RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 28th August 2014. (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 28th August 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - REPUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT - THE REPUBLIC HAS ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED AND TREATIES SIGNING GLOBALLY WITH OTHER COUNTRIES JUST ABOUT DONE. THE GENERAL WILL BE ANNOUNCING THE REPUBLIC AFTER ALL THE BAD HOMBRES HAVE BEEN CONTAINED. NESARA ANNOUNCEMENT - NESARA (or GESARA) TO BE OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED WORLDWIDE ON 9/9/14. DISBURSEMENTS TO THE PEOPLE WILL START SEVERAL DAYS AFTER THE ANNOUNCEMENT. (NESARA- REPUBLIC NOW - GALACTIC NEWS). ____________________________ 02 - It Is Now Official.. The Cabinet Is Now Complete. - 08/28/2014. Stevel, greetings all. I just got a call from Ray and it is now official. The new Prime Minister has picked and named all of his new ministers and the cabinet is now complete. It was on Iraqi tv and it will be made official to the press and news media Friday morning (Iraqi time). This is the best news yet. I mean huge. Between this and the Federation news, only one thing can top this one. I will keep you posted. The next thing on the parliaments agenda is the budget and HCL, and after that passes, we all know what to expect. :) :) :) Have a safe holiday weekend. Stevel. ____________________________ 03 - Exogen: Intel Snack 8:52 AM EST at Stage3Alpha. - 08/28/2014. INTEL SNACK 8:52 AM EST Posted by EXOGEN on August 28, 2014 at 9:00am 1. ADABI HAS MADE THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE GOI. 2. THE CRITICAL LAWS NEEDED IN IRAQ FOR MONETARY REFORM ARE COMPLETED. 3. THE GLOBAL STRIKE ON ISIS HAS INCREASED WITH NEW FOCUS ON SYRIA. 4. THE EMS (Emerging Markets) HAVE BEEN RELEASED INTO ALL GLOBAL FINANCIAL PLATFORMS. 5. THE USNS ARE NOW LOCKED AND LOADED FOR GLOBAL RELEASE. 6. THE GRINCH HAS PUT CHRISTMAS BACK IN PLACE AND ON SCHEDULE. 7. GLOBAL CENTRAL BANKS ARE ON HIGH ALERT. 8. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE BRETTON WOODS MEETING NEXT WEEK. _____________________________ 04 - Tidbits from Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members Late Thursday AM 08/28/2014. Stage3Alpha: EXOGEN August 28, 2014 at 9:32am For starters without going into details, but what happened in DC on yesterday were the last 2 components needed and required (HINT HINT) EXOGEN > And many of you already know what 1 of the critical global items was that took place on yesterday Boogie Boots > Exo, What happened in DC yesterday? Simple version please. EXOGEN > Boogie Boots Can not POST that EXOGEN > Somebody on here will post what happened in DC on yesterday as many are in the KNOW OilRat > EXOGEN Treaty ? .... Donna Skinner > EXOGEN USA signed a treaty. Pic intel.. EXOGEN: Smart Students IvanTulafitov 1. ADABI HAS MADE THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE GOI? REALLY?I WANT TO BELIEVE SANTA I DO BUT Hope Im not called a fidiot for asking this... Is this in INK anywhere? And dont just say... oh it was on TV so its true. Many are repeating this but still have not shown proof. Just Sayin! G T > IvanTulafitov Abadii DID announce the GOI Yesterday on TV in IRAQ.......GUESS WHOS KEEPING IT UNDER WRAPS!!! EXOGEN > G T People just do not get it yet. The United States has not auuthorized Abadi to make information PUBLIC Globally YET Kudu70 > IvanTulafitov reportedly in the Gazette and on video. Just being blocked by US BlueEyedGoddess > EXOGEN I would think it would be easier to change the rate and get groups exchanged BEFORE making it public globally, anyway. Could be wishful thinking. wilbur grodan August 28, 2014 at 9:18am PM gapping up this AM Significant possibility of activation AdoptedSon IMO,The RI/RV will start later today or tomorrow morning. They need to open up the cattle shoot and the best time is a holiday weekend, right! NDA til GCR. They will tie up any IQD loose ends at Bretton Woods and take the pulse of all Central Banks, Lay down the guidelines and rules for the next 70 years, etc. Worldwide GCR on 9/9. Donna Skinner > AdoptedSon Thats the way its looking to me too. Zaps date of 9/9 for a big announcement is probably the announcement of World Wide GESARA. Mr. Chen so it seems exo you are saying that the GOI has been announced on Iraq but not made public to the rest of the world. Was all the recent articles from Iraq saying it wont be announced until next week made by the US influence then? We