RYE PROPOSAL TO BAN ALL COMMERCIAL BEACH ACTIVITIES!!! A citizens petition has been signed which would effectively end ALL commercial activities on any Rye Beach. This would end ANY and ALL Surf Programming: ALL Surf Lessons, ALL Rentals, and All Kids Camps. However, the reach of this article extends far beyond our local surf shops. It affects ALL local recreation departments including Rye Rec., The New Heights Community Center, The Seacoast Science Center, and ANY other group that collects any renumeration for their activities on ANY town beaches!!! This ban would affect church groups, non-profit organizations, and fundraisers! This proposal would limit how WE, The Public, can choose to enjoy OUR beaches. WE, can no longer do a sunrise yoga class. WE, can no longer have our kids learn to surf in a safe and fun environment. WE, can no longer hold a fundraiser on our beaches. This is not only an over-reach of government authority but a direct contradiction of our states creed: LIVE FREE or DIE! We made a stand last year and defeated the permitting process by an overwhelming majority. This new proposal needs to be defeated with equal authority. For this to happen, we need EVERY ELIGIBLE RYE VOTER to attend this Saturdays Deliberative Session @ The Rye Middle School. The Meeting opens at 9 am, but like last year, we have set up a text program to alert people 30 minutes before our article is addressed. I know its a Saturday and everyone is busy, so we are trying to take up as little of your weekend as possible. But we truly need everyone there if this article is going to be defeated. You dont have to be from Rye, or of legal voting age to attend, but it is the Votes at the end of the day that truly matter.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:40:13 +0000

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