Rabbis have issued an urgent call to pray for the land of Israel - TopicsExpress


Rabbis have issued an urgent call to pray for the land of Israel in the face of a “disastrous” government plan to concede parts of the land to the Palestinian Authority. The call to prayer went public over the weekend with posters and flyers with a brief message from the rabbis. “For the past several months there have been ongoing diplomatic negotiations centering on the demand to give up additional parts of the land of Israel. The Prime Minister is now under additional pressure to agree to further withdrawals, G-d forbid,” they wrote. “We see the government ministers, deputy ministers and Members of Knesset, those who are afraid, too, of disastrous plans, who have issued warnings: the land of Israel is in danger! “We call to all of our brothers, the nation of Israel: when opening the Torah arc [in synagogue] or lighting the Sabbath candles, read the prayer composed by Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu of blessed memory for the land of Israel,” they wrote. Rabbi Eliyahu’s prayer should be added to weekday prayers as well, they added. The call to prayer was signed by Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu’s son Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who is the chief rabbi of Tzfat (Safed), the rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Hevron Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Chaim Druckman, Rabbi Eitan Eisberg, Rabbi Mordechai Greenberg, and many others. The Israeli paper Yediot Aharonot reported the call to prayer under the headline, “Rabbis: Pray for Failure of Peace Talks.” However, as rabbis have previously clarified, they do not see their call to safeguard the land of Israel as “anti-peace,” but rather the opposite: they believe that conceding land without true peace will lead to bloodshed.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 06:26:15 +0000

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