should look at Bretton woods for more pressure on the release. Wait for this weekend then the same next weekend :( This makes feel really down. No wonder you are pushing for advertising this week, you dont see this happening anytime soon. Who would buy ads that dont get carried over to stage 4 and more than half the users here wont go to stage 4, they will be partying. EXOGEN > Mr. Chen IT IS WHAT IT IS GLOBAL POLITICS AND NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT USA RUNS AND CONTROLS IRAQ THE TRUTH IS THE USA HAS NOT RELEASED IT AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT WAIT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE Fullofit It is easy for Iraq to go international. Just ask the bricks to accept the new rate then US will have to follow. EXOGEN > Fullofit IRAQ IS ALREADY INTERNATIONAL ON SELECT LEVELS Mac > EXOGEN Dr. Exo how long do you think the USA will be able to kick the can and the International Community just watch? EXOGEN > Mac DAYS LEFT!!! _____________________________ 05 - PIFs Thursday Morning Update Post. - 08/28/2014. (Dinar Recaps Note: PIFs comments are in italics and all caps.) GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, THINGS ARE VERY SLOW IN THE NEWS AND I EXPECT IT TO BE THAT WAY FOR SEVERAL MORE DAYS. WE ARE SEEING IN THE NEWS THAT THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE ANNOUNCED BEFORE THE CONSTITUTIONAL TIME LIMIT EXPIRES. THE ARTICLE BELOW FROM THE LIBERAL BLOC SAYS IN 9 DAYS. NOW I WANT TO EXPLAIN SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO YOU. THERE WILL BE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY BY THE ALLIANCE OR MAYBE EVEN ADABI THAT THE GOVERNMENT PROGRAM HAS BEEN REACHED. DINAR LAND WILL MOST LIKELY PICK THIS UP AND RUN WITH IT. THIS IS NOT AN ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE GOI READY TO SIT. PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR FEET LEAVE THE GROUND. THE 2 ARTICLES ARE POSTED BELOW. WHAT THIS MEANS IS THAT THEY HAVE THE PROGRAM THEY NEEDED AND IT IS ALL INCLUSIVE AND SATISFACTORY TO ALL THE PARTIES. THIS IS A GOOD STEP BUT IT IS STILL ONLY THE FIRST STEP IN THE ACTUAL FORMATION. THE NEXT THING THEY ARE GOING TO DO IS DISTRIBUTE THE MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIOS. THE LAST TIME WE READ THEY HAD 17-19 MINISTRIES, AND THAT NUMBER IS DOWN FROM OVER 30 OF THE PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT. AFTER THESE TASKS ARE ACCOMPLISHED ADABI WILL BRING HIS MINISTERS BEFORE PARLIAMENT FOR A VOTE AND IF THEY GET THE VOTE OF CONFIDENCE HE WILL BE SWORN IN AS OFFICIAL PRIME MINISTER. THERE IS NO REASON ON EARTH WHY ANYONE NEEDS TO STAY AWAKE ALL NIGHT WAITING ON THIS TO HAPPEN. I ASSURE YOU THEY ARE SEVERAL DAYS OUT STILL. I HAVE BEEN WALKING THROUGH DINAR LAND AND I HAVE NOTICED WE ARE VERY MUCH AHEAD OF THE NEWS THAT IS OUT THERE. I READ A POST OF MOUNTAIN GOAT YESTERDAY I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH HER, BUT FOLKS PLEASE CHECK YOUR NOTES WE HAD THAT INFORMATION LAST WEEK AND THE BOMBING OF THE MOSQUE IN DIYALA, WE KNEW THAT WAS A STAGED EVENT DESIGNED TO CAUSE DIVISION IN THE GOVERNMENT. WE TOLD YOU ON FRIDAY NIGHT IN SPECIAL EDITION NEWS THAT WE BELIEVED IT WAS DAASH ACTING AS THE SHIITE TO CAUSE A DELAY. I ASSURE YOU WHEN THE GOVERNMENT IS ANNOUNCED WE WILL ALL KNOW ABOUT IT AT THE SAME TIME. IT WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THE PARLIAMENT WEB SITE YOU CAN ALL GO THERE TO READ IT. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WE BRING YOU HERE OR YOU CAN CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THE HYPE IN DINAR LAND THAT I FIND EXHAUSTING AND NEVER EVER COMES TO PASS. YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE FOOTBALL AND CHARLIE BROWN, WELL GET SERIOUS HOW MANY TIMES HAS DINAR LAND PULLED THE FOOTBALL AWAY AND LET YOU FALL FLAT ON YOUR TUS SHIES. FOLLOW THE TIME LINE FOLLOW LOGIC AND IF YOU CAN NOT READ IT OR SEE IT ANY WHERE DO NOT BELIEVE IT! ................ NOW ON TO THE NEWS. HERE WE SEE A TIME LINE FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT, AQEEL ALBZZONA SAYS THEY HAVE REACHED SATISFACTORY RESOLUTIONS. ZEBARI MP FOR THE KURDS SAYS THE ALLIANCE HAS GUARANTEED DEMANDS WITH IN THE CONSTITUTION TO BE IMPLEMENTED AFTER THE FORMATION OF THE GOVERNMENT. THERE ARE SOME DEMANDS OF THE KURDS THAT REQUIRE LAWS BE PASSED BEFORE THEY CAN BE INSTALLED. Liberals (et al): The government will announce the lineup in nine days By Adminmo two fifty-one a.m. 08.28.2014 A member of the Liberal bloc in Parliament MP Aqeel Albzona reach appropriate solutions satisfactory to all parties to form a government next. He Albzona in a statement singled out by the reporter and the news agency News (et) The high ceiling liabilities that called for by the political blocs in front Altfawzat melted and most of the blocks agreed to declare Alchukalh government during the next nine days. The MP for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc, Abdul Bari Zebari, said the alliance assured of the next government, the implementation of all rights and resolve outstanding problems. Revealed coalition forces, Iraqi response to the National Alliance for all the points made by alliance forces with an emphasis on it the rights and applicable. noting that the only point of contention is that they want the execution until after the formation of the government. In spite of the secret negotiations between the political blocs to form a government, but the leaks confirm the response of the National Alliance for the demands of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Alliance of Iraqi forces, and confirms the prime minister-designate, said that most of the demands are the demands of the right, which is to be his demand before the demands of others. Stressing the need to be implemented in accordance with the Constitution, with calls for the Kurdistan Alliance forces guarantees and commitments to be implemented after the formation of the government. .......................... SEEMS THEY AGREED ON THE PROGRAM THEY WILL BE FOLLOWING BIG STEP, VERY GOOD Aajl..gam: we will release today the government program agreed the biggest obstacles in the formation of the government Thursday, 28 August / August 2014 13:26 The head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, on Thursday, said the focus now is to get into the government program of mass and then comes to the subject of the distribution of ministerial portfolios, likely to be reached today to a unified vision about the program agreed, noting that the program is a major breakthrough in removing the obstacle .itba formation of the government. .................................... HAKIM APPEARS IN VERY GOOD SPIRITS, THEY HAVE REACHED A PROGRAM AND IT SEEMS ALL THE PARTIES ARE ACCEPTING OF IT. THEY WILL BE ANNOUNCING THE PROGRAM, AND THEN ON TO THE PORTFOLIOS, BIG STEP HERE, VERY NICE. Hakim: We are focused on the governments program before the portfolios By kareem Kahdm 08.28.2014 3:29 The head of the Supreme Islamic Council, on Thursday, said the political blocs currently focusing on a comprehensive government program before the distribution of ministerial portfolios, while likely to be reached today to a unified vision about the program agreed. Hakim said at a joint press conference with the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, a contract In Najaf, and I followed the Agency for News News (et al) , The National Alliance is the biggest bloc who will form the government, a big brother to the other partners, noting that the coalition put the government program overall, which guarantees the interests of all and then comes the other partners to add their touches on this program in order to feel the audience All reassured. Hakim added that Our focus now is to reach an integrated program agreed and reassuring for all Iraqis, a move harder, he said, adding that when we agree on the step and the program comes the details of the distribution of ministerial portfolios. He guessed Hakim that are reached today to a unified vision about the government program agreed , adding that this is a great accomplishment to remove the obstacle to form a government and start considering approached the blocks and the securities they have made. And announced a coalition of national, led by Iyad Allawi, on Wednesday (27 August 2014), he would candidates for ministerial portfolios after the announcement of the government program by Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi. meanwhile, announced the National Alliance, in (25 August 2014), for discussion papers and proposals of the political blocs to formulate a government program for the next phase, and between that will provide perceptions final dialog blocks on them. Announced Head Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, in (23 August 2014), for directing messages of the political blocs select the conditions that must be provided by the nominees for ministerial positions in the next government, stressing that one of the