-surfaced courts, free from grass can be used. Grass courts are allowed, but slip-free all-weather courts are recommended. Within a distance of 3 m around the court there should be no obstacles such as trees, light poles, walls, fences, wires or steps. . The goalposts must be of 2.50 m circular steel pipes with a diameter of 75.9 mm. The goalposts must be placed in a vertical position. The inside edge of the goal post must form a tangent with the inside edge of the line. The ring on the goalpost must be of a sturdy round metal bar with a maximum of 25.3 mm thickness and an inside diameter of 55 cm. Flat steel rings are not allowed. The ring must be vertically fixed (level) to the top of the post and should not hop up when the ball bounces on the ring. The rings should be painted white &rings will be in red colour. The nets must be large enough to allow a number 5 ball to pass through and must be correctly fixed to the goal ring. THE BALL A ball made of leather or synthetic material should be used. Rubber balls are not permitted. (Wet leather balls and balls inflated too hard stretch; underinflated leather balls stretch at their seams.) All teams play with number 5 balls, with a circumference of ___________ and a mass of approximately ___________ gm. (Balls with loose laces or uneven surfaces are not allowed.) All age group will play with no 5 ball. TEAM There will be two teams, each team will as follows: • No more than eleven (11) team members entitled to play, including a captain. • A coach and, if a team wishes, an assistant coach. • A maximum of three (3) team followers who may sit on the team bench and have special responsibilities, e.g. manager, doctor, physiotherapist, . Six (6) players will need to play the match & remaining 5 will be substituted. UNIFORMS The uniform of the team members shall consist of: • Shirts of the same dominant colour front and back. • All players must tuck their shirts into their playing shorts. • Shorts of the same dominant colour front and back. • Each team member shall wear a shirt numbered on the front and back, the numbers shall be clearly visible. • Diamond player will have the different colour of shirts and shorts other than the team. THE PLAYERS > At least Six (6) players of a team must be present at the start of a game. A player, who arrives late, is allowed to join the game only when his/her name in mention in the score sheet. > During the match no player is allowed to leave the court without the permission of the referee. > In the event of a sick or injured player who is unable to continue play, a substitute may immediately take up his place. A disqualified player may not be substituted. > If the injured player only receives treatment and wants to return to continue play, no substitution player may take his position. Play continues with his team consisting of five (5) players until he is ready to return to his position to continue play. > Injury time of thirty (30) second is allowed on court. In the event of a serious injury, time must be granted for the player to receive medical treatment on court or to be removed. > A player experiencing any type of a bleeding must leave the court immediately and can be substi¬tuted. As soon as the bleeding has stopped, the player may rejoin the game with the permission of the referee. In the event of the player not returning within five (5) minutes, the substitute will then complete the game. PLAYERS NUMBERS • Players can use the 3 to 20 numbers as there chest number for the match and 10 & 15 and will be only used by the diamond players. MARKING OF NUMBERS: • Those on the back shall be at least (18) cm high. • Those on the front shall be at least ten (10) cm high. • The numbers shall be at least two (2) cm wide. • Players on the same team shall not wear the same number. Teams must have a minimum of two (2) sets of shirts and shorts: • The first team named in the programme (home team) shall wear light-colored shirts. • The second team named in the programme (visiting team) shall wear dark-colored shirts. • However, if the two (2) teams agree, they may interchange the colours of the shirts. PLAYERS: INJURY • In the event of injury to a player(s), the officials may stop the game. • If the injured player cannot continue to play immediately (within approximately 30 seconds). • Team bench personnel may enter the playing court, with the permission of an official, to attend to an injured player before he is substituted. • A doctor may enter the playing court, without permission of officials. • During the game, any player who is bleeding or has an open wound must be substituted. He may return to the playing court only after bleeding has stopped and the affected area or open wound has been completely and securely covered. PLAYING TIME: • The game shall consist of three (3) periods and time will be as follows: 1st and 2nd periods will consist of fifteen (15) minutes each. 3rd periods or final periods will consist of ten (10) minutes. There shall be intervals of play of one