conditions of efficiency and leadership qualifications. Thank you! PIF. _____________________________ 06 - Russ: Soon Is Now A Word We Can Trust. - 08/28/2014. Post Brought From Currency Chatter Dr Gann: Right on jacktT I always look and study different takes and both have brought great articles . We see a lot of bad article s that is ones that dont pan out and I have posted some myself over the years LOL.. for instance Abidi saying he would announce the GOI in 24 hrs well hey for some odd reason he didnt oh well ;;tomorrow will come with more articles. This is a hard study for anyone .. And its not a right or wrong its about Iraq coming toghether;; As an investor its an investment no one should Blame anyone if it doesnt happen tonight at 12:00 or Sept 9th. It will happen and Im always glad to see someone who has taken time and effort on this Site to share their knowledge of what they think are read;; with all that, are here we are all in this together . ~~~ Dr Gann Continues: If the Dallas Cowboys dont win a game, im not going to yell at the Kid at the Hot dog stand who believed they were going to win becasue his brother is the cornerback for the team , He has every right to tell me. He hopes theyre gonna win, I did not buy a ticket to come watch them lose. I bought a ticket too cause I thought they would win.. Same in Iraq I believe. Karen: I think any scenario is possible with Maliki. He had body doubles before so he certainly could now. Things got fairly quiet after the big scuffle when it was announced hes out. There has been just enough from him in the news to make us think hes still around but he very well could be in another country, dead as a dodo, or severely injured. I like all 3 possibilities. Or he could still be around but if he was I think wed be hearing more from him. I have no contacts and dont feel like I can tell the truth from articles because there are so many contradictory ones and as we all know the media can be manipulated. Bottom line, Im open to all possibilites. JBG: The article on Monday said he would make the announcement in 72 hours....so I took that to mean Thursday....so maybe it will happen tomorrow....then the RV can pop over the weekend...wouldnt that be great???? Mike : Nobody ran Tlar and XXXXX off. If I remember right,XXXXX and Tlar both believed that Maliki had left Iraq and that the RV would occur within two days. Tlar put out an email stating he would reach out to us once the RV occurred with some last minute statements and questions. No one told him to do that, he made the statement himself. No one condemned the information, we just waited to see what would happen. Turns out Maliki was still in Iraq, thats when the questions started popping up. No one was negative, the facts didnt support the events. I didnt see any cowardice, either. Its pretty obvious that there are a ton of people that support Tlar andXXXXX, this thread is indicative of what happens to people who question the intel, they are accused of negativity and asked to be quiet. A coward would accept the status quo and not question or seek the truth for themselves. I, for one, welcome all speculation and the analysis that many on this site provide, whether I agree with them or not. Thanks to all the folks who dig up the articles too! DreamWeaver: Mike, great post. People seem to forget that Tlar exiled himself because he didnt have anything left to say until it RVd ... then, post RV, hes going to give us the backstory. XXXXX has always gone on hiatus after his posts, so Im sure hell be back when he chooses. Pointing out fallacies about intel is certainly not bashing, but accusing people of cowardice is a blatant personal attack, though it amazes me that people dont view that as bashing. Since when is name calling not considered a personal attack? No poster should be crucified or deified for their posts, but heaven knows that those posting logical points about intel are crucified (verified by this very thread) and those posting sacrosanct intel are automatically deified ... even when their intel consistently proves to be inaccurate. No worries. Those that control RV have a plan and know the plan. The rest of us ... all of us ... are just spectators ... and I, for one, am really enjoying the view this past few months. Front row seat to RV. :D Best thoughts ~ DW. DreamWeaver: Think the world of Tlar. Earned my respect as an extraordinary researcher and through his loyalty to CC members, costing him is first intel source. Dont know why Tlar is posting RV will occur this week, but must admit Im always a little intrigued by Tlars posts as I suspect he knows a lot more than what hes posting. Assuming Tlar keeps trying to pin the tail on the donkey, by assigning a timeline to when GOI is finally seated, as a way to encourage others to hang in there because the event that Tlar believes will trigger the RV has not changed at all. Hoping I get Tlars final email this week, as I fully expect Tlar to blow my mind with what hes known all this time ... looking forward to reading that back story for sure. (Hey, Tlar, did ya notice the little Mexican reference in honor of your vacation posts--after those umbrella drinks and trying to use that lousy keyboard for posting?) ;) Its all good, me amigo .. JDinar: I think we all need to key in on the word hopefully the RV will occur this week from Tlar and not put to much emphasis on the the idea it will happen this week. However, the one thing he was adamant about was after the official seated GOI we should see it within 2 days or 48 hours. Again, I will emphasize the word should. Most of us need to have a strong confidence that it IS going to happen. AlBundy: I think Abadi has proved the point that even he, the authoritative director who could impose deadlines and put forth names in absentia, has to live in a realm where his demands and rules must be modified to coexist with different personalities and or groups. Deadlines are more Eventlines than anything. Events are constantly moving. How could any Intel be correct. What if Maliki was 90min out, but was flown back for events and then put on house arrest? Who knows. Abadi, in predicting when the GOI would be sat is the worst guru of all in all of this I guess. I miss the story behind the scene and hearing what is attempting to be accomplished. Thank you Tlar and Lojak for your efforts and for sharing all you did from contacts I will never have. Even if some of it didnt pan out, it is better than what Abadi has told us. JBG: Right on, Al......I have been posting over and over that intel is based on current events in Iraq that are changed constantly by the PTB in Iraq....so of course, intel has to change and it is no fault of the messenger sharing the info he gets from his sources... constantly saying that they are always wrong is a misconception....they report from their sources based on what is currently happening in Iraq...so I keep reminding people to put the blame where the blame belongs ....ON IRAQ.....not on the intel messengers..... you hit the nail on the head Al....WHY DONT WE JUST ALL AGREE TO DISAGREE when it comes to intel information and LET THE DEBATES END....read any and all posts about intel info and then LET IT GO.... BlueyesinLevis: Russ wrote: Hi all, Just my opinion on the rate thing. This is something that gets a lot of discussion from time to time as though its important. I dont believe it is. -Figures are wonderful things in that if the result in accounting is not what you want, you just stack them a different way and hey presto, required result achieved. I know, I have been doing it for years. -Lets put it in perspective. Regarding what we are looking for. RV (or whatever is your bent) -Iraq, is a paradigm shift from where it was in April. -M gone.......and replaced with intelligent international orchestrated purpose to get Iraq going, and it is happening at a fantastic pace. And we are even seeing our old stars back on the scene again, eg Shabbs, -I have never had more confidence in my investment than now. -Tlar is correct.....job is done.....they are just moving through the details, and as fast as they can. We wait for govt nailed, and then its game on for us. -My point is, there will be no more interference in the process, so everything will happen as it should, in its correct order. When/if the rate % time becomes important, they will tweak it. When/if some laws need changing, they will say hands up...Done. -What impresses me is the quality and defined purpose of the news we are receiving. Not the rubbish propaganda we have lived on. -Iraq, has changed. And changing fast. CBI loaded, security coming under control. US and others all over this. Every body getting on and working towards the one goal. Fantastic!! -Is my RV tomorrow? Next week? Next Month? I am not worried, because Things are now under control to effect a speedy result. Shabbs said a few days ago, time has been lost, its time to move. Soon is now a word we can trust. ~ Russ. _____________________________ 07 - BigB at TNT: Are We Really Waiting For Iraq?