fifty (150) second between the first and second period, between the second and third period (final period) there shall be interval of three (3) minutes. In case of extra period five (5) minutes will be given which will be extension of third or final periods. The interval of time between third period and extra period will be one (1) minutes. If, the score is again level at end of extra period five (5) free shoot will given to both team and who will score maximum will be declare as winner. If again the score is level in free shoot than three (3) more free shoot will given to both team and it will continue till one team score maximum. BEGINNING AND END OF A PERIOD OR THE GAME • The game time begins when the ball leaves the hand of the player who is making throw from center line (for all periods including extra period). • The game cannot begin if one of the teams is not on the playing court with six (6) players ready to play. • Teams shall exchange target in the second half. • In 3rd period the team who is on lead will decide on which target the team attacks. • In extra period target will not change as it is extension of third period. • A period, extra period or game shall end when the game clock signal sounds for the end of the period. COMMON BALL A common ball occurs when one or more players of each opposing team have one or both hands on the ball so that neither player can gain control without making any roughness. THROW-IN PROCEDURE An official must hand or place the ball at the disposal of the player taking the throw-in. He may also toss or bounce pass the ball provided that: • The official is no more than four (4) m from the player taking the throw-in. • The player taking the throw-in is at the correct place as designated by the official. • The player shall take the throw-in at the place nearest to the infraction or where the game was stopped by the official. TIME-OUT A time-out is an interruption of the game requested by the coach or assistant coach. Each time-out shall last one (1) minute. A time-out may be granted during a time-out opportunity. A time-out opportunity begins when: • For both teams, the ball becomes dead, the game clock is stopped and the official has ended his communication with the scorers table. • For both teams, the ball becomes dead following a successful last or only free throw. • For the non-scoring team, a field goal is scored. A time-out opportunity ends when the ball is at the disposal of a player for a throw-in or for a first or only free throw. . 3 Time out will be given to each team in 1st & 2nd quarter at any time on the request of coaches of both teams. . 2 Time out will be given to each team in last quarter. . 1 Time out will be given to each team in each extra period. SUBSTITUTION A team may substitute players during a substitution opportunity. A substitution opportunity will be when: • For both teams, the ball becomes dead, the game clock is stopped and the official has ended his communication with the scorers table. • For both teams, the ball becomes dead following a successful last or only free throw. • A substitution opportunity ends when the ball is at the disposal of a player for a throw-in. • A player who has become a substitute and a substitute who has become a player cannot respectively re-enter the game or leave the game until the ball becomes dead again, after a clock-running phase of the game. • Diamond player will be changed only by diamond player. • In case a regular player changed in diamond player than he/she will carry his /her fouls as in diamond player. VIOLATIONS A violation is an infraction of the rules: The ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in at the place nearest to the infraction, except directly behind the backboard, unless otherwise stated in the rules. 1. PLAYER OUT OF BOUNDS AND BALL OUT OF BOUNDS A player is out-of-bounds when any part of his body is in contact with the floor or any object other than a player, on, above or outside the boundary line. The ball is out-of-bounds when it touches: • A player or any other person who is out-of-bounds. • The floor or any object on, above or outside the boundary line. 2. DRIBBLING A dribble is the movement of a live ball caused by a player in control of that ball who throws and dribbles the ball on the floor. A dribble starts when a player, having gained control of a live ball on the playing court, throws, taps, rolls, dribbles it on the floor. A dribble ends when the player touches the ball with both hands simultaneously. There is no limit to the number of steps a player may take when the ball is not in contact with his both hand. Only one hand allow to dribble the ball . 3. TWENTY TWO SECONDS The team must be attempt a shot for a field goal within twenty-two (22) seconds. To constitute a shot for a field goal within twenty-two (22) seconds: The ball must leave the players hand(s) before the twenty-two (22) second clock signal sounds, and After the ball has left the players hand(s), the ball must touch the ring or enter the basket. Eight (8) second for backcourt and fourteen (14) second for front court. The team may cross the backcourt less than eight (8) second. 