- I Dont Think So 08/28/2014. TNT: BigB: Are We Really Waiting For Iraq? I Dont Think So! Having 4 years in this and all the info I have read and listened to, might - just might, give me some hint of insight or gut feelings concerning our investment of time, money and nerves. For almost 4 years, I have stated that the RV is not all about Iraq. Many had bashed me for that comment but I still believe it to be true. We were and are still waiting on something other than Iraq. The Global Currency Reset, WWIII, the cabal to be rounded up, and or the rebirth of the Republic are all events or situations that we could be waiting for. I believe that Iraq is much like the fuel gauge in your car. For many, many years, we have not had to stick our heads in the gas tank every time we wanted to know how much gas we had left. We look at the gauge. .... This gauge indicates the amount of fuel that is left in relation to how much we have consumed. (Today, many cars computer will tell us how many miles we can travel until we are walking.) As the fuel gauge indicates how much fuel we have, Iraq indicates the status of the RV/GCR. Many of us are impatient with this never ending ride but we have to realize that there are many countries with many different governments and parties all with their own agendas, most of which we are different and we are not privy to know. Like the gas in our cars, there are many factors that determine how far we can drive with the remaining gas - last tune up, wind, roads, traffic, city vs. country, load of the vehicle, etc. We have the same scenario with Iraq. We really do not know if this was ever supposed to go in the past. We do not know where the finish line is as it appears to move on a daily basis. Maybe that was the original design. Maybe Maliki has actually done his job in delaying the RV as he was told to do. We just dont have all the facts - yet! Over the years, we have watched gurus come and go. However, many of the news providers have remained. The news is never ending and our thirst for information continues to consume us. Many of the older gurus have taken more of a back seat role chiming in only occasionally or after some major event. Some have even said that it was a long way off. (And I must add, I never liked what they were saying as I, like many here, needed it much sooner and discounted their knowledge and insight.) I think I should have listened to them. So, where are we? As much as I have leaned to hate that word years ago, I feel we are close. As the saying goes, you cant see the forest for the trees. We are scrutinizing all the details when we should step back and look at what is going on in the world. Get the big picture. Things are changing daily. We just dont know the date. I believe that some of the gurus actually know a real window but not a firm date. (I think it was said that the situation was fluid - always changing to accommodate the vessel or events that contain it.) They have learned what signs to be looking for that indicate where we are compared to how far we have come. When the world is ready, Iraq will reveal the prize! _____________________________ 08 - News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning. - 08/28/2014. Dinar Updates: POPPY3: RECENT SOLID RUMOR FROM BAGDAD BANK -- STATING THAT THEIR BANKS ARE TRAINING THEIR TELLERS TO USE THE NEW DENOMINATIONS. NO TIME DISCUSSED AS TO WHEN THEY WILL NEED THE TRAINING BUT STARTED THIS WEEK DOING THE TRAINING. I REPEAT...THIS IS RUMOR AT THIS TIME BUT I THOUGHT THIS IS VERY INTERESTING AND VERY POSITIVE FOR US. I DONT EXPECT A RV THIS WEEK NOW FOR SURE BUT HOPING NEXT WEEK THEY CAN FINISH WHAT THEY HAVE STARTED AND BEEN SO DILIGENT TO WORK ON. TIME WILL TELL. _____________________________ 09 - Backdoc at KTFA: Brics Will Bring More Honesty and Competion To the True Value of Money. - 08/28/2014. backdoc » August 28th, 2014, 10:25 am IMO WE KNOW THAT THE BRICS ARE IN COMPETITION TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE BUT THE IMF WILL ULTIMATELY CONTROL CURRENCY VALUES AND MONEY CREATION AS WE TRANSITION TO THE NEW REALITY IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS! IT WILL TAKE A FEW YEARS, POSSIBLY TILL 2018. IF ANYTHING THE BRICS WILL BRING MORE HONESTY AND COMPETITION TO THE TRUE VALUE OF MONEY AND END THE DOMINANCE OF A FIAT ERA OF CURRENCIES! DOC .... walkongstick :Russian Central Bank prepares bill to create SWIFT analog in Russia Economy August 27, 15:06 UTC+4 Central Bank First Deputy Chairman Georgy Luntovsky said in July that SWIFT was discussing a possibility with the Russian regulator to establish an operational center in Russia MOSCOW, August 27. /ITAR-TASS/. The Russian Central Bank and the government’s financial and economic departments have prepared a bill to create a Russian analog of the SWIFT international financial message system, Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseyev said on Wednesday. “We have prepared a bill. We have consulted with the banking industry and the Central Bank,” Moiseyev said. Russia will go ahead with the bill as soon as it becomes clear that the Central Bank is technologically prepared “to transfer all operations to internal processing inside Russia.” Central Bank First Deputy Chairman Georgy Luntovsky said in July that SWIFT was discussing a possibility with the Russian regulator to establish an operational center in Russia. SWIFT Director for Russia, CIS and Mongolia Matvei Gering confirmed this information at that time. Moiseyev said in April that the Finance Ministry was going to initiate amendments to the legislation to transfer electronic settlements to Russia to ensure their reliable and uninterrupted nature. The system should be registered in Russia and comply with the requirements of the Russian Central Bank, Moiseyev told Rossiya-24 TV channel at the time. The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) transmits 1.8 billion communications a year, remitting payment orders worth $6 trillion a day. The system comprises over 10,000 financial organizations from 210 countries. Under the SWIFT charter, groups of members and users are set up in each country covered by the system. In Russia, these groups are united in the RosSWIFT association. _____________________________ 10 - S3A SHORT CHAT WITH OPEN LETTER TO EXOGEN, 28 AUGUST Jon Cheng: Open letter to EXO. I have a question this morning. Based on your vast intel, now that everything is done the last 2 being completed yesterday, is there anything that can stop this process. Are we looking at days, weeks, months ? Thanks in advance for your answers,after which, I will dial down and wait for the Santa suit. Thanks you again and your team for all you do. Exogen: YOU CAN NOT ANSWER A QUESTION LIKE THAT WITH A DEFINITIVE ANSWER AS GLOBAL POLITICS, MARKETS, ETC CHANGE DAILY. ALL WE CAN TELL YOU IS THE FINAL 2 THINGS NEEDED TO RELEASE THIS WERE COMPLETED ON YESTERDAY IN DC AND WE HAVE NEVER BEEN AT THIS POINT BEFORE. AND THERE ARE BANK ACCOUNTS & WIRE TRANSFERS WITH PENDING FUNDS WITH RELEASE DATES FOR FUNDS SCHEDULED NEXT WEEK.AND PART OF THE MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN RECEIVED (HINT HINT) mem: Is this the 2nd thing after the treaty being signed, that had to happen before RV THE USNS ARE NOW LOCKED AND LOADED FOR GLOBAL RELEASE Louie67: Doesnt have to be with be negative, how many weeks now EXO is been announcing SANTA is coming? And very next day we go back to Bank fear stories and some other weird post that bring you back to think is no SANTA! Come on some of us already woke up so we need to ask questions or make comments if something is not Rigth. Exogen: Nothing has changed. The banks will take many investors money who do not know what they are doing. THAT IS WHY WE DO NOT DO DATES AND RATES. INTEL CAN CHANGE IN MINUTES OR HOURS AND THAT IS THE REALITY Adanai: I sincerely hope Ill be adopting a strategy that will preserve the money and make it grow in order to achieve my projects to manifest a new world... Im not a financial professional so Ill just do my best... I can not pretend that I KNOW WHAT IM DOING... Im sure the information from this Web Site will help me although Im going to exchange in Canada... different laws, different rules, etc... Anyways, there are NO RULES...!!! Lol! I will have to let my internal guidance system work... We call it FAITH... Im more educated now that I was 6 months ago... Thank you EXO and RENE! Adoptedson: IMO,The RI/RV exchange for all of Dinarland will start later today or tomorrow morning. They need to open up the cattle shoot and the best time is a holiday weekend, right! NDA til GCR.They will tie up any IQD loose ends at Bretton Woods and take the pulse of all Central Banks, Lay down the guidelines and rules for the next 70 years, etc.Worldwide GCR on 9/9. Brandi: I like your O ! :-) Lets do it Adopted Sons way!!! GOOOO RV TODAY!! _____________________________
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 23:21:32 +0000

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