4. BALL RETURNED TO THE BACKCOURT A live ball which is in a team’s frontcourt goes into a teams backcourt when: It touches the backcourt. It touches or is legally touched by any defensive player who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt of same team who has the ball position. 5. CHARGING Charging is illegal personal contact, with or without the ball, by Pushing or moving into an opponent’s torso. 6. BLOCKING Blocking is illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of an opponent with or without the ball. A player who is attempting to screen is committing a blocking. Foul if contact occurs when he is moving and his opponent is stationary or retreating from him. If a player disregards the ball, faces an opponent and shifts his position as the opponent shifts, he is primarily Responsible for any contact that occurs, unless other factors are involved. PERSONAL FOUL A personal foul is a player’s contact foul with an opponent, whether the ball is live or dead. A player shall not hold, block, push, charge, trip or impede the progress of an opponent by extending his hand, arm, elbow, shoulder, hip, leg, knee or foot, nor by bending his body into an abnormal position (outside his cylinder), nor shall he indulge in any rough or violent play. Only three fouls is allow to a player. A personal foul shall be charged against the offender. If the foul is committed on a player not in the act of shooting: • The game shall be resumed with a throw-in by the non-offending team at the place nearest to the infraction. .If the foul is committed on a player in the act of shooting, that player shall be awarded a number of free throw(s) as follows: • If the shot from the field shoot area is successful, the shoot shall count and, in addition, ball possession will be given to the same team. • If the shot from the field goal area is unsuccessful, one (1) 1free throw of two point will be given. TECHNICAL FOUL The proper conduct of the game demands the full and loyal cooperation of the players and team bench personnel with the officials, table officials. Each team shall do its best to secure victory, but this must be done in the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play. Any deliberate or repeated non-cooperation or non-compliance with the spirit and intent of this rule shall be considered as a technical foul. The official may prevent technical fouls by giving warnings or even overlooking minor infractions which are obviously unintentional and have no direct effect upon the game, unless there is repetition of the same infraction after the warning. TEAM FOUL . Five fouls is allow to a team. . After five fouls on each fouls 1 free throw of two point will be given to the offensive team. PENALETY If counted then same ball passions. If not counted free shoot. Free shoot will carry two point. THE REFEREE A qualified neutral person should officiate at matches as referee. The referee shall enforce the rules and his decision is final. The referee’s responsibility comprises, inter alia: a) Enforcing the rules and regulate the game uniformly. b) Ensuring that the match progresses orderly and obviating irregularities. c) Promoting the fluency of the match. d) Ensuring that the court and the ball are suitable for play. The referee qualification is Graduation and passed the national technical refers hip exam. The referee is ultimately responsible for the fouls and the score and, his decision is final. The referee must verify the fouls with the Asst.Referee during the match. The referee must check the score during the interval. An appeal against a referee can only be lodged on the grounds of incompetence and/or for any prejudice against and/or favouritism towards a particular team. Any appeal or objection must be lodged in accordance with the controlling body’s constitution as well as the prescribed instructions. Total referee are Referee - 1 Asst. referee -2 THE SCORE A successful goal counts two (1) points. A successful penalty goal counts one (2) point. A shooter may attempt a penalty shoot behind the penalty line that time no will be stop. If the shooter attempts the penalty from behind the penalty line and is successful, one (1) point is awarded. It is the shooter his own choice who will take the shoot. Any player take the penalty shoot accept diamond player. OFFICIALS AT A MATCH (6) One Referee Two Asst.Referee One Score keeper One Time Keeper One Foul counter OFFICIALS UNIFORM . Black trouser /Pant with black shoes and white /Black t-shirts. SPECTATORS Spectators must remain one (3) metre from the outside lines of the court. Team managers or team coach must take up position on the opposite side from where the referee moves and one (1) metre from the outside lines of the court.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:48:09 +0000

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